My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1255: On the eve of the disaster, the red spider caravan arrived!


After introducing the general function of the module assembly line, Lu Kuan also started the machine to demonstrate it.

The process still maintains the biggest advantage of modularity, and every link is operated in a black box.

The responsible worker only needs to take the products of each stage to the next stage, and finally take out the finished module produced from it.

“If this affects the earth, I’m afraid the big prizes in the field of science and technology will be taken lightly.”

Picking up the first-level storage module generated by the production end, Sumo thought a little hopelessly.

The ever-changing module technology has not actually carried out earth-shaking innovations on the road of industrial development. Instead, it has perfectly integrated past industrial output, allowing various industrial technologies and products to work more collaboratively and improve It improves the overall efficiency and performance, producing an effect that one plus one is far greater than two.

Like an excellent conductor, he coordinates various industrial technologies and products like various instruments in a band, playing a symphony of efficiency and performance together.

The different module levels actually reflect the different levels of integration. Low-level modules may be simple integration of a single or a few industrial outputs, while high-level modules involve in-depth integration and optimization of multiple complex industrial systems.

But having said that, no matter how powerful the other modules are, the main limitation is the storage module that carries the space capability.

The existence of storage modules is like a magic pocket tailor-made for huge industrial facilities.

Through this magical module, equipment that originally occupied a vast area and was bulky can be cleverly compressed to one-tenth or even one-hundredth of its original size.

This amazing ability not only makes carrying and transporting industrial facilities a breeze, but also provides unlimited possibilities for its flexible use in various application scenarios.

Imagine the rescue scene after the disaster. After a group of rescuers arrive, they only need to carry a few large modules with storage capacity to quickly deploy the required huge rescue facilities in the blink of an eye. This is What does it feel like?

Or in daily life, using modular products similar to modular camps, you can instantly transform a large area of ​​fully functional residence in the wilderness, and you can summon a vehicle with a wave of your hand. So what? Feel?

It can even be used on the battlefield to send a special force to quietly lurk behind the enemy. When the night is dark and the wind is high, the prepared module is suddenly opened and military equipment is released from it.

Almost no one can guard against such a surprise attack, and this is the unparalleled advantage of module technology.

“Now the daily output has not been completely stabilized. We have to test the areas that can be optimized in the production process. It will take about a month until everything is ready.”

Lu Kuan conservatively gave a deadline of one month.

But based on past experience, Sumo believes that it only takes half of this time to fully set up the production line and enter formal production.

“There is no rush. The highlight of the next month will be the disaster. Just wait until the disaster is over and things are stabilized and put into production.”

Inspecting the completion of the production line, Sumo made command arrangements for the factory’s security forces, instructing the garrison force in Longteng Village to distribute most of the personnel around the module factory. ….

In fact, being in the hinterland of the territory, there is no need to be too cautious at the moment.

Especially when there are no visible enemies in the territory, there is no need to worry about invasion and robbery.

And it is different from the fact that Sunny Harbor Sanctuary was invaded by looters and burned down a large area of ​​factory buildings, and it is not recovering now.

Even if someone does come in and destroy the production line and steal some equipment.

You only need to ensure the safety of the module mother bed, and the damaged production line can be set up again quickly.

“Make a good plan, and as long as you don’t make mistakes, you will win.”

After arranging everything, Sumo slowly walked out of the module factory’s yet-to-be-completed door.

Looking up at the sky, I saw that the drizzle of rain had quietly stopped at some point. Although the sky was still gloomy, no raindrops were falling, as if I was silently looking forward to the coming moment.

Looking towards Longteng Village not far away, the originally deserted village began to come to life.

Workers who came to work in commuting cars came in twos and threes, bringing a long-lost hustle and bustle to this small industrial village. With the influx of people, various types of decorations were put up at the entrance of the village. Various breakfast stalls. Hot steamed buns, fragrant pancakes, and sweet soy milk.

The aroma of various delicacies spread in the air, and people quickly gathered in front of the stall, adding a bit of warmth and beauty to the early morning time.

