My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1251: The harvest is huge, unexpected population!


After the news of the alliance’s expansion was released, the Tianyuan territory remained stable.

Even Sumo, the leader of the alliance, did not put any energy into this matter.

There is no way around it. In the eyes of the managers in the southern suburbs, the move into the western suburbs seems to be a very sudden thing, but in fact, it is already a mature plan within Tianyuan.

Where to enter, where to repair first.

How to build a line of defense and how to deal with problems when they arise.

Not only was the entire set of plans perfected, it was even simulated and fought several times in the virtual realm.

Even if an unexpected situation does occur, it can be suppressed and resolved in a very short period of time.

“You must work harder, otherwise you will really have to spend too much money in the second half of the year!”

Looking closely at the illusory system panel in front of him, Sumo was a little nervous.

Compared with the previous V1.0 version, the method of obtaining daily reports is simple and straightforward.

Although the energy storage rewards in the V1.1 version are more generous, the waiting time is really torturous.

Since it was past eight o’clock on the day of return from the main race, no change in energy storage value was retrieved.

The results of energy storage value retrieval on the second day can only be displayed on the third day.

Therefore, even though Sumo has been out of the finals for two full days, it is now time to reveal the answer.

At this moment, the hour hand suddenly jumped to eight o’clock.

The four small **** arranged one after another in the upper right corner finally began to change.

The first is the first gray-yellow survival point ball related to ‘building’.

Sumo still remembers that before he entered, the energy storage value of points was 11.47%, which only occupied the bottom.

Now after accumulating in the main game and finals, even if I don’t focus on construction, my points have still increased to a certain extent.

The number came to 39.85%!

“It’s almost 40% completed. According to the previous progress, it’s equivalent to building a complete village!”

After judging the level of rewards corresponding to the values ​​obtained, it was discovered that the construction aspects that were almost untouched in the main competition and the finals had been improved by 30%. Somo’s hanging heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

Looking further, the second dark blue survival point ball has indeed been greatly improved.

Before leaving, Sumo had just withdrawn all his points and used them to upgrade some difficult-to-conquer directions.

But now, the ball has increased by half in the blink of an eye, and it is far from the end.

Under Somo’s close gaze, the dark blue energy seemed to be injected with life, constantly surging and rising.

His heartbeat seemed to be in sync with the rhythm of this energy, and every beat was accompanied by a throbbing and anticipation.




It only lasts a few seconds, but it makes people feel like their days are like years.

However, it is rising slowly, and has easily exceeded the previous highest limit of 61%, reaching a new high!

88.4%! ! !

“In both the main competition and the finals, I didn’t even have any technological innovations, yet I’m almost full?!”

It’s a bit like buying a lottery ticket for two yuan and being informed the next day that you won five million.

Su Mo felt an indescribable surprise in his heart. He never expected to accumulate such a wealth of technology points in such a short period of time.

This is simply timely rain!

There are two major points-earning players, Nengshi Technology and Zhenjie, plus some livelihood technologies that must be supported, as well as some technologies needed to develop the territory.

Technology points have always been in short supply and have never been accumulated to this point.

When I think of adding another 12%, I can get the full reward.

Sumo turned his head to look at the third ball excitedly, and the result did not disappoint him.

The small green ball that represents the survival point of the item broke through the boundary without any hindrance.


No, this is 171%!

My mind moved up to read the numbers, and the corner of Somo’s mouth unconsciously grinned to the base of his ears.

The full reward has not been accumulated once yet, and each time less than 80% has to be withdrawn and used.

However, now that there is a wave of main matches and finals, the survival points of items are directly liquidated.

Three times the full value reserve is a huge blessing!

“Open it, open it first and then talk.”

Unable to wait for the survival point test accumulation of the last item, Sumo decided to open a full-value practice first.

How long has this version been updated? He has completed several rounds of challenge tasks.

It was a shame that the survival ball was never reached the full value, which made people feel regretful.

Now is your chance.

As a faint sound of fireworks exploded, everything around him instantly darkened.

As if stepping into an endless void, there is an endless gray torrent gushing out within sight.

