My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1239: Jie Ding, the final battle!


[The first Ten Thousand Trails Competition ended successfully, the number of participants this time was: 1435]

[The first Ten Thousand Trails Finals has officially begun, this time the theme is: The Battle of the Boundary Tripod]

[The current number of participants in the finals is: 1]

It was late at night during the race, and the stars were shining brightly.

The wasteland in the outside world flows at different speeds according to time, and the time has just pointed to eight o’clock in the morning.

Out the window.

This is probably the last cold rain before spring, and it keeps falling.

As all the contestants who failed to advance to the finals returned to the wasteland, the gurgling sound waves finally began to ripple, ringing invisibly in the ears of every living thing.


The door to the lounge was pushed open, and many people poured in.

There are many familiar faces among them, but there are also some new faces that I have never seen before.

Everyone looked at the three people who shined in the main game, their eyes full of curiosity and inquiry.

“Lao Qi, Lao Yi, and Lao Yu, you guys are really in the limelight this time. I’m afraid the billions of players in the New World will remember you three!”

Qiao Yuansheng, who was wearing a raincoat, had a bright red face, and his address was changed from the previous direct name to a nickname.

Only three people in the territory of tens of thousands of people have obtained quotas, and they already made a splash seven days ago.

But no one expected that this limelight was just the beginning.

During the 30 days of the main game, whether it was Qi Jie following Sumo or the male gun guys and veterans in the top half, their performance could be described as amazing.

Even facing the top players from various major territories selected for the main competition, they did not fall behind at all.

What a long face this is, even those of them who stayed in the territory to watch the battle were excited!

“Village chief, you have exalted us three times. This is all for the lord’s benefit.”

“Yes, if it weren’t for the lord, I’m afraid the two of us would have to sell water in the upper half until the end of the main game.”

Qi Jie and Lao Dao quickly denied it, but they could not hide the joy on their faces at all.

Compared to spending an ordinary life on earth, when you grow old you will only be left with waves of regrets.

Life now is even more unforgettable. Every time I return from an adventure, I feel an extremely satisfying sense of accomplishment.

“You’re still so humble even after you’ve gone home. It’s true, you’re not in the main game.”

“Let’s go, the Jie Feng Banquet has been arranged for you! Your Spirit Fish Banquet is so greedy, the food in our territory is not bad either!”

It’s not a problem to be all stuck in the same room talking all over the place, so Qiao Yuansheng quickly made arrangements.

The group of people walked out of the door and headed to the cafeteria in the cold rain.

Compared to the camp in the main game, it has to be a lively village full of human touch.

Although most people have gone to Longteng Village to work, those who stayed behind all came to the streets spontaneously.

Facing the waves of cheers, the male gun brother’s chest felt like it would burst.

The corners of the mouth that can’t be closed are simply harder to suppress than ak!

“It must be our territory. This time I came back, I felt that all the tension and fatigue in my body were gone.”

I sat down at the dining table, took a bite of cucumber with vinegar, and then picked up some washed lettuce and put it in my mouth to chew hard.

Qi Jie’s eyes narrowed in comfort, and the old Taoist and the gunman next to him were even more satisfied with their faces.

Although the Spirit Fish Feast looks quite intimidating, how delicious would it be without seasoning?

The first meal may be fresher, wait for the second and third meal.

Forget it, looking at the happy expressions of the three of them, everyone else present could already imagine the taste of Dundun Lingyu.

With just the plates of food served, the three of them couldn’t help but start chatting.

The audience’s perspective in the main game is different from that of the eliminated contestants. Except for some specific cut-in clips, the rest are fifty meters above.

There are many details, as well as the exchanges between contestants, including the specific situation of other territories, which are impossible to know.

And coincidentally, these are topics that everyone is interested in.

“The current form of the New World is indeed three pillars, the Dragon Flag, the Northern Territory, and the Golden Eagle. Tens of millions of people have gathered in the three territories, and the formation is terrifying!”

“This time we mainly had in-depth contact with the people in Longqi and got some relatively secret information.”

As he spoke, Qi Jie raised his head and looked around at the other people sitting around him.

Qiao Yuansheng next to him instantly understood what he was worried about, and immediately affirmed: “The people here are all our own people, just feel free to say so.”

“That’s good.”

Qi Jie took a bite of food and ate it, then put down his chopsticks: “It is really difficult for us to catch up in terms of population. After all, this is their heritage in the deep sea. In the future, as the situation becomes clearer, it will rise to hundreds of millions.” Uncertain. And it is difficult for us to catch up with the infrastructure related to population.”