“Everything is ready, the next step is to wait quietly.”

Su Mo whispered to himself, and an inexplicable sense of peace suddenly surged in his heart.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the Punishment Disaster was announced as scheduled, immediately causing a commotion in the New Wasteland.

However, as expected, the large territories had already been notified of the disaster information in advance. They did not panic at this time, but took the opportunity to launch a disaster plan that had been prepared for a long time.

After the survivors of some small and medium-sized territories got through the initial panic, they were also relieved after carefully exploiting the threat of a wave of disasters.

According to the information given by the disaster, as long as you stay within the territory and don’t go out, no matter what happens to the outside world, at least your life will not be in danger.

What impact will there be after the disaster?

At this juncture, how many people care?

“I hope that the Fairy River that will be opened up will follow the direction of the future ruins!”


While waiting for disaster to strike, Sumo focused his energy on rebuilding the western suburbs.

With the foundation laid in the early stages of Hunting Tiger and the restoration provided by World Origin, the condition of the underground pipelines in the western suburbs is much better than expected.

Some small damaged areas should be repaired or replaced.

For some areas that require major construction work or that cannot be removed and repaired temporarily, Somo will directly use the territorial location for repairs.

After a few waves, the effect is extremely significant.

Outwardly, the sewer pipes of Pingtan Shelter are finally unblocked, so there is no need for dozens of people to fight for a toilet during the morning rush hour.

As for the ground, it’s a slow job.

It is too wasteful to use the territory to repair those old buildings. Moreover, players who choose the construction apprentice route also need such a place to upgrade their level and gain experience.

Sumo made up his mind and decided to keep the high-rise buildings but demolish all the original villa areas. ….

After all, the former cannot be built at all with the current construction level, but the latter can be built as much as you want.

The demolished villa area can be used to build the alliance’s public buildings. The future trading center can also be laid out in advance and moved to the city.

As for the construction materials consumed in this process, there are resources harvested by the first wave of membership system. There is basically no need to worry about gaps before the comprehensive project is fully started.

Ever since, for half a month, the rumbling sound of engineering work can be heard in the western suburbs from morning to night.

When the managers of the southern suburbs came in groups to check and found that the western suburbs looked the same almost every day, everyone was confused.

In their imagination, the reconstruction of the western suburbs should proceed at a slow pace, but they never expected that the alliance’s engineering power would be so silent.

Even Sunny Harbor Sanctuary was shocked by the alliance’s vigorous progress.

In the past, they cheered for rebuilding the city, but in fact, who doesn’t know how difficult it is to rebuild the city?

This is not much simpler than building a city on the ground!

Without a large number of experienced engineering personnel, just relying on a group of gopher guys, they can’t even understand the drawings, let alone operate them. “Will they still seek cooperation with us?”

In the conference room, under dim lights, a group of managers sat around a round table. Their eyes wandered between each other, and there was an indescribable tension and confusion in the air. Everyone’s face was full of confusion and bewilderment, as if they had suddenly lost the way forward.

They originally planned to cooperate with the Alliance to rebuild Qinggang City and divide the resources and benefits provided by the large and small shelters in the city.

However, the current situation is beyond their expectations. The Tianyuan Alliance does not seem to need any more assistance, and the progress of working alone is much faster than they imagined.

This sudden change made everyone feel at a loss as to what to do. They were as confused as if they had been in prison for decades and found that the outside world had changed so much that they couldn’t keep up with the new version.

“What the hell, if the foundation’s merchant ships are still there, why are we so tied up?”

A middle-aged man with an unshaven beard couldn’t help complaining, with helplessness and frustration in his voice.

His eyes fell on the old Qinggang City map in the conference room. The resource lines on it were now clearly marked with a red cross, which represented the complete rupture of the shelter’s external resource channels.

Indeed, in the past, the foundation’s merchant ships would arrive in Qinggang City on time every six months, bringing a large amount of supplies, especially those strategic materials needed for production. It has never been so embarrassing as now.

