My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1263: Deep agreement, the possibility of super power!


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If there is only one module technology, if it is on the Blue Star where the situation has been fixed.

The Tianyuan Territory has absolutely no potential to become a super power. It will be absorbed or plundered before it even touches the edge of a large power.

As the saying goes, a common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade.

The territory of power is fixed, the absolute monopoly in their respective business fields, and the huge advantages that they have been operating for hundreds of years.

Talent, resources, technology, land

Several factors add up to make it easy for the three major forces to get whatever they want.

And even if the three major forces didn’t notice it at first, those large forces waiting to eat meat and drink soup would not let go of the still-nascent Tianyuan territory.

It is impossible for everyone to calm down in front of such technology that can change the entire Blue Star situation.

“The torrent of change has taken away the past, and the scenery of the past has been replaced by a new chapter!”

“Lord Soma, I implore you to believe me. After the world changes, the Red Spider Caravan will definitely not be worse than any Foundation caravan!”

Shaun’s eyes were burning with excitement, and his voice kept echoing the word ‘trust’.

It was as if he was afraid that Sumo would question his attitude and that Red Spider would not be able to seize this great opportunity.

Indeed, if we put it before the times change.

It’s just a fifth-level caravan. There are not ten thousand but eight thousand in the entire Blue Star. Moreover, there are high and low levels in the fifth-level caravan. The overall strength of the Red Spider can only be ranked in the middle at best.

But what now?

Not to mention those eighth- and ninth-level caravans, even the behemoth Foundation is almost finished!

The major caravans have returned to the same starting line, and the advantages accumulated before have almost disappeared.

Of course, the equipment accumulated by the advanced caravan cannot be ignored, but Sean feels that this is not a problem.

Compared to before, the situation has indeed changed dramatically!

After more than half a year of traveling and seeing, Sean has become convinced that the world beneath everyone’s feet is no longer the same land that has been dominated by the three major forces for a long time.

Not only are there a lot of untouched land resources here, but there are also countless more people waiting to be traded.

As long as the news about the module technology coming from Tianyuan is not leaked in the initial period, the large-scale forces cannot directly detect it.

So relying on the crazy money-making in the past few waves, Tianyuan Territory is at least 70% sure to soar into the sky and become an existence no less than the three major forces.

At that time, the caravan of red spiders that has been clinging to the high branch of Tianyuan from the very beginning

“Don’t be impatient, this is just a small thing in module technology, we have more amazing things.”

Seeing Sean being so enthusiastic, Su Mo was stunned and suddenly realized that his influence on module technology had been underestimated.

Even if it is just the most common first-level module, Blue Star, whose technical route has been fixed for hundreds of years, is still a naked blue ocean track.

No one competes, and no one has the ability to compete.

As long as the market can be developed, you can really harvest whatever you want!

Marketing is exactly what the Foundation Caravan is best at.

In the evening.

The sky was dyed orange-red, like a painting created by an artist using a palette.

The night slowly fell and enveloped us, bringing a perfect end to this fulfilling and busy day.

The three Seans who visited the place for a whole day were sent out of the weapons testing site by the enthusiastic ‘doomsday madman’.

In fact, Sumo had already said goodbye and left early after taking Sean to visit the module technology.

There is no way, the reconstruction work in the western suburbs is in full swing these days and cannot stop for a moment.

As a lord, he needs to check every important link, so he is a busy group.

Therefore, the rest of the trip will be arranged by the village chief of Longteng Village, ‘Marshal Wang’.

At Sean’s strong request, the three of them first visited the factories that were established in Longteng Village half a year ago.

Moving here, thanks to the continuous market demand and huge leaps in technology, these factories seem to have undergone a transformation, and their scale has grown by an astonishing multiple times.

Walking into these factories, the busy scene is dizzying.

Being among them, it is hard to imagine that just eight months ago, these factories were just small workshops that had just been established and had extremely crude equipment.

Among them, Sean was particularly impressed by the metal smelting plant.

The fire is blazing and the molten iron is boiling.

The workers, wearing protective clothing and heavy gloves, were busy in front of the furnace nervously and orderly.