Having become accustomed to this method of collecting points, Sumo was not surprised and waited quietly.

After about a few seconds, a light blue light suddenly rose from the gray.

Yes. Modular marching camp!

Recognizing the object included in the blue light at a glance, Sumo didn’t expect that getting this thing would give him extra points.

Immediately afterwards, items purchased in the main game began to appear one by one.

But the most eye-catching thing is the modular mother bed rising like the sun.

【Module mother bed.】

[This reward: Basic points obtained by legendary items (3000) * weighted coefficient 127% = 6810 points (item survival points)]

“A total of 6,000 points were given to just one mother’s bed?”

Su Mo couldn’t help but be shocked, secretly smacking his lips that all the expenses in the main game were completely repaid with just one mother’s bed.

And this is not over yet. Since the points have reached 100% when the points are opened, the system also gives additional rewards.

[It has been detected that the item survival point has reached the full reward standard and is being matched for rewards.]

[Reward matching successful. 】

[Items obtained by host ‘Suma’: first-level module production materials*500, second-level module production materials*200, third-level module production materials*100, fourth-level module production materials*50]


Isn’t this too generous?

Su Mo took a breath and was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to express his feelings at this moment.

This kind of feeling is that I have expected that the reward will be terrible, but actually receiving it is still much better.

It’s like the year-end bonus was originally paid based on two salaries, but when the time came, the boss suddenly announced that it would be paid for eighty-eight months.

“And it’s 71% more, I’m afraid it’s really going to take off now!”

With one extraction, the survival points of all items added up to a total of 9170 points.

The value of points in the previous version would be close to 100,000 points.

Although it is still not as good as the hundreds of thousands of points gained when entering and leaving the future ruins before.

But comparing the difficulty, the two are not the same.

What kind of monsters are the opponents in Future Ruins?

They are either the remnant alien races after the war, or gods from outside the territory.

And these gods did not come one by one, but came in groups of dozens and dozens at the same time.

But what about the main match and finals?

Not only is the game protected from life-threatening danger, but contestants are also prohibited from fighting with each other.

This low-difficulty challenge also has such rich rewards.

Go ahead if you have it!

“The item is finished, this is special.”

“No less!”

The red special survival point ball that was also drained before entering also increased significantly at this time.


Although it has not reached the full value like the item survival point, it is only the last distance away from the full value.

If it is extracted at that time, I am afraid that the harvest will be nearly 100,000 points.

“In total, we have more than 200,000 points, and we also provide module production materials for levels one to four. If we can give more of these special survival points, the value will be at least 300,000!”

“This is not getting rich, what else can be called getting rich?”

Sumo was extremely satisfied.

It’s time to face the biggest challenge soon, and these points come in time.

Although as far as the current situation is concerned, the help brought by survival points is no longer as intuitive as before.

But at the critical moment, this is an extremely crucial team.

“Lord, the celebration in the village and town is about to begin. Do you want to start preparations?”

While Sumo was thinking about how to use the points next, the guard’s voice came from outside the door.

Already about to start?

Su Mo looked up and was shocked to find that the time had passed half past nine without realizing it.

It took him more than an hour to check and decide how to use the points.

“Okay, let’s make some arrangements and I’ll go right away.”

After turning off the system panel, Sumo stood up, feeling as if he could see the sun through the clouds.

After a long battle, everything seems to be getting better!

“All factories are on holiday today, and people from several surrounding villages have all rushed here, waiting to participate in the village expansion celebration and eat free flowing water!”

Su Mo put on a custom-made lord’s dress and looked in the mirror. Next to him, Su Chan marveled and talked about the lively scene outside the underground city.

“How about it, your brother looks good, doesn’t he?”

“It’s very good. The only drawback is that my face looks a bit young.”

Although under the elder brother’s filter, Sumo’s current appearance and temperament have completely surpassed those of modern young talents.

But from the perspective of a bystander, Su Chan still gave a pertinent opinion.

Su Mo smiled slightly, understanding what she meant.

His face is indeed young, but this lord’s dress makes him look very mature and steady, forming a certain contrast between the two.

