My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1252: The banquet is coming, the new owner of Qinggang!




The colorful salutes exploded in the square in front of Hope Village, reflecting a rainbow-like glow in the daytime.

The red light may sweep into the distance, making a sharp piercing sound.

Or turn a corner and hover in the air, gradually disappearing into the clouds.

Little players who are used to seeing large-scale cigarettes on the earth are no strangers. They clapped their hands and applauded, adding a bit more excitement to the upcoming celebration.

But those homeless people who were accustomed to living a precarious life in the city shrank their heads subconsciously, trembling uncontrollably, and quickly wanted to find a bunker to hide themselves.

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer.

In the past, when fights broke out in major shelters in Qinggang City, the ones who sacrificed the most were often not their own family members, but homeless people who had no stake in them at all.

What those shelters like to do most is to promise huge profits and drive the wanderers to take the lead.

After almost all the sacrifices were made, the two sides pretended to fight for a while with their main forces.

In the end, several corpses were left behind, and the homeless people who died together shouted “The battle was tragic.”

At this time, the shelter who was watching from the side stepped forward to mediate, and the two parties continued to negotiate with entangled interests.

As for the sacrificed wanderer?

If you die, you will die. You can also pay less to go out and reduce the losses in the battle.

However, as they turned around and looked to the side, they realized that they were still in Qinggang City, which was full of painful memories.

“This is Tianyuan, everyone raised their heads for me!”

Wearing brand new clothes and with a gift on his chest, the village chief of Desolate Bone Village, ‘Desolate Bear’, roared.

After being trained by Qinggang Shelter with various shameless rules for a period of time, these newcomers who have gathered into the village now feel that they are good everywhere after experiencing the beauty of Tianyuan.

Everyone has to work extremely hard and can’t wait to keep spinning.

Be obedient, in some cases even better than a well-trained gopher army.

But the bad thing is that the homeless gene deeply rooted in these people is still serious.

Just like now, just a slightly louder noise can startle many people and reveal their true colors.

“Village Chief, we know, but no one has seen this battle before!”

“What a big, neat village, ah no, it’s a town!”

“Look over there, as long as you hold a resident ID card, you can enjoy a free celebration meal!”

“There is still half price, and the things you buy today are also half price.”

“Hey, is this the essence of the town? I wonder when our Barren Bone Village will be as lively as it is now.”

Some bold wanderers took over Huang Xiong’s words and couldn’t help but sigh.

It’s really hard to imagine some things before you see them with your own eyes, and it’s hard to know whether they are true or false.

Before entering Sunny Harbor Refuge.

Over the past few decades or hundreds of years, all wanderers have believed that this is the paradise they have been striving for.

There are endless supplies, a powerful army, and an extraordinary status in the city.

Being reincarnated into Qinggang Sanctuary and becoming a part of it is a blessing that took several lifetimes to cultivate.

But where does it really go?

Endless low-paying jobs. In order to get a tasteless and nutritious work meal, they need to work for more than ten hours in the harsh winter.

There are almost no benefits for residents, or no benefits for residents who join later.

Let alone visiting underground shelters, they do not have the right to enter many public buildings and facilities on the ground.

Plus there is almost no room for growth.

Although they are nominally residents of Qinggang New City, in reality they are still like the mercenaries they used to be.

The only extra thing is probably a name that has no actual meaning.

And now?

After completing ten hours of work every day with quality and quantity, you can get three working meals 100%.

The meals are rich in variety, including many foods they have never seen before, but the taste is surprisingly delicious.

It is no exaggeration to say that these days, too many people are crawling out of their warm beds and heading to work just for this bite of food. This was something that was simply unimaginable before.

In terms of supplies, they are also surprisingly abundant.

Although Desolate Bone Village did not distribute cold protection materials as promised upon arrival, a step-by-step application needs to be submitted, which takes some time.

But this is not like Sunny Harbor Shelter, which is a blank check and a pie in the sky.

After all, someone’s name is read out every day, and supplies are received in the center of the village opened up in the Barren Bone Village in the envious eyes of those who come late.

This is something that is obvious to all and cannot be faked.

What’s more, even if they were cheating, they had been in Qinggang Shelter for several months, and there was no even thought of cheating there.

