My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1215: Module camp, points plan!


After planning the means of making money in the next few terrains, Sumo was refreshed and his thinking became clearer.

Although Kirishima is a terrain used in the finals, it will not be opened until the end of the 30 days of the main competition.

During this period, logging in early will not gain an advantage, but will miss the opportunity of the first eight terrains.

In this case, you only need to ensure that you can be on the island on the last day.

“There are still twenty-three days left, and I can earn 30,000 points a day, which is six or seven hundred thousand. No, six or seven million is still too little. At least two or three million are enough. Look. We have to explore this Rolling Stone Canyon and the following terrains tomorrow.”

A single package related to the Qi Master route requires more than 300,000 points, not to mention other more advanced ones.

Once you encounter a legendary sales list, you may easily get hundreds of thousands or millions of points for one item.

“It’s such a pity to only buy a dozen of so many good things. I don’t know when I’ll have to wait until next time if I miss this competition.”

Sumo thought to himself and couldn’t help but mention the expected points income again and again.


The marching camp was successfully transported back, and after unfolding it instantly replaced the “narrow” workshop.

As a modular device worth 12,000 points, the marching camp covers an area of ​​1,500 square meters, with a total of 17 rooms of different sizes, all made of special alloy materials. skeleton.

They are: central command room, kitchen, dining room, medical room, warehouse, bathroom, communications room, and ten soldier dormitories.

Among them.

The central command room has two floors above ground and one underground floor, and is equipped with complete conference facilities.

The ten soldier dormitories also have simple bunk beds, and each room can accommodate forty people.

Judging from the size of the kitchen and dining room, this should be equipped for a team of 500 people.

Of course, this is just part of what comes with modularity.

In addition to the built-in buildings, there is nearly half of the camp with open space.

It can be used as a training place, or empty tents can be set up to easily increase the number of occupancy by 500.

In addition, there is a two-meter-high spiked alloy fence surrounding the camp, enclosing all the rooms.

Every thirty meters, there is a shooting port protruding outward.

Coupled with the two towering sentry towers at the front and rear, it can be said that safety is maximized!

“This is indeed a modular item, it can hide so many surprises!”

Originally, the open space near the Earth Fire Spring was quite spacious, but after the camp was established, one-third of it was immediately occupied.

In front of the solid alloy front door, Sumo was stunned, completely unaware of how the van-sized modular device expanded into such a behemoth in less than a minute.

Is this really what technology can do?


“Modularization with 10,000 points can achieve this level. What about 100,000 points? What about 1 million?”

Seeing the towering camp and hearing the noise, Gong Manting and the other two people who planned to stop by to apologize were also stunned not far away.

I had prepared a lot of words, but suddenly I forgot all about them.

What is this?

If they could still understand the previous workshop, then this huge marching camp was a bit unreasonable and outrageous.

“Damn it, why did you change just now?”

“How come I just went to the toilet and came back, and there was an extra camp in the oasis?”

“Really or not, what just happened?”

“Holy crap, the combination of deformation, this modular device is too abnormal.”

The audience hanging in the sky were all shocked, as if they were watching a fictional science fiction movie.

Especially the audience who had just watched the entire transformation, their faces were full of shock and disbelief.

You must know that although migration has been started for a long time, most people’s residences are still very simple.

Not to mention comparing it with the rooms generated in the current camp, there is a gap between it and the previous workshop.

How many race points do I need to exchange for this?

In other words, how much did Su Shen earn from his previous transactions with those foreign races?

For a while, the World Channel began to flood the screen again, and even the craze for cultivating immortals that had only been popular for a day was suppressed.

“Now even if I rub a plane with my hands in the camp and come out, the audience above will not be surprised!”

Go into different rooms one by one and check them out.

Standing in the huge and empty warehouse, Sumo finally couldn’t help but laugh.

When a truck was upgraded in the workshop before, the audience might still be curious about how it was done.

But in this warehouse, no one knows what materials are inside or what happened.

“Bring those wooden frames in for me, I’ll be up all night tonight!”

Finding Qi Jie, Sumo decided to strike while the iron was hot and build the vehicles needed to pass through the canyon tonight.

