My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1216: The upper and lower halves are completely different!


The eighth day of the main race.

Because most of the contestants have reached the fourth stage and have received supplies from merchants.

The number of eliminations has finally stabilized, and there have been no more batches of people being eliminated.

Of course, on another scoring page that the contestants cannot see, the gap between the upper and lower half of the Earth Fire Desert becomes increasingly obvious.

First half: 469 people (251 people have been eliminated)

Lower half: 632 people (87 people have been eliminated)

According to the principle of equal distribution, the number of people entering the upper and lower half areas is more than 700.

However, after eight days of elimination, the difference in the number of eliminations between the two sides has reached three times.

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!”

“Either there is a statistical error, or the initial number of people in the lower half is much greater than that in the upper half.”

Golden Eagle territory, temporary medical room.

Faced with the reminders from several staff members, ‘Yuli’, who had just withdrawn from the main competition, wolfed down the food on the table while subconsciously retorting.

No one understands better than him how terrifying that land of fire desert is!

Extreme heat and scorching heat, lack of supplies, and sandy roads that are so long that one cannot see the end.

Even if there is no disaster every three days, the combination of other factors will be a hell-level test.

“And if there were not those two profiteers in the first half of the district, we would never have been eliminated until now.”

Drinking another whole bottle of water, Yuri’s eating and drinking speed slowed down a bit.

Looking back on the past seven days, it is simply a nightmare that I don’t want to mention again.

In the second stage, Marr withdrew, and they used the points he contributed to buy fresh water to survive until the third stage.

In the third stage, Carlos was forced to withdraw, and only then did he collect enough points to continue buying fresh water.

Although he hated the profiteer who looked like a Taoist, Yuri had to admit it.

If the other party hadn’t provided fresh water along the way, their team would have been forced to be eliminated in the middle of the second stage!

How can we persist all the way to the fifth stage? The team still has Cosim as the captain to lead the team forward.

But at this moment, the door of the infirmary opened from the outside. Mal and Carlos, who had left early, received the news and came to visit.

Before he even opened the door, he heard a stubborn retort coming from inside.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn’t help but sigh.

“Hey, why are you here? Is there no penalty for voluntarily quitting?”

Seeing the figure walking in, Yuli put down the bread in his hand, a look of surprise on his face.

What he was most afraid of before quitting was that the territory would blame them for wasting opportunities.

Now that the two of them can still move freely, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.

“There is no punishment, but…” Mal hesitated, with a look of regret on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“We may have missed a big opportunity!”

Carlos also felt a little regretful. He sat on the stool at the door and drank some water in one gulp.

Although the time between the two withdrawals was two days in the main game, it was only half a day to the outside world.

After half a day, compared to Yuri, who is still confused now, he has learned a lot from the audience’s perspective. ….

“It’s useless to talk more. Just open the game panel yourself and go in to watch the battle.”

When Carlos said this, Yuri was slightly startled, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

Without any further questions, he quickly opened the game panel and entered the viewing angle.

A trance flashed through.

The perspective was initially fixed at the place where he exited, which was the fifth stage of the first half.

Most of the contestants who escaped the sandstorm that hit them on the sixth day and arrived at the fifth stage in embarrassment on the seventh day are now exhausted and exhausted.

Since a major disaster would strike on the ninth day, the contestants did not dare to rest.

I can only drag my heavy body and walk scatteredly in the desert, walking towards the finish line step by step.

Uli watched patiently for a while, and finally found captain Cosim and the last remaining teammate Lisa in the huge oasis near Rolling Stone Canyon.

“So fast?”

Yuli was a little surprised, and suddenly felt that his withdrawal was so worth it.

It was the points and fresh water he contributed that allowed the remaining two people to save most of their energy and reach all the way.

If he had stayed inside and held back, he would probably have to walk at least half a day before the finish line.

Once the clock turns at night, you may encounter a large-scale natural disaster more terrifying than a sandquake.


I saw a lot of people gathered around the reed hut in the center of the oasis, and Cosim stood nearby and joined in the fun.

Yuli frowned and zoomed in closer.

But when he saw it, he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“What, these two profiteers haven’t been eliminated yet!”

In the shack, the old man was busy greeting the guests, while the male gun brother lowered his head and dug at the hole in the ground.

After about a few minutes, a small bucket was lifted up from the entrance of the cave.