“You certainly can’t imagine that at least dozens of new factories are established every day in the Longqi Territory, and sometimes there are even hundreds or hundreds. Among them, low-end industries, such as construction, weapons, and planting, due to The labor force is really inexhaustible, and the progress in one week may be faster than our progress in a month, or even half a year.”

“Furthermore, their speed of collecting resources is much faster than ours. Often when they find a valuable resource point, hundreds of thousands of people can rush there on foot to collect it manually, and it takes less than a few days to collect it. A vein has been mined cleanly.”

What Qi Jie said was exaggerated, but everyone present knew that there was no need to question the authenticity.

Before there were no route bonuses, it might still be difficult to achieve this level.

But now the human players with the route bonus, even the weak women, have the labor force level of the previous strong men.

How can it be unpleasant to do physical work like this?

From industrial advantages to infrastructure construction.

From resource acquisition to resource utilization.

From talent training to technological innovation.

Qi Jie was very detailed in everything he said, and relayed the information he had learned before almost intact.

When I stopped talking because my mouth was dry, I could clearly hear the sound of swallowing saliva from many people present.

Obviously, the shock brought by this information is still too much.

Except for the three of them who were still talking and eating, the others almost put down their chopsticks involuntarily and frowned.

I’m really sweating!

If development continues at this pace, I am afraid that the three major territories will become behemoths within a year.

When the time comes to extend its tentacles, is it possible to make Tianyuan a vassal?

“Of course, what I just mentioned are the benefits brought by the population advantage. These advantages did give them an advantage in the early stage, and they developed much faster than our Tianyuan territory in the early stage.

“But in the future, population may also become poison.”

“Think about it, if tens of millions of people were distributed in several cities, let alone, but now they are crowded in one place, how many supplies are needed for this day?

“Besides, let’s not talk about how much each person eats, drinks, or poops. Just say that with such a warehouse, how can we distribute the daily resources smoothly?”

After talking about the advantages and then mentioning the disadvantages, Qi Jie was obviously prepared.

And everyone present followed his train of thought and thought together.

The real wasteland is not like a strategy game where materials can be distributed with just one click.

“The Dragon Banner Territory has distributed supplies six times so far, and there have been many casualties each time.”

“So much so that now they don’t even dare to hold large gatherings or events!”


Qiao Yuansheng’s expression was solemn, and he could hear too much from these two simple words.

Think about hundreds of thousands of people queuing up to receive supplies, and then imagine that number rising to one million people.

Modern societies with well-established infrastructure may not be able to withstand this pressure, let alone a wasteland that is in need of development.

“Material consumption and distribution is only one of them, management is also a big problem.”

“The survivors gathered in this kind of super territory are all people from different parts of the world, and their living habits are already different. How can it be easy to forcibly integrate them now?”

“I don’t even want to say the specifics, I can’t say!”

“There is also the construction of a large number of low-end industries, which has also dragged down their research on high-end technology.”

“Our Tianyuan Territory, if nothing else, will definitely surpass those super territories in terms of average living standards.”

Qi Jie was so talkative that he only mentioned one-tenth of the intelligence collected.

In fact, the current situation of the three major super territories is still the best.

There are many people in territories that are even worse than this.

Most of those territories with a population of millions at a lower level cannot guarantee the food and drink supplies for the residents, let alone industrial construction and take root in the wasteland.

If another disaster occurs on a larger scale, the situation that can be maintained now will soon be shattered.

With more than two billion players, at least half will be homeless again!

“This is a bit troublesome. According to the current pace of expansion of our territory, I am afraid that even if that time comes, we will not be able to gather many people.”

Qiao Yuansheng trembled twice and couldn’t help having a headache.

Although the rescue team took the initiative to gather together, the population growth rate has been much faster than before.

But compared to those large territories where tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people join every day, there is still a significant gap.

The best way is to use radio frequency broadcasting to directly cover hundreds or thousands of kilometers in the surrounding area.

You can follow Soma’s instructions and it’s simply impossible to achieve without revealing your location.

“Village Chief, why do you only ask me about the situation in those territories and not the lord’s orders?”

Qi Jie took a sip of the beer in his cup, his face rosy.

“Oh, does the lord have any other instructions?”

Qiao Yuansheng looked solemn. There were only seven days left for the outside world. He really didn’t expect this.

Now that I think about it, one month has passed since the main competition, and I have come into contact with so many people from other territories.

It’s so normal for Sumo to have orders.

“The Lord asked me to tell you that the A-3 and B-1 plans prepared before can be launched.”

Qi Jie held the cold wine glass, his lips moved slightly, and his tone was calm.

But Qiao Yuansheng, who was sitting opposite him, looked furious and showed an expression of disbelief.

Plan A-3, full name: The development of Tianyuan Territory to Qinggang City is included in the master plan.

