My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1250: The lively Qinggang, the sin of arrogance!


The news that the Tianyuan Alliance plans to completely move its territory to the western suburbs and plans to list the entire western part of Qinggang City as a controlled area was spread throughout the entire city in just one afternoon through Aldrich’s deliberate dissemination. Big and small corners.

At first, all the managers who heard the news naturally didn’t believe it.

The leader of the Tianyuan Alliance, the leader of the Shenlong who has not appeared in the public eye for a long time.

There are several images different from the rumors of Hades in the city.

Amidst numerous reviews, Soma’s image remains consistent.

Mysterious, low-key, powerful and wise.

Let’s take a closer look at the many decisions this manager made after Tianyuan joined the city cluster.

Everything is safe and everything is successful.

To choose to live in the western suburbs so abruptly and rashly now, it doesn’t look like that person’s handiwork!

However, soon after, Yehu, the “big mouth”, intercepted a southern suburbs convoy while patrolling Gaohuan, and “accidentally” verified the rumor that the alliance had moved into the western suburbs.

The whole city suddenly stopped being quiet and exploded in just half a day!

Aldrich, a human being with numerous criminal records, might lie, but the straight-faced Xiehu would definitely not.

Now that he has confirmed the news, it is almost certain that the alliance will settle in the western suburbs.

“This is an opportunity. If we get on the train of Tianyuan Alliance’s rapid development, we can also move forward rapidly!”

“Great. In the past, the Pingtan Army of Hunter Tiger always made things difficult on the high ring. Now we have the opportunity to join the alliance. As long as we become a member of the alliance, our Tianfu Army can also go up and patrol. Right?”

“Huh??? Why do I feel like you’re a little excited?”

“It’s bad, Yehu said there are only six places to join the alliance. How can we get enough points with so many shelters in the southern suburbs?”

“Don’t forget, there is also the Eastern Suburbs. The old immortal over there has been very eager recently. He can’t wait to run up to the Somo manager and wag his tail.”

“Fight back! We need to fight back!”

“What’s the counterattack? Your mind is broken, right? You want to compete with the alliance?”

“No, no, I’m talking about the eastern suburbs. The shelters in our southern suburbs must unite and drive the eastern suburbs out first and then divide the places.”


The elegant and easy-going managers were in a mess, completely forgetting to maintain their normal demeanor.

In recent times, almost all shelters have deeply tasted the benefits of establishing alliances.

Think about what the past Qinggang city trials were like?

If there is a trade between major shelters, they must first make a real deal and make sure that the strength of both parties is almost equal before they can make demands for exchange.

If the gap in strength is large, even in the Southern Suburbs Alliance, which is already a very close organization, there will often be gangsterism. Sometimes the leader and deputy leader of the Southern Suburbs Alliance will even participate in it. From within the alliance, Extract benefits from members.

And now?

As long as you pass the alliance defense line in Gaohuan, you can put down 99% of your guard and hand over your guns with confidence.

Under the protection of the alliance’s military, absolutely no force currently has the courage to provoke.

After all, even the most powerful shelter in the city, Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, failed to gain any benefit from the alliance.

The legendary Hades even took the initiative to sue for peace after appearing several times, which was not as good as the Soma manager at all.

If anyone dares to be presumptuous, then he is really an old man who has eaten arsenic and is tired of living.

As for arriving behind the ‘great’ warning wall, and arriving in what countless people consider to be paradise

We are already worthy of the word great and have already reached heaven. Do we still have to worry about safety issues?

Great Tianyuan, great alliance, behind that wall is absolute security.

For those who have never been there, it will be difficult to imagine that guns are strictly controlled items there.

Not to mention whether civilians can hold guns, even patrol guards are only equipped with guns by their captains.

This kind of behavior of forcing everyone to calm down, over time, caused some gopher guys to not want to leave at all and return to the **** city.

Because here, they deeply realized:

Equality of status between people can be achieved without the monotonous means of force.

Have a craft that can support yourself, have a good eloquence, and even have a lot of physical strength.

No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can gain the respect and recognition of others.

How can Qinggang City give you this kind of feeling? Where can the Gopher Man have it?

Of course, the greater the alliance, the more difficult it will be to join.