What is inside is exactly what the contestants are eager for.

Fresh water!

“The first bucket of water, 920 ml, is now being auctioned!”

After clearing his throat, the old man took the bucket and put it in front of him, with a proud look on his face.

At first, the two of them just planned to make a quick buck. They scraped together enough points to buy a modular device and quit.

However, in the first stage, the second time I encountered low-priced water bought by merchants, it brought a precious first pot of gold.

With these initial funds, the veteran took action decisively with the merchants in the fourth stage.

I won the ‘small water drilling well’ that can only be placed in the oasis for 5500 points.

As it turns out, these adventures are indeed worthwhile.

“I will give you 80 points!”

“80? I’ll pay 110!”



After a while, the bucket of water was successfully sold for 220 points.

Although it was not as good as the price from the merchants in the fourth stage, in this oasis, even several contestants nearby who bought 2,000 points of ‘micro-drilling wells’ showed envious expressions.

Micro-drilled water wells can only harvest four times a day, and the water volume fluctuates between 200-600.

Small-sized water wells can harvest ten times a day, and the water volume fluctuates between 600-1,200.

Based on the average of 900 ml, if you can sell it at this price every time, your daily income can easily reach 2,000 points.

It only takes three days to get your money back, and you will make steady profits from now on!

“The next auction will be in two hours, thank you all for coming.”…

The veteran smiled and announced the time for the next round, and the contestants who were not photographed could only leave in frustration.

Finding that Cosim was mixed in with the crowd again, he walked to the next place where fresh water was being auctioned.

“These guys.”

Uri suddenly felt his teeth itching with hatred.

Of course, I am not angry at these profiteers for selling water at high prices, but I am angry that I cannot be one of them.

Beyond that.

“Cosim, that stupid pig, if he hadn’t banned us from buying water in the first place, the five of us would have persisted to the end of the desert, and the combined points could have bought a small drilled water well!”

The feeling of regret rose from the bottom of his heart, making Yuri feel even more unhappy.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he also saw the headcount comparison floating above the viewing page.

As I said to the medical staff, there is a clear gap between the number of people in the upper half of the district and the lower half.

“Is there really such a gap? I want to see what’s going on!”

As an eliminated contestant, you can choose the viewing angle at will, which is also one of the hidden benefits.

Yuri tried to switch the perspective, and soon came to the lower half of the Earth Fire Desert.

First, I took a quick glance at the terrain from a high altitude, and found that there was basically no difference between the two half-areas. Even the number of small volcanoes distributed in the fourth stage is not much different, and there is no terrain advantage.

Then, Yuli focused on looking for the distribution and number of oases, and there was no big difference.

Even the oases in the upper half are closer to the fourth stage!

“This is strange.”

Yuli couldn’t help but murmur in his heart, and quickly zoomed to the fifth stage.

Although the number of remaining contestants in the two half-districts is very different, the progress on the road is very similar.

At noon on the eighth day, there were still many people in the lower half of the area still on the way.

The only difference is.

Most of the contestants in the first half of the area formed small groups based on territories, or several lone wolves worked together.

But in the lower half of the area, there are often thirty or fifty people in a migratory group, and the formation is quite mighty.

“How did they get together?”

Uri was suddenly a little surprised.

To a certain extent, teaming up is a good thing, but in a competitive relationship, it is not as easy as imagined.

After all, due to the limitations of the game, each mutual help costs points.

“Wait a minute. Why are there aliens here?”

“Damn it!”

Seeing that there were four alien races in a small human group, Yuri’s expression suddenly turned ugly.

At this moment, he was thinking a lot, and even thought about the plot of a secret communication between humans and aliens.

Does these guys maintain their numbers by cooperating with foreign races?

Aren’t they afraid of being seen by the audience above and labeled as human spies?

“Brother, I asked you, can you stop whining and scare me?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side.

Yu Li turned around and saw a spectator with an oriental face, floating high in the sky watching the battle.

Unlike him, this man seemed to be accustomed to the situation below, and there was no expression of surprise on his face.

“These contestants are mixing with foreign races. How is this allowed?”…

“What’s wrong with this?” Another person came over, this time a woman with a Western face.

Faced with Yuri’s performance, both of them were speechless.

“Fighting is not allowed in the previous race. In order to reach the finish line, is there any problem with the short-term cooperation?”

Any questions?

Yuli was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question.


