My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1195: The main race begins, the familiar old business!


April 23, Year Two of the Wasteland Calendar.

The long-lost cold winter rain has finally come to an end as the main competition of Ten Thousand Trails Competition is about to begin.

After one night, the clouds dispersed.

Behind the dark clouds is still the blazing sun, sending out billowing heat waves toward the surface.

The cold winter has ushered in the long-awaited warming, giving people a feeling that spring is about to begin.

“It’s the end of April, and it’s time to end winter!”

The sun is good and the mood is good.

Walking in the warm sunlight, Somo stretched out.

A warm heat seems to penetrate from the skin downwards, driving away all the chill.

After taking a few deep breaths, I felt that my energy and blood were becoming smoother.

“Brother, today is your day to enter the main game, why don’t you prepare?”

Sister Su Chan followed closely beside me, feeling equally happy when she saw the sunshine after a long absence.

But beyond that, there are also concerns.

Although there is no risk to life in the first Ten Thousand Paths War, as long as life danger is detected, it will be reported.

In addition, malicious fights between players are not allowed in the main game, and there is nothing that aliens can do if they want to.

But everyone knows the pressure placed on the human God Su.

Just like those players who have high expectations in sports competitions, as long as they don’t win the whole process neatly, they will lose in a sense.

“Preparation? Just improvising?

Don’t worry, your brother has already prepared.

Can’t you also watch the battle then? Just watch how I beat those aliens. ”

Knowing that Su Chan would be worried about him, Su Mo specifically proposed to go out for a walk in the morning.

And it is completely different from what outsiders think. He is not under a lot of pressure, at least it is much less pressure than those players who are also contestants.

The reason why I have been thinking a lot is to study how to better radiate the advantages to the human collective.


Su Chan suddenly walked up quickly.


Sumo stopped.

The rain has stopped, but the lingering cold is still there.

Su Chan’s pretty little face turned red from the cold, and there was a trace of white frost hanging on her brow.

“It’s okay, I just want to”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around: “Has there been any news about Sister Zhong recently?”

“Huh? It seems. No.”

Su Mo was stunned and shook his head slightly.

Time suddenly passed for so long that the memory was covered with a veil.


He is indeed no longer the ordinary person who first entered the wasteland and was full of childishness and wanted to live a stable life.

Territory battles, racial battles, a higher level world.

As I come into contact with more and more things, my way of thinking becomes more and more complex.

So much so that some things that I cared about in the past have now become dispensable and messy memories, hidden deep in my heart.

It is only when someone mentions it occasionally that I feel a sense of enlightenment.

“Don’t talk about this, go back to eat.”

A snowball rolled up from the ground and hit Oreo who was walking on the other side.

Seeing the silly dog ​​chasing after him bitterly, Sumo smiled and couldn’t help but quicken his pace.


Ordinary children are affectionate and parents are short-lived. It is indeed too extravagant in this environment.

Even he sometimes feels a sense of urgency that can be lost at any time. ….

Seven thirty in the morning.

After breakfast, I sat at the dinner table with Qiao Yuansheng and Wang Yuanshuai, the two top managers of the territory, and made arrangements for all matters during the seven days before leaving.

Sumo met the three “teammates” on this trip.

Wearing a yellow robe, the old Taoist priest Yi Liangfu looked excited. His two goatees were carefully groomed and exuded a shiny shine.

Yu Ao, a male gunman dressed in short-sleeved clothes, with strong ties tied around his arms and calves, looks quite capable.

And Qi Jie, who looked calm and wore navy blue sportswear.

Considering that the terrain in the race did not look cold, none of the three wore warm clothing.

Except for the fact that the Taoist robes look a little out of whack, the costumes of the male gun brother and Qi Jie are extremely functional.

“Hello, Lord!”

The old man shouted slyly, and the other two people quickly followed.

With good luck, the three of them knew that their strength was not outstanding among the more than a thousand players this time.

Then entering the main game, it mainly depends on Sumo’s performance.

“Okay, okay, you are still a seasoned person who knows how to speak glibly.

Don’t be nervous, this is not a war.

Just follow my instructions when we enter the main race. The front should be safe. ”

Suma nodded slightly.

If the person entering the main competition is a newcomer, he may have to get to know him better.

These three people are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to be polite.

Go to the rest room prepared in the village and sit down.