As for the differences in more places, it’s better not to think about them in detail. Once you think about it, the difference between the two is not obvious.

Welfare benefits, employment levels, development prospects, and the dignity and recognition that seem to be the least important but give every homeless person a sense of belonging.

“The gap is too big, Tianyuancai should be our strongest refuge in Qinggang City!”

Delan Lang also stood nearby and sighed, glancing in the direction of Tianyuan Dungeon from time to time.

Thinking about it, I haven’t seen that manager for a long time.

Sometimes, he would suddenly wake up while dreaming, remembering that he and his brother had had plans for Tian Yuan.

That’s really brave!

You must know that in the eyes of most managers today, the current Tianyuan Territory is the new owner of Qinggang!

The grand celebration lasted from morning to afternoon.

The flowing seats held in the square were changed one after another, and the people watching the ceremony from several surrounding villages were gradually sent away.

There is no other way. Adding in the wanderers from Desolate Bone Village, the current Tianyuan Territory has more than 100,000 people.

According to the current reception capacity of Hope Village, it is still insufficient.

As the lord and mascot, Soma was exhausted after seeing off tens of thousands of people.

After all, the main purpose of every wanderer coming here is to meet his legendary manager.

If you act too coldly or don’t show up at all, it is inevitable that many people will have other ideas.

After choosing to meet tens of thousands of people, Sumo nodded almost never stopped.

When you meet some familiar people, you have to say a few words of greeting.

“It’s finally over. If more people come here, I’m afraid my neck will be ruined.”

Rubbing his stiff trapezius muscles, Sumo returned to the first floor of the dungeon and took a sip of the warm water handed over by the guard.

On the other side, Qiao Yuansheng, who had just “went to the grassroots level”, also happened to rush over.

The two looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing.

Although this kind of work is really boring and a waste of time, the effect is extremely good!

Almost every wanderer who was greeted and nodded by Somo danced excitedly when leaving.

In the past, they had met many shelter managers while hanging out in Qinggang City.

But even the one with the best attitude just lowered his head slightly when he saw them.

But now, Manager Tianyuan, the new owner of Qinggang, is smiling at me!

A feeling of recognition arises spontaneously, and a feeling of respect breaks out.

Not to mention wanderers, even some earth players have secretly decided to serve the territory.

It is enough to show the huge effectiveness that this simplest method can play.

“These are just the first step. This guy Huang Xiong is really hiding for so long.”

Qiao Yuansheng cursed secretly, but in his heart he was extremely beautiful.

Just now, he had reached an agreement with Huang Xiong, and there would be a lot of cooperation between villages and towns.

The most important one is that Hope Town will provide technical personnel and drawings to help Barren Bone Village begin to transform to a town-level scale.

At that time, as long as the Barren Bone Village is successfully promoted, the scale will be enlarged again.

Joining Yuren Village and Longteng Village, we hope that the town can develop to a county-level scale to accommodate more people and buildings.

“We still have to check afterwards and find out how they brought people in.”

“I know this. We have been busy and forgotten recently and did not pay attention to this.”

Qiao Yuansheng nodded and accepted the matter.

Tens of thousands of people quietly entered the territory and took root. If they were enemies, I didn’t dare to imagine what the consequences would be.

“There should not be many people in the afternoon, the celebration is over.”

Sumo put down the water glass and was about to get up to get something to eat when he raised his head and said, “Hey, Minister Sid, why are you here alone?”

As one of the few communication bridges between Qinggang Shelter and Tianyuan Territory.

Side, who is now the investment promotion minister of Qinggang Outer City, can be regarded as an old friend.

On weekdays, when nothing happens, Minister Sid almost always stays here in Hope Village.

According to what he said, it would be idle to go back anyway, so it would be better to stay here and have delicious food to taste.

“Leader Susu, today is the celebration of the expansion of the village. I have to come to congratulate you both emotionally and logically.”

Side smiled unnaturally and stuttered a bit when speaking. He did not dare to make it clear that his identity here today did not represent Qinggang.

In fact, there are now two factions in Qinggang Shelter.

One group believes that Qinggang should continue to remain aloof and wait for Tianyuan to take the initiative to contact him.

The other group believes that it is necessary to give some warnings so as to gain an advantage in subsequent negotiations.