And in Somo’s eyes, there is always a calmness and wisdom beyond his years.

This causes different people to have different feelings in their hearts when they see his appearance.

“Yes, I also feel that I don’t match this outfit.”

Sumo gently shook the wrinkles on his clothes: “But as long as they feel happy and suitable, I don’t have to worry about wearing them.”

The little players in the territory all want to shape his lord into a legendary hero who can write into the history of human development.

Everyone is playing the development game.

He created a territory to cultivate a group of territorial citizens, who in turn wanted to cultivate him as a lord.

“That’s true, but”

Su Chan laughed awkwardly when she thought of the crazy behavior of the single women in the territory.

It’s better not to say it, it would be bad if it scares Sumo.

It is hard to imagine that after receiving modern education, these people are still willing to be open-minded.

“But what?”

“Ahem. The time is up, we should go out.”

The lively sound of gongs and drums can be heard outside, indicating that the celebration is about to begin.

Su Chan quickly changed the topic, and the two of them got into the elevator together and headed to the ground surrounded by guards.

It seems like there are a lot of people?

Before he even got close to the ground, Sumo could already hear the lively celebrations like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, as well as the smell of gunpowder smoke.

In the wasteland, there is no such thing as environmental protection.

A large number of firecrackers were supplied using inferior gunpowder left over from daily ammunition production and screening.

One string after another, there are crackling sounds everywhere.

“Lord, have you eaten? If not, why don’t you go get something to eat first?”

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Su Mo looked up and saw Yuan Qiao hurried in.

As the former mayor of Hope Village, he is now the mayor of Hope Town.

The chubby old scholar also put on a festive red robe, resembling the attire of an ancient county magistrate.

“I don’t know how the Desolate Bone Village has developed during this period. The number of people has increased several times compared to before.”

“Now these people are being brought to our town in droves. The venue we prepared before is not enough. I have rushed people down to prepare. We can’t have no food when people come.”

Three months ago.

The registered number of people in Desolate Bone Village is only 11,000.

However, less than a hundred days have passed, and the number of people has quietly increased to 43,000.

As soon as he asked where it came from, Qiao Yuansheng almost jumped up in fright.

“So many people were kidnapped from Qinggang Shelter little by little?”

After hearing this, Su Mo was also shocked and a little unbelievable.

The managers in the city know the situation of the alliance and are willing to spend a lot of money to join the alliance.

But in the eyes of ordinary gophers and wanderers, the Alliance is still a new force.

In terms of allure, it is definitely not as strong as an established force like Qinggang Sanctuary.

Sumo had previously planned to seize the opportunity to settle in the western suburbs and completely knock out the power of the alliance.

Unexpectedly, before that, they had already dug into the walls of Qinggang Shelter.

This is 40,000 high-quality and cheap labor force!

He is obedient and hard-working, but the key is that he is easy to feed.

Compared with those ordinary gopher guys, Sumo actually prefers these wanderers crawling at the bottom.

After all, the former will still shrink back when encountering difficulties.

But the latter really dares to break in!

When recruiting workers for the assembly line some time ago, some people even shouted the slogan that they could work eighteen hours a day and only rest for six hours.

His behavior is even more complicated than that of Palu in a certain fantasy beast world!

“Be sure to entertain me well and double the amount of ingredients. Let’s hold it regardless of the cost! We don’t care whether these people come sincerely or with other purposes, this celebration is a good opportunity. .”

“Leave them and the low-end industries in the territory will have a large amount of labor to fill, which can liberate all players!”

Compared with getting the same amount, or even double the number of players.

At this stage, the indigenous people of Blue Star are more valuable.

Although these people have extremely rich survival experience, they are like a blank sheet of paper in other aspects.

With reasonable intervention, the picture that the territory wants to see can soon be rewritten!

“Lord, don’t worry, I am naturally aware of such important matters!”

Qiao Yuansheng nodded in agreement, his appearance in stark contrast to Tang En who was a hundred kilometers away.

Perhaps, the gap did not suddenly form due to a certain factor, but continued to widen in a subtle way.

When everyone found out, they were in the same situation as they are now.

Abrupt and reasonable!


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