There is no need for comfort or even seats. The distance of fifteen kilometers only needs to ensure that the speed of the vehicle can meet the customs clearance requirements.

And if you can get there before more survivors arrive, you can ensure the efficiency of customs clearance.

Four challenge tasks, totaling 3800 points.

Even if the ticket costs 3,000 points, Sumo believes that there will definitely be a lot of people willing to pay.

This is definitely a terrifying progress!

Not only can you take care of all the contestants, but you can earn nearly a million points by doing business with only two or three hundred people!

“Okay, I’ll go right away.”

Qi Jie was still exploring every corner of the camp, and was surprised when he heard what Su Mo said.

Using a wooden frame as a vehicle may sound like a fantasy.

But with all the previous miracles as a foreshadowing, I couldn’t help but look forward to it at this time.

“By the way, Lord, our dormitories are all empty right now, so why not rent them out to earn more points?”

“Guan Mao and the others are following us all the way. They just told me that they want to move in. There is a fee.”

Although fighting between players is not allowed in the main game, there is no danger even if you sleep in the wilderness.

But here at the edge of the desert, the lowest temperature at night has reached about minus ten degrees.

If the wind blows, even if you are in a hut made of reeds, you will not be able to escape the bone-chilling chill.

In comparison, the dormitories in the camp are much more comfortable.

The alloy bones ensure the safety of the dormitory, and special insulation materials can always lock in the internal temperature.

Even if the iron frame bed has no quilt, sleeping on it with reeds for a night is definitely a rare treat.

“You can just decide the price. You don’t need to ask me about such trivial matters in the future.”

“You can also take the points collected at that time. If you need anything, you can go to the merchant to buy some.”

Compared with the millions of points that can easily be earned, a dormitory bed can only generate more than a hundred points in its lifetime. No matter how much, those contestants would definitely rather sleep outdoors to save money.

Even if all 300 are rented out, the income will only be 20,000 to 30,000 points in the end.

Giving this little profit to Qi Jie, who had worked hard all the way, the latter was really happy and said with joy:

“Following you, lord, the people in our territory will definitely be jealous to death”

Compared to the old Taoist male gunman, looking back now, it seems that he is lucky to be with Sumo.

Not only do you not have to worry about how to advance through levels, you can also collect a lot of points.

Thinking of this, Qi Jie secretly made a decision in his heart.

Since Sumo is willing to delegate power to him, he should use this camp as a basis to fully demonstrate his abilities.

After exiting the gate of the camp, the three of them were still waiting eagerly at the door, looking inside from time to time.

Seeing Qi Jie approaching, Guan Mao hurriedly greeted him eagerly:

“What do you mean, Brother Qi, can Lord Su allow the three of us to move in?”


Qi Jie gave up and saw that the three of them were a little anxious before he chuckled and said: “Based on your performance and abilities these days, I talked to the lord and he agreed!”


“It’s great, I finally don’t have to freeze at night.”

“I want to grab a bed near the door first!”

Though they were excited on the lips, the three of them were actually extremely excited in their hearts.

It’s a small thing to live in the dormitory, but it’s a big thing to be able to continue to be surrounded by Su Shen’s circle.

The appearance of Gong Manting has made them see a hint of threat from the outside. If they can’t continue to unite around Qi Jie, when more contestants come to this oasis in the future, they may not be able to make money anymore. Received it so easily.

The three of them calculated very clearly that even if they only earned two hundred points a day, they would have thousands by the end of the main game.

Coupled with daily and challenge tasks, I am afraid that I can collect more than 10,000.

“Brother Qi, look at the three of us. Can we shamelessly ask for a bed?”

Seeing a few people talking and laughing, Gong Manting and the Gu family brothers who were staying in the corner couldn’t help it anymore.

Coming out of the darkness, there was no trace of afternoon pride on his face, only a strong look of flattery remained.

“You can really use the wind to steer the ship.”

Qi Jie was secretly disdainful, but his face did not show this thought.

Practice aside, Gong Manting’s ability to lead people to arrive early has proven that there is no problem with his ability.

And now that he is willing to bow his head, it also shows that this person has no problem with emotional intelligence.

Using some benefits to win over may be more convenient than Guan Mao and the others.

“The lord has entrusted me with the management of all matters in the camp. You can move in if you want, but what?”