They skillfully operate the steelmaking equipment and carefully adjust every parameter in the smelting process to ensure the best quality and performance of the steel.

Even if the internal temperature is far above forty-five degrees, the lungs will feel uncomfortable after taking a breath.

But even so, no one is lazy!

Sean is convinced that even under the standards of a medium-sized territory, the scale and standards of Lianmeng Steel Factory are first-rate.

The progress of the materials industry is precisely the necessary condition for a territory to rise!

Whether it is infrastructure construction or weapon manufacturing, it is inseparable from the demand for materials.

Of course, Sean had to admit that he still underestimated Lord Soma and Tianyuan Territory’s pursuit of ‘security’.

The weapons manufacturer from Tianyuan stayed with them throughout the afternoon, introducing in detail the features and advantages of hundreds of weapons.

Admittedly, from a technical point of view, these weapons are completely incomparable with the high-end goods of the three major forces, and are even inferior to the mainland goods purchased by low-level caravans.

But I can’t help but sell the Tianyuan Territory cheaply? !

The external selling price of the rockets here is only one-sixth of that of the Foundation.

The bullets here are only one-tenth of those in the Foundation!

If there were such arms forces on Blue Star, it would be hard to imagine what it would be like.

As long as the selling price is still profitable, then even if Tianyuan Territory does not have module technology, it can still firmly become one of the major powers.

And it doesn’t mean that this ordinary type of weapon is less powerful in combat.

As the caravan’s guard captain, Luke said he had a say.

Had it been before morning, he might have been skeptical or dismissive of these weapons that relied mainly on explosive effects.

But after experiencing a thrilling actual battle, he still dared not show any contempt.

Let alone a fifth-level or sixth-level caravan.

Even if a higher-level caravan came over, it would not be able to withstand a land-washing bombing without knowing it!

“Thank you Mr. Sean for your patronage. We will definitely pay attention to the Red Spider Caravan’s order and pay more attention to it to ensure that there will be no problems with its power.”

“Welcome to visit us next time, you will be the forever partner of the weapons factory!”

Speaking half-baked Blue Star language, Brother Madman’s eyes seemed to turn into ‘money’.

Because the surrounding area of ​​Qinggang City is too peaceful, 99% of the weapons factory’s output is supplied to the territory.

However, the price of purchasing goods in the territory is the cost price, and the money you can earn is basically hard-earned money.

Now we finally caught the fat sheep of the Red Spider Caravan.

The doomsday madman has secretly increased the price by one-third, but he still didn’t expect that the other party seemed to have picked up a leak and frantically placed an order for more than half a month’s production capacity of the weapons factory.

Is this going to start a local conflict?


That would be great!

The other side.

Although the earthquake during the day was powerful, it was only an early warning, and Qinggang City covered a hundred kilometers of Tianyuan territory.

After the earthquake, the city was not affected in any way. At best, it only shocked the gophers.

However, it was late at night, and secret rumors came out one after another from unknown sources.

However, in a secret underground place in the southern suburbs, a conference room that had been vacant for a long time miraculously filled up with people in less than half a month!



The clock hanging on the wall made a crisp sound, and the hour hand hit the position marked ’12’.

But until the sound of the clock disappeared, the deathly silence in the conference room still filled the air, as if even time had frozen at this moment.

Almost everyone’s face is full of confusion and uneasiness. Even those who are usually the most active and articulate figures seem to be choked by invisible forces at this time, and they can only muffled expressions. Smoking the cigarette in his hand.

But under the dim light, the Tianyuan mark on the cigarette filter looked particularly dazzling.


The minute hand of the clock is still beating forward slowly.

The silence and depressive atmosphere made people feel suffocating, as if there was a huge shadow hanging over the conference room, making it impossible to look up.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the person who can break the silence, waiting for the person who can bring hope and answers!

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Buden walked in with a staggering step, and his words made everyone in the conference room excited.

“Everyone, I have verified the news several times. That caravan is indeed a caravan from the Foundation, and it is also a land caravan that is about to advance to level six!”

“According to incomplete information collection, they brought at least 500 fuel rods this time!”