As for those who think like him that it is time to take the initiative to contact Tianyuan, they are definitely real aliens!

“You are a guest when you come, you can eat whatever you want at the flowing table later, the town will pay for it today!”

Qiao Yuansheng stood up calmly and took the gift from Sid’s hand without mentioning his identity.

However, before Sid could say anything else, he heard another noise coming from outside the door:

“Brother Sumo, you slept a little late last night. Isn’t it too late to come here?” A familiar and loud voice sounded at the entrance of the underground city.

How dare you call Leader Tianyuan your brother?

Sid was shocked when he heard the news and saw the crowd parting and a figure walking slowly.

The midday sun slanted down on the man, reflecting his gorgeous new clothes.

Side knew the material used in this clothing, called “Miyun Silk”, which has the magical function of automatically adjusting temperature.

When the Foundation’s merchant ship arrived a few years ago, it brought some for sale, and they were all snapped up by the managers of major shelters in the city.

Now I can see with my own eyes that the clothes made of this special material are really beautiful and beautiful. Not only do they have the right color combination, but they also look noble and generous.

Golden silk threads embroider exquisite patterns on the clothes. As the lines move, they shine in the sun and look like a flowing river of light.

But the most eye-catching thing is the shiny bald head, which is in sharp contrast to the gorgeous new clothes, but is surprisingly harmonious.

“Brother Yehu, you look good today. These new clothes really complement each other on you!”

Sumo stood up, also a little surprised.

In the past, Yehu always dressed casually, even a little sloppily.

But today, he seemed to be a different person, exuding a unique brilliance from head to toe.

Is this tiger hunting?

Side was in a trance for a while, and it took him a while to make up the difference between the person in front of him and the figure in his memory.

It is indeed hard to imagine that the unruly hunting tiger in the past could behave so kindly now.

Even if he had long heard that Liehu in the Tianyuan Alliance was very impressed by the leader of the Somo Alliance.

But seeing this scene with my own eyes, it is inevitable that my heart will be filled with emotions.

This is something even Hades has been unable to do!

On the other side, Yehu actually had a proud smile on his face when he heard the compliment.

He shook his sleeves and straightened his back deliberately, looking more energetic. “Haha, brother Sumo, I like what you say. I dressed up specially today just to give our Tianyuan Alliance some momentum. Hey, who is this?”

“I met the Pingtan manager.”

Sid stepped forward quickly, lowered his head secretly and introduced his identity.

If he came here today to represent Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, then the two sides can indeed talk to each other on an equal footing.

But just speaking personally, Sid knew the character of this hunting tiger.

If you don’t lower your head fast enough, you will definitely be severely punished.

Sure enough, after being lifted up by him so quietly, Yehu’s attitude softened a lot:

“Oh, these are all guests. You can go away. I want to talk to my brother.”

“Okay, okay”

Seeing this, Sid nodded quickly and walked out accompanied by Yuansheng Qiao.

After taking only a few steps, he heard another burst of laughter from behind.

Turning around, it was Liehu who was smiling like a chrysanthemum, chatting with the Soma manager.

Is this tiger hunting?

The same question appeared in my heart again.

But this time, Sid no longer had a definite answer.

No matter what, he could no longer reconcile the domineering hunting tiger in the city with the kind bald man in front of him.

“Minister Sid, I won’t give it to you at the front. There is a running water mat over there. Just open it and eat.”

“It’s easy to talk, Mayor Qiao of Qiaocun just go and do your work.”

Qiao Yuansheng led Sid to the seat in front of the, explained a few words, and left in a hurry.

Following the direction he left, Sid looked around.

But I only saw a group of people cheering in the distance, carrying gifts in large and small bags. There were at least 40 or 50 people.

The faces of these people were familiar to Sid. They were the managers from the southern suburbs!


When I thought about the quarrels and discussions in my own shelter, I looked forward to Tianyuan coming to visit and bowing my head to cooperate.

But this group of stupid-looking managers in the southern suburbs have taken the initiative to put aside their status and come to ask for cooperation.

Side felt a tightness in his chest, as if something was blocked.

Once upon a time, Sunny Harbor Shelter was so glorious.

But now, this glory has secretly changed hands and become a new king

Tianyuan Alliance!

(End of this chapter)


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