My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1259: Backer, an unexpected surprise from the foundation!


As the three undisputed giants on Blue Star, foundations, colleges and enterprises are almost unrivaled in their respective fields.

Its predecessors were the Blue Star Alliance, which controlled the entire planet. It was only after the split that a tripartite situation was formed.

However, only few people know it.

During the alliance’s inheritance distribution, the foundation skillfully seized valuable resources and channels, making it a fish in water in the fields of resource production, investment and construction, and commercial sales, and became a financial giant that no one dared to compete with.

The college has inherited the alliance’s cutting-edge technology and equipment. These precious heritages have laid a solid foundation for the college in the field of scientific research, and have attracted scholars and researchers who were homeless after the alliance split. Together again, a solid technical barrier was finally formed.

In contrast, only enterprises seem to have been unfairly suppressed when inheriting inheritances, and are only allocated human resources that seem to have no economic value.

But no one expected that it would be these manpower that would become an opportunity for the company to rise.

It took less than twenty years for corporate ‘arrow’ logos to appear all over cities large and small.

Youmeng City, Fantasy City, Yuexin Port, Dachang City

Massive resources were recycled back and forth, and post-war cities began to be built in the wilderness of Blue Star.

People marveled at the construction capabilities and efficiency of enterprises, and speculated on the secrets hidden behind these cities.

Even the foundation and the academy did not react. They suddenly discovered that the company had once again become a behemoth on the same level as them!

Now, in Sean’s eyes, the development curve of Tianyuan Shelter is exactly the same as that of the enterprise.

The beginning was the same with the same decline, and the rise was inexplicably rapid and exaggerated.

If they hadn’t rushed back after only eight months, otherwise in two or three years, the Red Spider Caravan might not be able to survive a single meeting.

With the Tianyuan search and rescue team leading them in the right direction, the next journey will be much smoother.

In fact, Sean has a really good sense of direction.

Although the Red Spider Caravan got lost several times along the way, the general direction never strayed too far.

Currently the caravan is only about 400 kilometers away from the security wall.

Even if we don’t meet the search and rescue team, we can probably reach it after two or three days of searching.

“Too exaggerated.”

“If it weren’t for the terrain here, I would still remember it, otherwise I would have thought I was in another place!”

In front of the observation window on the second floor of the tank.

Looking at the endless city wall in the distance, Sean’s eyes were blank and he couldn’t help but murmur.

Just like the Foundation, the college cannot understand how the company built a huge city in the wilderness.

He still cannot understand at all how the Tianyuan Sanctuary built this warning wall.

Eight months!

This is not eight years!

“Unbelievable, they actually built this wall”

“It’s amazing. When the guard told me last time, I thought they were daydreaming.”

“How much materials does this wall cost?”

“Materials come second, their infrastructure capabilities are simply better than any gathering place I have seen before!”

“Hurry up, we have delicious food after passing this wall. I have had sweet dreams for many days!”


During the last time the caravan was stationed, Sean did not participate in low-level exchanges with the people.

Those ordinary members who followed the caravan had long known about the construction plan of the security wall through chatting with the guards.

It’s just that no one took it seriously at the time and just thought it was the guards having unrealistic fantasies.

But now, like a giant dragon, the winding warning wall stands between heaven and earth, majestic and spectacular.

This is not only a line of defense, but also a symbol of the strength of Tianyuan Territory.

And this is exactly the meaning of ‘spectacle’!

“Forget it, I’ll go by myself.”

Shaun instinctively ordered the people around him to take out the dress he had not worn for a long time and change into it.

But when I thought about it, it seemed that the dress usually used to receive distinguished guests was no longer suitable for the current scene.

This is a gathering place with enough potential to rival enterprises!

The last unintentional transaction of the Red Spider Caravan has laid the foundation for the cooperation between the two parties and won a good reputation and friendship. This time there is hope that these relationships can be further consolidated and deepened.

As a foundation caravan, Sean knows very well that the seventh-level caravan is basically the ultimate level that an individual team can upgrade to.

Further up are the eighth level, the ninth level, and the legendary tenth level caravan.

Although they still carry the name of the Foundation Caravan, they have actually found a large force as their backer and have become the personal tool of those forces, used to expand their power and influence.

Because the cargo throughput is astonishing due to its size, and in order to win over these forces, the foundation can obtain a high-level evaluation and grant more privileges and authorities.

Previously, the Red Spider Caravan was still a long way from level seven, so Sean had not thought about the world above level seven.

But now after discovering Tianyuan Shelter, his mentality has quietly changed.

Perhaps before the Red Spider Caravan can advance to the seventh-level caravan, Tianyuan can develop into a gathering place that is not inferior to those large forces. And if Tianyuan can be found as a backer, those goods that do not have the authority to purchase, those shares that can only be obtained by giving gifts every time, including the status of the Red Spider Caravan in the foundation

Shawn didn’t dare to think too much and rushed to the command room on the second floor of the tank, taking out the dress he inherited from his father from the box in the secret compartment.

This is a dress given by the legendary president of the foundation, and is only given to those who have contributed to the foundation.

Even in a foundation with nearly 10 million people, the number of possessions will not exceed 10,000!

After putting it on, Sean felt that it was not grand enough, so he quickly found the contribution badge inherited from his mother from the box and fastened it on his collar.

This is a contribution badge issued by the company, and the number is also small.

Wearing the badge and entering the company’s city will enjoy a series of privileges, somewhat similar to the membership system released by Tianyuan Territory some time ago.

And even if you don’t use the privileges attached to the badge, you can unconditionally exchange it for 10,000 soles (corporate currency) if you bring it to any city affiliated with the company.

“Fortunately, I didn’t offend that manager last time, otherwise it would be really troublesome now!”

Standing in front of the bright mirror, Sean carefully smoothed out every pleat on the dress, feeling a little uneasy.

Blue Star is not that chaotic. For countless wandering caravans, it is a dream to find a strong backer and get rid of the life of no fixed abode and wandering.

In this increasingly chaotic wasteland world, the importance of having a strong backer goes without saying.


Shaun was suddenly worried. In the past eight months, have other foundation caravans also come to this Tianyuan Sanctuary?

When they arrived, it was still a run-down small village and they had no interest in it.


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