There are only six spots available at the moment.

There are hundreds of shelters waiting to join the alliance. How can they be divided?

Even if we directly remove those micro shelters with less than 10,000 people, there are still nearly 60 shelters left.

A ratio of ten to one would probably be another bloodless war.

“Crazy, crazy, isn’t that alliance in the southern suburbs already useless? In order to deal with the eastern suburbs and compete for these six places, they actually held another meeting!

And in the past there were many people who made excuses not to go, but this time everyone went! ”

In the underground meeting room of Sunny Harbor Shelter.

The intelligence minister responsible for collecting information broke in and broke the deadly silence inside.

There is no doubt that Tianyuan Alliance is definitely a high-frequency word on the lips of everyone present recently.

Many people have also imagined the scene where they suddenly left Sunny Harbor Sanctuary and joined the Alliance.

But if you want to think about it, talk about it.

In the huge Qinggang Shelter, no one dared to openly propose joining the Tianyuan Alliance.

Except for Tang En, who had no intention of saying angry words just now because he was angry.

Now I suddenly heard the news coming from the mouth of the Minister of Intelligence. I heard that the Southern Suburban Alliance, which had become a piece of scattered sand, had not gathered for a long time and had also held an unprecedented meeting.

And unprecedentedly, all southern suburbs managers were present.

Even shelters such as Harbor, which had little to deal with the Tianyuan Alliance, were forced to attend the meeting.

Sounds finally began to sound in the field, breaking the eerie silence.

“South Suburban Alliance. They are actually willing to get together again just to join Tianyuan, too.”

“It’s so normal. Whoever can join the alliance can get on this high-speed train. Who will give up the benefits that are so close to swallowing?”

“I feel like what Manager Dunn just said makes sense. How about we really give it a try?”

“What are you trying to do? Take the initiative to ask Soma if we can join Tianyuan? Don’t forget, we are Qinggang Sanctuary. This is embarrassing Lord Hades!”

“Hey, there’s no need to do this. We can completely release the news like Aldrich, saying that we intend to join the Tianyuan Alliance and develop the city and explore the surrounding areas together. I still don’t believe that the leader of the Tianyuan Alliance, Su I can’t help but feel moved.”

“Yes, let him take the initiative to come to discuss and negotiate, and we will sell him a face to reluctantly join. In this way, we can get benefits without losing Lord Hades’s face, right?”

“Great, Mr. Tang En deserves to be the manager of our Qinggang. He is really far-sighted. I support this approach. Joining Tianyuan to share the benefits is the right thing to do!”

“Wait a minute. What if Somo is unwilling to come to discuss matters?”

“No way? Our Qinggang is the largest refuge in the city. He should know what our joining means, right?”


There was a lot of discussion in the field, causing commanders like Edmund, who held military power, to nod their heads.

There is no way, the meaning conveyed by Tianyuan Alliance’s settling in the western suburbs is too important!

Although everyone knows that the alliance will definitely not just set the control area behind the high security wall, the slow construction of a high-ring defense line is one of the signals to enter the city.

When there are more signals, the high-ring defense line will be constructed.

The powerful alliance will immediately enter the city and carve out an area that belongs to the alliance just like Clear Harbor Sanctuary.

However, no one would have thought that this day would come so quickly and unexpectedly!

If you don’t respond to it as soon as possible, you will inevitably be unable to catch up with the opponent’s pace.

Over time, those who fall behind will be beaten.

Although many people present were afraid of making a mess again, causing Hades to kill people after he woke up.

But now that Tang En has taken the lead to speak out, even if the words are really unintentional, he must give him solid guidance.


Faced with a group of managers who were in the Cao camp but whose hearts were in the Han Dynasty, Tang En snorted coldly, stood up and left the conference room.

He finally discovered that there is not much difference between Qinggang with him and without him.


As soon as I heard that I had just walked out of the conference room, the sound of lively discussion came from behind.

A few have even discussed where to go to taste delicious food after joining the Tianyuan Alliance.

Tang En immediately felt that he was being too sentimental to bother running the Qinggang Refuge anymore.

As the saying goes, the trend is irreversible.

In the past, the general trend was on the side of Qinggang Sanctuary. Even if Qingang City was in chaos, the Sanctuary could gain the most benefits.