Plan B-1, all people: a master plan for sweeping and harvesting a thousand kilometers around Tianyuan territory

The former is territorial development, and the latter is population acquisition.

Now, start everything?

But didn’t Sumo say before that the time had not come yet and that he was not strong enough?

Is this the main match

Suddenly remembering the light that once erupted in the Lost Forest, Qiao Yuansheng was silent for a few seconds and nodded heavily.

Now that the time has come, it’s time to show your fangs!

In the Tianyuan territory, the shock caused by a Ten Thousand Paths Competition has just begun to take shape. It is like a boulder thrown into a quiet lake, causing ripples and gradually spreading.

But in other areas of the New World, the vast majority of survivors are still immersed in a peaceful and busy life, unaware of the storm that is about to set off in the wasteland, and its horror will be far beyond their imagination.

No one can survive this storm alone. It will ruthlessly test everyone’s will and ability to survive, and will also completely expose the patchwork of ‘large territories’.

Everything familiar can become unfamiliar and dangerous in an instant.

The originally strong shelter will become fragile in the face of the storm, as if it will be destroyed at any time.

“What, Sumo told us to pay attention to the next disaster and prepare in advance?”

In the conference room, listening to Zhao Qingfei’s report, Long Anguo frowned into the word “Chuan”.

Maybe it’s because the disaster hasn’t caused much trouble to the survivors for a long time.

So much so that now many people have subconsciously forgotten about this matter and paid much less attention to it.

Even a super territory like Longqi has prepared plans to deal with different disasters, but the focus is still on spreading development.

“Yes, Lord Su asked me to convey this sentence, which will be related to the subsequent changes in the situation.”

“I understand.”

Long Anguo breathed a sigh of relief, and the joy that his contestants had returned home with great success completely disappeared.

Since it was Sumo’s warning, even if it was false news, they had to be extremely vigilant and prepared.

The reason is simple.

The Dragon Banner territory, which seems huge and unshakable, may not be as risk-resistant as a territory with tens of thousands of people.

Once a large-scale natural disaster really breaks out, it will be an unimaginable nightmare.

How to prepare

Zhao Qingfei Nuonuo lowered his head and handed over a manuscript filled with information. Some did not dare to look directly into Long Anguo’s eyes.

After all, not every lord is as friendly as Soma, and getting along with him is as comfortable as a friend.

These large and powerful territorial lords all carry the majesty attached to power.

Even talking to each other makes people a little nervous.

“These countermeasures.”

Long Anguo flipped through the manuscript and couldn’t help but relax his brows when he saw the countermeasures and information above.

Unlike those false suggestions, he could see at a glance that these countermeasures were implementable.

Some of them don’t even need to be modified, just use them directly.

There are several things that can greatly alleviate the current troubles Long Qi is encountering, just like timely rain.

However, there are only a few reminders about the coming storm, and they are not very detailed.

“You didn’t write it all?” Long Anguo raised his head, and although his eyes were a little more kind, they were still a bit intimidating.

Hearing this, Zhao Qingfei quickly shook his head: “It’s all written down. Lord Su also said the exact words. The specific information can’t be discussed until the finals are over and the announcement of the next disaster is made.”

“That’s troublesome. We can’t contact him directly.”

“No, Lord Su left us the contact information of the radio station in the manuscript, and also said that he would send someone to our territory in a few days to communicate.”


Long Anguo was shocked when he heard this, and a hint of astonishment suddenly appeared on Gujing Wubo’s face.

Sumo has always maintained an absolute mystery, and even the Tianyuan Territory has not revealed much information.

The only giant tree root sea area is just a transfer station for screening talents, and not much information has been collected.

But now, the human God Su finally doesn’t want to hide, and is willing to walk in front of others to show his holiness?

For a moment, Long Anguo felt a surge of joy in his heart, and he couldn’t help but feel that the burden on his shoulders was much lighter.

The situation that was a bit breathless in the now seems to be becoming clearer.

He sighed, stood up and looked out the window.

Even the cold rain that makes people shiver seems to have a bit of artistic conception at this time, making people feel relaxed.

“Suma. Tianyuan Territory”

Long Anguo muttered back and forth, looking far away.

Compared with Qiao Yuansheng who was stunned for a few seconds before he understood the reason why he no longer hid in the territory, he had already guessed it at the first opportunity.

Hiding is nothing more than lack of strength.

Showing up means not afraid of challenges.

In the main competition, the opportunities that the Long Banner contestants got were indeed amazing, but they were not enough to change the status quo of the territory.

But Soma. What did he gain?

Enough for a territory that needs to be hidden to directly have the foundation to face billions of humans?

(End of this chapter)


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