But now all this ease and comfort have become distant memories.

The world has changed, and the port of Qinggang has become a decoration.

Counting on the foundation’s merchant ships, it is better to think about how to cooperate with the Tianyuan Alliance.

However, just when this group of managers sighed and had nothing to do.

They didn’t know that hundreds of kilometers away from Qinggang City, a caravan familiar with the Foundation was coming from afar, loaded with goods. ….

“You guys, go explore the road ahead!” Standing on the top of the second floor of the chariot, the caravan manager Sean glanced around, frowning and looking at the misty wilderness ahead.

The wilderness after the rain always looks mysterious and quiet, giving people a sense of horror that they are entering a place of death.

He touched the back of his head and felt a little weird, “It can’t be because of the **** weather, is it? Why does it feel like we’ve never been here before?”

The last time they left Qinggang City, because they were in a hurry to return to the foundation headquarters, they even forgot the important step of collecting and drawing maps.

Of course, without satellite positioning, it would be of little use to draw maps of the New World.

Affected by the player’s territory, the terrain of the wilderness where no one has set foot will not always remain the same.

Although there will not be a sudden change of a hill or a canyon, the slight ups and downs of the terrain are constantly changing.

Today, it is almost impossible to find the familiar road leading to Qinggang City with only memory and route sense.

Along the way, the Red Spider Caravan has gotten lost several times.

Every time Sean thought he had found the right direction, there would always be an unfamiliar mountain or valley blocking the way, forcing him to replan his route.

“How about we find a place to rest?” The guard captain Luke walked out of the shadows, his voice was slightly hoarse, and there was a hint of exhaustion on his face.

Compared to the past, due to Sean’s investment at all costs, the scale of the Red Spider Caravan has reached the largest scale in history.

Not only did the number of tanks increase by two, but the empty spaces in each vehicle were also filled to the brim with large and small cargoes. Among these goods, there are both general-purpose and in-demand commodities, as well as rare items that the manager specially asked them to purchase before leaving.

Luke knew that the success of this caravan would have a decisive impact on the future of the Red Spider Caravan.

If they cannot successfully bring these goods to Qinggang City and the Tianyuan Refuge to make huge profits from them, then this seemingly powerful caravan in front of them will have to face the dilemma of selling off its assets and reducing its size. .

Yes, if it weren’t for that strange Tianyuan Shelter.

I’m afraid that Sean had the patience to search the first time or two when he got lost, but after so many times he got impatient and gave up.

However, it is this invisible pressure that has caused the caravan’s atmosphere to become increasingly dull recently.

The accompanying caravan members complained almost every day and wanted to stop and take a good rest.

“If we keep persisting, we will have a lot of time to rest after we find the place. Have we forgotten the delicious food in that shelter? We can have a good meal there!”

Shaun was unmoved, still showing the same strength and unquestionability as before.

However, in the corner of his eyes, there was also fatigue similar to Luke’s.


The caravan was not entirely safe along the way, and encountered several attacks along the way.

In particular, several joint attacks by foreign races resulted in the casualties of three caravan attendants.

If we can’t find Qinggang City again, we may have to stop and rest as Luke said.

However, for some reason, Sean always felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

I don’t know where it comes from.

This sense of urgency is always urging him to speed up, otherwise something terrible will happen if he continues.


At this moment, a long siren sound suddenly came from the fog in the distance. Then in a very short period of time, it became urgent with the rise of three signal flares.

Another enemy attack?

Shawn frowned, and Luke next to him had already started to go to the bottom of the tank.

Dealing with monsters that are different from humans is a bit dangerous at first, but after gaining experience, they are actually easier to deal with than humans.

Unfortunately, things don’t seem to be as simple as the two thought.

Before Luke put on his armor and headed to the signal center, he saw three more fires rising in the fog, which meant that the threat level had reached the point where it could pose a threat to the tank.

And being able to pose a threat to the Red Spider Chariot at least means that the opponent has anti-armor capabilities.

Who? So strong?

(End of this chapter)



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