After pondering for a while, the three of them became more uneasy.

Qi Jie then said with satisfaction: “Guan Mao and the others have helped us a lot during this period. There will definitely be no charge for moving in.”

“But you three”

“We are willing to use points to purchase beds, this is easy to say, easy to say!”

I thought this was probably the ‘apology’ I had to pay, and Gong Manting quickly expressed that there was no problem.

The three of them paid a total of 300 points to obtain unlimited residence rights during the main competition and got one of the beds.

At the same time, he finally tacitly put aside all the unpleasantness that happened in the afternoon.

“Let’s go, the lord wants to use those wooden frames from yesterday, and I will allocate beds for you after I finish moving them.”

“I’ll do it!”

“Just leave this little thing to me!” Upon hearing that there was no charge, Guan Mao and Zhang Jun were extremely excited and rushed to help.

Seeing this, Gong Manting next to him also shamelessly stepped forward.

“Brother Qi, if you ever have to do something like this in the future, just give your order and we will take care of it for you!”

“With your help, it will be really easy for me.”

Qi Jie smiled, and several people entered the camp and carried all the wooden frames to the warehouse.

Sumo was a little surprised at first when he saw Gong Manting and the others among them.

But then I thought about it and it was not surprising that they would make such a choice.

Every bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

Between offending him, the human **** Su, and getting nothing from this trip, and making a lot of money by pleasing him.

These people who can enter the main competition will not hesitate at all, and they will make the right choice no matter how humble they are.

“Lord, we will leave without disturbing you.”

After moving the things, the group quickly exited the warehouse and closed the door from the outside to the inside.

Then he walked towards the first dormitory closest to the camp gate.

Sliding the door and entering, there are not only fifteen iron frame beds with bunk beds, but also two large tables.

In addition, the camp energy is also used for electricity. Press the switch lightly, and the soft light emitted by the electric light drives away all the darkness.

“It’s spacious and bright, the air is fresh, it’s so comfortable, it’s even more comfortable than I am in the territory!”

Xi Ruyue chose the lower bunk near the door and said “comfortable” twice, which showed how excited she was.

“Does Mengyue Territory not even have such a place to live?”

“No, we have been established for too short a time and the population is too large. Almost everyone sleeps in tents.”

“That’s it.”

Qi Jie was a little stunned, but he was relieved when he remembered that he seemed to be worse off than he was before he joined the Tianyuan Territory.

The small number of residents does not mean that Tianyuan Territory is weak in strength.

In terms of average living standards, other territories may not be able to catch up even a little bit.

“Then you can consider coming to our territory after you leave. We in Tianyuan Territory are never stingy with talents.”

Qi Jie smiled and casually mentioned a few environmental conditions of the territory to introduce Zhao Dao.

He does not expect these “geniuses” from various territories to think of leaving just because of a main match.

But as long as the reputation of Tianyuan Territory can be promoted through these people, the goal will be achieved.

However, what surprised Qi Jie was that not only Xi Ruyue nodded seriously, but Guan Mao and Zhang Jun next to him also showed hesitant expressions.

“Good guy, do you really have this idea?”

Qi Jie was secretly surprised, but he couldn’t help but look forward to it.

If this competition can recruit some talents to the territory, it will definitely be a great achievement.

Just considering that this move might offend the territories behind these people, Qi Jie did not say any more and quickly turned the topic back to business.

“There may be many contestants arriving in the oasis in the next few days. The lord has entrusted me with the business of selling food and fresh water, but I will definitely be too busy alone.”

“Brother Qi, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions.” Gong Manting, who had a sharp ear, quickly answered.

Looking at this diligent performance, Guan Mao and the others couldn’t help but curse in their hearts.

I’ve only been here for half a day, and my performance is even worse than theirs.

But soon a few people no longer paid attention to this, but were attracted by the future described by Qi Jie.

“Don’t worry, your help will definitely not be in vain. Everyone wants the points for the race, and I know that too.”

“And how to earn points from latecomers is what we need to study.”

With a slight cough, Qi Jie finally got to the point.

“I plan to build the camp into a service facility integrating various living facilities to serve every competitor who comes here!”

(End of this chapter)


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