Although the game has stated that except for clothing, no outside objects can be brought in.

However, several people still made preparations, strapping equipment with different functions on various parts of their bodies, and stuffing their pockets with as much high-calorie food as possible.

There is only one minute left.

Seeing that the three people who had just relaxed suddenly became nervous again, Sumo suddenly became a little nervous.

Fortunately, the game intake and delivery time is very punctual.

As eight o’clock arrived, the figures of the four people flickered slightly, and then suddenly disappeared into the room.

At the same time, the relatively quiet wasteland suddenly became lively.

Ten Thousand Trails Main Race.

The battle for the top between humans and aliens!

Although the game will last for seven full days, no one wants to miss the exciting competition at the beginning.

This is a competition for survival!

Unlike the Olympic Games on Earth, the competition is purely about the limits of proficiency in a single event and the limits of human physique.

The process of survival in the main race involves nine different terrains, testing the contestants’ all-round abilities.

And the former cannot learn, but the latter can imitate.

Countless survivors have opened their eyes and are waiting to learn the survival methods of different players in the main game so that they can be used in the subsequent migration process.

Beyond that.

“The main competition has finally begun. I have stayed away these days because I just want to see if I can buy the survival items that Su Shen made in the main competition!”

“Hey, you’re right, that’s what I think too.”

“If Su Shen can make a pistol in the main game”

“Don’t think about it, you probably won’t be able to afford a pistol if it’s made.”


Discussed everywhere, expected everywhere.

When the game panel was opened, the interface for Ten Thousand Paths of War had already been refreshed with a button to watch the game. ….

Unlike the knockout rounds, tickets for the main round are extremely expensive. You need fifty points per day to start, and after seven days, you need three hundred and fifty points.

However, this time the game is for publicity, and the game tickets that were generously given to all players before were actually package tickets.

There are seven cards in total, corresponding to the qualifications for watching the main game every day.

And considering that the daily main matches are really long, it is impossible for the players outside to do nothing 24 hours a day and just watch the battle in the arena.

The game has thoughtfully made rule changes.

During the main competition, each ticket can be withdrawn up to three times per day. After three times, you will be disqualified from entering on the same day.

In this way, if you go out and rest for four or five hours, you can basically cover the whole day, excluding the time to sleep at night.

“This ghost game is really generous this time and saved us a lot of trouble.”

In the giant tree root sea area, inside the guard station.

Chen Shen adjusted his glasses frames and as he spoke, he gathered his thoughts and clicked the watch button.

A sudden thought flashed through him, and the world in front of him began to become blurry.

After about three to five seconds of dizziness, it gradually became clear as if he had entered the arena to watch the battle.

“Hey, why do you feel a little hot?”

The field of vision is not yet clear, but an unusually hot feeling is coming from all directions.

For the survivors who were still in the cold winter just now, the heat was even a little breathless.

Fortunately, after a few seconds, the hot feeling began to be isolated, and the vision was completely clear.

Only then did all the spectators realize that they were not in the usual auditorium, but at the height of the entire land just like they had been when watching the previous disasters.

You can pull the viewing angle at will and observe everywhere, as low as fifty meters above the ground.

You can also follow the fixed perspective established by the game to get closer to the perspective of the contestants.

“Hey, isn’t the first terrain a plain? Why is the land below so golden?”

Still five kilometers above the ground, Chen Shen looked down at his surroundings curiously.

Through thin clouds.

You can see the endless golden color spreading randomly in all directions, with no definite edges.

Although the terrain can be called ‘flat’, it is completely different from the new continent where everyone usually lives.


Golden land?

Suddenly coming back to his senses, Chen Shen was startled and quickly lowered his perspective.


“How is this a desert?”

The heat wave is rolling, and the heated air is constantly churning, like a pot of transparent porridge stirring.

The ground seemed to be on fire, reflecting flames that looked like boiling oil.

In an inconspicuous low-lying corner.

A faint light flickered, gradually condensing into a strong and powerful figure.

It was Sumo who chose to enter the competition!


“Why is it so hot?”

The first time the teleportation came, Sumo subconsciously raised his hand to block his forehead.

It is different from entering the arena in the past.

This has just arrived, and all sorts of sensations including steaming, suffocation, intense heat, and strange stuffiness are coming to my face.

It literally burns human cells and fibers into **** of flame.

