My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1253: Membership system, crazy managers!


By the time Sumo had met with managers from all corners of the city, the time had already turned to evening.

As the last hint of winter cold continues, the celebration in Hope Town has almost come to an end.

Residents from several surrounding villages have been sent back in batches by buses, while the remaining people are cleaning up the garbage left behind by tens of thousands of people gathering.

“How about we stay one night and try?”

The proposal from a manager in the southern suburbs was approved by many people.

Unlike Hades, an old monster who was born a hundred years ago, most of the new generation of managers are inherited from the shelter and have stayed in Qingang City from birth to now.

In their long and simple lives, underground life has become a habitual cognition.

Gathering tribes on the ground?

To be honest, what I saw today was really my first time.

The lively scene of tens of thousands of people gathering is definitely a grand spectacle that cannot be provided by an underground shelter.

Mixed among the crowd, Budden from the ‘Crooked Corner’ shelter in the southern suburbs is one of the managers who wants to stay.

As a refuge somewhere between micro and small in size, Crescent Point has a population of around fifteen thousand people.

Before, when the city had not undergone major changes, it mainly relied on exporting some small industrial products to maintain the operation of the shelter.

Nowadays, as the industrial production capacity of Tianyuan Alliance gradually increases, Bendjiao can be said to be one of the most severely affected refuges.

Therefore, Budden came early because he wanted to find an opportunity to lead the transformation of the shelter.

Entering Hope Town, a group of managers first came to the most conspicuous Central Hotel in the town.

As the leading building in the second phase of Hope Village, the exterior of the hotel building adopts a simple and solid design. The walls are made of heavy concrete and stones, which can effectively resist the wind, sand and wind on the wasteland. erosion, and temperature maintenance within the wall.

The windows of the hotel are designed to be relatively small and not entirely designed for the living experience. After all, in the wasteland, practicality is the primary consideration. Smaller windows not only provide better privacy, but also It can be turned into a wartime building at special times and become a window for sniping enemies from the outside.

Secondly, the hotel’s roof has also been specially designed to look like a bunker.

To be fair, compared with the high-rise buildings left in Qinggang City, this four-story building is not really luxurious, nor does it bring any novelty.

But as soon as they think that this building was built brick by brick by the people in the gathering place, rather than being a legacy left by their predecessors, all the managers present immediately feel like they are standing tall.

Think about how many shelters could not even be maintained before, and hundreds of people had to share the same toilet.

What about others? But they can build a large amount of construction on the ground and build such a huge village and town.

The gap between them can be described as ridiculously large.

“Welcome distinguished guests to choose Central Hotel, would you like to stay or eat?”

A waiter came out to greet him.

The accented Blue Star language showed his identity, and he was an outstanding talent selected from the Bone Village.

Following the preparations to build a school in Somo last time, several months have passed. Hope Village has not yet been fully developed due to construction and development issues. However, due to the influx of a large number of ‘illiterates’ in Barren Bone Village, a formation has now been formed. Simple prototype.

Using the ‘night school’ model once provided by Qiao Yuansheng as a reference template, Huang Xiong, a big boss, actually came up with a similar learning method, and the effect was surprisingly good.

First of all, every wanderer who enters the Bone Village can only perform the simplest tasks at the beginning.

Jobs such as moving, planting, cleaning, etc. that do not require experience and earn the lowest salary.

And if you want to move up the ladder and find a more lucrative job, you need to perform well in your position.

With a one-week period as a cycle, those who perform well in each cycle can be qualified to study at night school.

The subjects you study are naturally the skills you need to get promoted in the next job.

For example, the position of assembly line worker.

If some wanderers are assigned to such positions from the beginning, it will not only require a lot of resources and time to train them, but in the end, they will also have to bear the loss of the trainees giving up halfway.

But now that it has become a competitive job, not only do they not have to worry about the study progress of the homeless people, but they can also be screened for the positions they want to go to in advance. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

When it lasts for several periods and reaches a large scale, the first batch of people who graduated from night school can form the old and lead the new, and continue to reduce the cost of training and learning.