About to advance to level six? !

Five hundred fuel rods? !

Two big news broke in the conference room, instantly breaking the silence just now.

The foundation fleet that used to come to Qinggang City for trading every six months or a year was only level five.

Even if the sea caravan carries much more cargo than the land caravan, and the level is the same, there will not be a big difference in the amount of core cargo carried by the two!

And now a land caravan that is about to advance to level six actually carries such a huge number of fuel rods. This is simply an unprecedented feast!

The atmosphere in the conference room was instantly ignited, with expressions of excitement and anticipation on everyone’s faces.

Five hundred strands cannot actually completely alleviate the energy anxiety of the managers of the major shelters in Qinggang City. According to the past usage, even if distributed evenly, it will only be enough to last for one to two years. Just a degree.

What made them more concerned was the profound meaning behind the news.

The foundation has not disappeared, they are still doing business in this strange world.

And this is the news that everyone wants to hear most!

“Great! It truly deserves to be a foundation!” The cheers echoed in the conference room, and one could hear the joy and excitement that could not be concealed.

“Let me just say, our Qinggang City is doing fine so far. There is no reason that such a huge organization as the Foundation would collapse first. Maybe that caravan also brought news from the outside!”

A manager stood up excitedly, with no trace of the previous confusion still visible.

“It can be saved! As long as the foundation is here, those colleges and companies must be here too!” Another voice added excitedly, as if seeing the dawn of hope.

“With the first caravan, there will definitely be a second and third caravan. Finally, we don’t have to be hijacked by the Tianyuan Alliance!”

“Hehehe, of course, the foundation’s goods, both in quality and quantity, are much better than those of the Tianyuan Alliance.”

“Damn Tianyuan Alliance, to be honest, I can’t wait to see Hunting Tiger Hongwen!”


The atmosphere in the conference room became extremely lively, and everyone seemed to be injected with new vitality and discussed in a flurry.

The haze that had weighed on our hearts in the past seemed to be dispelled by the sunshine, and everyone couldn’t help but smile brightly.

How long?

How long has it been since they felt this relaxed and relaxed?

Since the emergence of the Tianyuan Alliance, it was like a boulder pressing on the city, and everyone felt like they could not breathe.

It seems that if you are slow to cooperate, you will be eaten alive by those who join quickly.

Isn’t that what the membership system was like a few days ago?

Before seeing real benefits, the managers of the southern suburbs almost broke their heads, fearing that the resources sent to the Tianyuan Alliance would be too slow to catch up with the quota.

Of course, not everyone in the conference room was immersed in were still managers who maintained a rare calmness.

“Buden, have your people inquired about the price? We don’t want to be robbed by the Foundation’s caravan taking advantage of this incident.”

“The price is right. If the price is high, there will be no difference between the Foundation and the Tianyuan Alliance.”

“I don’t know, the Foundation is a direct competitor to the Tianyuan Alliance. Maybe they will fight for the market, and then we will.”

“Are they fighting? No way. Some people dare to compete with the Foundation. Don’t forget the fate of those forces in the past. The Foundation is not a good person.”

“I can’t tell, but the leader of Tianyuan Alliance has a very domineering personality. Even Yehu was subdued by him.”

As the price issue was raised, more and more people began to calm down from their joy and began to seriously consider the various impacts that this transaction might bring.

However, no one noticed that Budden had a wry smile on his face from beginning to end, as if he was watching a farce.


After organizing his words, Budden opened his mouth to break the messy atmosphere in the conference room.

“I think you may have misunderstood something.”

“You only remember how domineering the leader of the Yuan Alliance was, but you forgot how rapidly the alliance he led developed.”

“Guess, is there a possibility that the Foundation and Tianyuan Alliance will join forces?”


After Budden finished speaking, the conference room that was noisy just now fell silent.

The Foundation and Tianyuan Alliance join forces?

This…how is this possible?

“Unfortunately, this may be true, because just tomorrow, the Red Spider Caravan will sign an in-depth cooperation agreement with the Tianyuan Alliance. You should all understand what this agreement means!”

(End of this chapter)

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