Now, the general trend has finally left those who do not cherish it and jumped into the arms of Tianyuan Alliance.

It’s a pity that a bunch of idiots have become the managers of Qinggang. They haven’t realized the changes in the current situation, and they still want to use the afterglow of the past to prompt the Somo manager to personally invite them.

It’s time to taste the bitter consequences of arrogance!

I walked out of the underground and came to the outer city where I was used to staying.

Tang En took a breath of fresh cold air and looked around, his mind suddenly calmed down a lot.


“Why has the outer city been so deserted recently? Where are the people who gathered before?”

Looking at the guard on duty at the door, Tang En asked with some confusion.

After gathering a large number of homeless people in the city, the outer city of Qinggang experienced a short-lived prosperity.

The huge demand of homeless people not only promotes the reconstruction and economy on the ground, but also speeds up the circulation of materials.

It also indirectly made the cohesion in the shelter higher, secretly forming two factions, the old and the new.

But today.

No, it seems like it’s not just today.

Since about a month or two ago, the chaotic and dirty Qinggang Outer City has become cleaner day by day.

Most people thought that the homeless people had finally been disciplined and had a living habit that was in line with the rules of the residents of Sunny Harbor Shelter, so they stopped producing large quantities of garbage.

But now, after discovering that the outer city was so deserted, Tang En finally came to his senses.

“Should we go out and explore? It seems that many people have chosen to go out of the city recently?”

“I don’t know. They said they were looking for some supplies, but many people seemed to have gone out and never came back.”

The two guards didn’t know why and answered honestly.

As long as they do not leave the city during the curfew hours, the outer city does not restrict the range of activities of homeless people at other times.

After all, if you stay in the outer city, the temptation to become a gopher is greater than surviving in the city sewers.

There is really no need to force him to stay, it will lose Qinggang’s face.

“Where can I go if I don’t come back? Why don’t I go back to the sewers in the city?”

Twain was a little puzzled when he didn’t get an answer, so he grabbed a few wanderers passing by and asked.

However, these people’s answers are very unified.

“The supplies in our outer city of Qinggang are really too expensive. The money we earn from working every day can only eat one meal. The remaining two meals can only be earned by doing private work. If we don’t have enough to eat, we can only eat If you go out to find food, you should go to the sewer pipe from before, right?”

“The sewer pipes are not enough for everyone. I heard that some shelters in the southern suburbs need help, so they rushed there to see if they could take some private work from these shelters like before. Earn supplies?”

“The underground pipelines also need maintenance. I couldn’t get in when the radiation beasts were in chaos in the city before. Now it seems that they have been cleaned up by the adventure team of the Tianyuan Alliance and I can go in again.”

Supplies in the outer city are very expensive, and most people don’t have enough to eat, so they need to go out of the city to make money.

As for where to make money?

These people did not give the same answer.

“Is that so?”

Twain shook his head in confusion, subconsciously feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with the answers of these wanderers.

According to his understanding of homeless people, it is normal to stutter and have knots in their mouth when speaking.

Like now when he is so fluent and can give the information he wants in one breath.

In memory, almost none.

Is it because of the indoctrination and learning after joining the Clear Harbor Sanctuary?

Thinking of this, Tang En nodded with satisfaction, took out a few new outer city coins from his pocket and threw them over.

Sure enough, a few wanderers were fighting as crazy as before.

The person who grabbed it didn’t say why he wanted to save the but said he was going to the pub to drink.

This standard behavior that conformed to the stereotype completely put Tang En at ease.

“Not bad, it already has the potential to be a handy tool, but it needs to be educated and educated before it can be used.”

After witnessing several wanderers turning around and entering the tavern.

Tang En left the exit connecting the inner and outer cities and quickly forgot about this incident.

There are still a lot of troubles at the moment, and the departure of the Rangers is not worth mentioning.

And in the past few months, the destroyed outer city has been almost built.

It’s a good thing that some homeless people have left, which just reduces the expenditure on shelter resources.

When will a large amount of human resources be needed again? At worst, if the salary is increased, many wanderers who have left will come back.

After all, what’s under my feet is the Sunny Harbor Sanctuary!


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