Looking around, the green plains of imagination did not appear, but a vast sea of ​​sand with no visible edges. ….

The tall sand dunes shine in the sun, like golden waves rolling.

As the gusts of wind blow by, they jump and dance, making huge sounds like tsunamis.

Looking overhead, a few wisps of thin clouds are slowly moving forward with the wind.

The blue sky is far higher and purer than the wasteland, without any impurities.

“Why is this first terrain a desert?”

Su Mo was a little stunned and couldn’t help but ask.

However, there was no reply from any living creature nearby. As far as the naked eye could see, he was the only one standing in the low sand dunes.

The only thing that is eye-catching is probably a thin manual placed on the ground.

Picking up the manual, Sumo frowned and flipped through to the first page.

Lines of text emerge like water waves, and the game panel is automatically activated.

[Welcome to the first round of the Ten Thousand Trails Competition. Based on your performance in the knockout round, your entry number this time is: 7, and you will be able to choose to receive any one of the following additional rewards]

[1. The right to know the terrain, you can know the next participating terrain]

【2. A glass of water (500ml)】

【3. Location of other contestants in the same territory (one person)】

“The terrain is not according to the previous preview demonstration, but is arranged randomly?”

When he saw the words “right to know the terrain”, Sumo knew that he had been tricked by the game again.

The previous trailer only said that the terrain of Wushan would be random. Unexpectedly, the terrain arrangement that was specially demonstrated later would also be randomized.

No, this arrangement should be misleading from beginning to end!

If you play the game in the order of plains, mountains, canyons, lakes, deserts, seas, islands, swamps, and forests, the threat of the desert in the middle is actually not that big.

You can completely save enough fresh water and food in the previous terrain lake.

At that time, you only need to endure some physical pain to pass the most difficult desert terrain.

Now, however, the desert is mentioned first.

“I choose third.” Sumo said softly.

Knowing the next terrain will not help you in the current desert.

A glass of water is not enough to support players out of this desolate desert.

On the contrary, it is third.

As Somo finished speaking, the text on the first page of the manual began to fade away, and a flat map appeared.

Because it is a desert, there are no obvious terrain markings on the map.

Only two glowing dots are flashing.

The larger white light spot is where Soma is now, and the other dark gray light spot is one of the three people.

Distance 19km!

“So far?” Sumo narrowed his eyes and began to feel that something was wrong.

It takes at least half a day to start the forty-mile journey.

Gathering in the same territory should be an easy thing to do, but now it is not that difficult.

In addition, we have to gather and get out of this desert

There are only seven days in total for this race. Unless we can fly a plane and fly out, I really can’t think of any other way to achieve the goal of the race.

Exiting the map, Sumo flipped the manual to the second page.

As expected, many more words began to appear.

[Welcome player ‘Sumo’ to participate in the main competition of Ten Thousand Trails Competition]

[Surviving and reaching the ‘Fog Mountain’ through nine different terrains is the goal of this competition. Please keep in mind the following game rules:]

[1. The flow of time in the world of this competition is different from that of the outside world. You will have thirty days to complete the competition, while the outside world only consumes seven days. 】

【2. Each player in the main draw will get ‘500’ main draw points at the beginning. If the points return to zero, they will be eliminated. 】

[3. Main competition points will be the key to survival, please cherish the points in your hands and do not spend them at will]

[4. Each terrain will randomly refresh merchants every sell various materials or special items that are helpful for survival. Players can use the points from the main game to purchase]

[5. Before arriving at ‘Kirishima’, any form of fighting, harassment, or competition between players is strictly prohibited. Once verified, they will be eliminated directly]

[6. In principle, players are not prohibited from helping each other and arriving at ‘Kirishima’ together, but help between players who are not from the same territory (human) or the same race (foreign race) requires the payment of main game points]

[7. Each time you get help, the points are fixed at 50 points. The specific amount will not be determined by the player. The game will automatically judge the ‘level of help’ to determine the price]

[8. Please always pay attention to the threats from the terrain. The terrain will produce a small natural disaster every three days, the terrain will produce a medium natural disaster every six days, and the terrain will produce a large natural disaster every nine days]

[9. Please don’t worry about death. Just shred this manual to exit the main game. If a life threat is detected, the game will automatically assist the player to exit the game. I wish you all a happy game]

(End of this chapter)



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