“Don’t worry, if these aliens hadn’t been quick on their feet and could transport low-priced fresh water to more places, how many of our human competitors would have been eliminated.”

“Yes, look at how miserable the top half is, with more than 200 people eliminated.”

Low price fresh water?

Shipping to more places?

Suddenly hearing the conversation between the two, Yuli was startled, as if he had realized something.

Looking down, it turns out that four aliens from the human team came to this place, carrying several buckets on their bodies.

The surrounding humans kept coming forward and drinking bottle after bottle of fresh water.

“How do you sell this water?”

Yuli licked the corner of his mouth, and the memory of being dehydrated for seven consecutive days suddenly came back to his mind.

If you put yourself in their shoes and ignore the difference in status, there is not much difference between these four aliens and the two profiteers.

“Water is quite expensive. Five hundred milliliters costs 40 points.”

“How much?”

When he heard the words “very expensive”, Yuli showed a look of understanding.

But when he heard the numbers clearly, he shook his head decisively, thinking that he was hallucinating.

Forty points for a bottle of water, co-authored by an alien for charity?

This is cheaper than the merchants in the first stage. Is it possible that their water is produced with special abilities?

“Forty, but the price was just reduced today.”

“It was sold for 70 points the day before yesterday, and it was sold for 50 points yesterday. Today it has only dropped to 40 points.”


Confirming that he heard correctly, a loud rumble suddenly sounded in Yuli’s mind.

He couldn’t believe it, but from the expressions of the two people beside him, it was natural.

He knew very well that the other party had no need to lie to him and no reason to lie to him.

This water really costs 40 points a bottle!

The price is less than half of the two profiteers in the upper half.

No, according to the price just placed in the auction, it’s not even enough.

One third!

For the price of one bottle of water in the upper half, you can actually buy three bottles of water in the lower half?

For a moment, Yuri somewhat understood why there was such a huge gap in the number of eliminations between the upper and lower halves.

The most important fresh water in the desert, the lower half of the area can actually supply it at this price.

Even if Cosim, a stupid pig, comes over, he can easily lead the four of them to the finish line!

“Where does this water come from?”

Trembling, Yuli asked another crucial question.

In his general observation just now, he did not see any obvious difference between the upper and lower half areas. Obviously, the game did not set up special treatment, and there could not be wells producing fresh water in the lower half area.

If this water is generated by the special ability of the alien race, then this competition is simply too unfair.

Humans have huge disadvantages at the beginning, and these disadvantages will affect the subsequent terrain.

“Huh? You don’t know this either?”

After confirming that Yuri was not lying, the two looked at each other. ….

“It doesn’t matter if you didn’t watch the game, don’t you watch the World Channel at all?”

“To tell you the truth, I am actually a contestant, and I was eliminated from the top half not long ago.” After thinking about it, Yuli decided to tell the truth.

This is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, he was able to enter the main draw not because of good luck, but because of his hard power.

As for quitting, it is not a personal reason, it is purely due to the decision of captain Cosim.

“Ah, are you a contestant?”

“This makes sense. The upper half of you must not know about the lower half.”

When they heard that Yuri was a contestant, the contempt they had just felt immediately disappeared and replaced with expressions of emotion.

Those who were watching the game felt that the first half was miserable, let alone the people involved in the first half.

“Even if we don’t tell you the source of this water, you can actually guess it yourself.”

“Su Shen?” Yuli was stunned and said his name with some difficulty.

To say who has the ability to become the ultimate winner in this competition, it is certainly Sumo among the human community.

“Of course, besides Su Shen, there are other contestants with this ability. You don’t really think that a little alien can be so powerful in this competition, do you?”

After receiving affirmative answers from the two of them, he didn’t wait to ask again. You contestants should be able to change the perspective at will. All questions can be understood by going to the oasis on the edge of the desert. “Raising their hands, the audience with oriental faces pointed at the finish line.

“Thank you.”

Yuri’s heart was so tight that he didn’t care to continue the conversation and quickly chose to change his perspective.

His intuition told him that the big opportunity Carlos mentioned might be in that oasis.

However, when the perspective changed, the last huge oasis in the lower half of the area became clear before our eyes.

I saw the huge camp and the lively scene created by the humans and aliens coming in and out.

Even though Yuri was mentally prepared, he was still stuck in the air like a piece of wood.

This. How is this possible? !

(End of this chapter)



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