Nowadays, most of the service industries in Tianyuan Territory have naturally shifted from Earthlings to Blue Stars. Except for positions that can earn experience, the rest have been taken over by wanderers.

Even at the Central Hotel, the waiters inside are basically Blue Star people.

“How much does accommodation cost and how much does food cost?”

Knowing that the rules in the Tianyuan Alliance were strict, Buden did not dare to show off like he did in the shelter.

The managers of other nearby shelters are equally humble. It is hard to imagine that this group of people were arrogant and domineering just a few months ago, eager to start a subversive war in the city.

“Accommodation is divided into levels, and the most ordinary room only costs 50 iron coins a night!”

“If you want to eat, you will be charged the market price, and an additional 10 iron coins will be added when it is delivered to the room.”

The room only costs fifty iron coins?

Is there any extra charge for meals?

Buden was a little surprised. Based on his understanding of prices within the Tianyuan Alliance, this accommodation price was only two days’ work salary for ordinary people.

“What about the most expensive room?”

“This is divided into grades, there are 80 iron coins, 100 iron coins, and 150 iron coins!”

“Then give me a room for 150 iron coins.”

Ordinary people may have to consider the price, but managers are much richer.

After all, even if it is a small micro territory, its foundation is enough to live here for a year and a half.

“Okay, please come with me.” The waiter nodded excitedly, quickly pulled out a number plate from his chest and handed it over, then turned and led the person into the hotel.

Although working here does not require a high degree of professionalism, the basic salary and other work are also slightly lower.

But the difference is that waiters in hotels can get commission wages.

For a room that costs 150 iron coins now, they can get a commission of 15 iron coins.

It may not be a small number to the old residents, but to the wanderers who have just arrived in the territory, it is already a large number.

Following the waiter, Budden walked through the hotel lobby and first went to the front desk to complete the formalities.

“This is your room card, valid for one day.”


Seeing the huge numbers marked on the front of the frosted card, Buden was filled with curiosity.

I read it over and over again, and even recited the following precautions silently but couldn’t get enough of it.

Before, I always stayed in the shelter and never went as far as the surrounding cities.

Everyone is an underground shelter. Even if there are some differences in scale, the living standards are not much different.

In his only experience, everything at the moment is full of novelty, and it feels like entering a new world.

And it is different from the false prosperity of Qinggang Sanctuary, here, in the Tianyuan territory.

He could clearly feel the atmosphere of civilization, which was something that could not be faked.

“Sir, please follow me!”

“Your room is on the fourth floor.”

The waiter who disappeared did not know when he appeared again, pushing a small cart in his hand.

Skillfully took Budden’s small bag and placed it on it, and the two of them walked to the elevator one after another.


The elevator door opens and stops.

Buden followed in a daze, until the waiter in front stopped and suddenly saw a room sign with the number 412 hanging on the door.

“This is your room, just click the card to open it.”

The waiter pointed to the **** lock on the door. Upon hearing this, Buden quickly put the card on it.

With a crisp beeping sound, the door opened a small crack.

With a gentle push, the entire door opened completely, revealing the interior decoration.

It can be said that it has nothing to do with luxury. At most, it can be called clean.

Even in a room with 150 iron coins, there is only a table, two stools, and a 1.8-meter large bed covered with clean white sheets, quilts, and pillows.

The room as a whole has warm colors, and when the lights are turned on, it has a warm feeling.

“This is the guest room, and this is the bathroom”

“Mr. Budden, this is a welcome fruit plate for you. Thank you for choosing the Central Hotel.”

“If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the front desk, we will serve you wholeheartedly!”

After the waiter introduced a set of silky little combos skillfully, he took out a small plate from the top of the cart and placed it on the table before leaving.

When the door closed, Budden came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream.

First, check the fruit plate, which contains several seasonal fruits recently sold in Tianyuan Territory.

Although the value is not high, the taste is surprisingly good.

Especially the cucumber, which is crisp and refreshing, making people want to eat it after eating it.

After finishing the fruit plate, Budden glanced subconsciously and saw a small card left by the waiter.

“Hey, a member of Tianyuan Alliance?”

At least forty-five people met with the Soviet leader’s managers during the day.

There are only six places, so it is unrealistic to expect everyone to join the Tianyuan Alliance.

So the word “member” naturally attracted Budden’s attention.

Opening the card, there are dense blue star characters inside, which is a bit difficult to read.

But sitting in front of the small lamp beside the bed, Budden was watching intently.

According to the description on the card.

If the Tianyuan Alliance’s franchise system is launched for major shelters, the main items sold are industrial products and small commodities, as well as some scarce resources.

Then this membership system is completely for individuals, for eating, drinking and having fun, and is not integrated with the shelter franchise system.

As a member of the alliance, the current level is divided into levels one to nine according to the consumption level.

Level 1 starts, and level 9 is the highest.

According to the different membership levels, the services that can be enjoyed within the Tianyuan Alliance are also different.

For example, this ninth-level member can stay in a hotel affiliated to the alliance for free for 100 days every year!

And you can also get a series of distinguished benefits every time you stay.

Including but not limited to: seasonal fruits, laundry services, guidance services, consulting services, etc.

At the same time, in other facilities affiliated with the alliance, level nine members can also enjoy similar detached treatment and services.

For example, there are ultra-low discount food tasting opportunities, and there are also member-exclusive gift packages several times a year, which contain a collection of the latest and best-selling products in the alliance.

There are many privileges, but the one that worries Budden the most is the last privilege.

After the membership level reaches level nine, each person will be eligible for a recommendation vote every month.

If a gathering place or shelter can receive more than thirty votes per calendar month.

Then the alliance will give priority to sending personnel to conduct on-site inspections. Once the conditions are met, the gathering place or shelter will be eligible to join the alliance and enjoy the same treatment as other allies in the alliance!

“Distinguished members can recommend shelters. Doesn’t that mean that as long as I can gather thirty ninth-level members to vote, doesn’t it mean that I can directly let Wanjiao join the Tianyuan Alliance?”

For the first time, Budden’s mind flashed with the idea of ​​buying a spot directly with money.

As long as a certain amount of supplies and thirty ninth-level membership places are allocated, the Corner Shelter will not have to compete with the larger shelters in the southern suburbs for the only six places.

However, when Budden checked the funds required for level nine membership, he was suddenly shocked.

Not as cheap as imagined.

Members of the Tianyuan Alliance can only be accumulated through consumption, and they need to consume 5,000 copper coins every natural year to reach level nine.

If a shelter wants to find thirty places, it will cost 150,000 copper coins.

Converted into resources, it is roughly equivalent to the cost of the Corner Shelter for two years, which is a huge amount of money that cannot be ignored.

“Two years of resources in exchange for an inspection quota”

Surprisingly, Budden was not frightened by the price. Instead, he was still pondering the pros and cons.

After all, the funds consumed did not disappear out of thin air and become franchise fees, but were purchased and exchanged for other physical objects.

Using these physical items to offset the loss, the loss is about half the cost of the shelter.


Buden hesitated for a moment, secretly calculating whether to spend the money to try.

But at this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came one after another from the corridor outside the door.


What happened?

Putting the card in his hand into his pocket, Buden opened the door curiously and poked his head out.

The newly empty corridor was actually filled with managers who had just moved in.

Many people were holding the card with the membership regulations in their hands, looking excited and planning to rush in to apply.

Some people find the elevator and even turn to the stairs and rush down.

This is

“Nine-level membership, go and get a ninth-level membership.”

The door to the next door opened, and a manager rushed out, roaring at the attendant next to him.

When he noticed that the surrounding managers were looking at him with strange eyes, the man scratched his head in embarrassment.

But his steps were not slow at all, and he still rushed downstairs like everyone else.

“Don’t these ninth-level members want money?”

Buden was a little dumbfounded and had no choice but to run downstairs.

When he arrived on the first floor, he saw more than a dozen people queuing at the membership check-in point in the hotel.

Surprisingly, they are the managers of those medium-sized and small shelters in the Southern Suburban Alliance!



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