My Divine Diary Chapter 994: Pinball body


How to improve perception ability?

When most people see this question, their first reaction is to ‘sit cross-legged and practice’, and then their mental power rises. After a period of time, the magical power is completed. The sun, moon and stars can be seen in the distance. The world, you can know the reincarnation of the world with just a few clicks…

But it would be nice if it were that simple.

Su Hao knew deep down in his heart that if he could not analyze the underlying logic of ‘perception’, he would not be able to make any progress in his mental power even if he had to sit quietly for millions of years.

So what is the underlying logic of perception?

Take the hearing of the ear as an example. The human ear can hear sound waves within a certain range. No matter how keen the ear is, once it exceeds or falls below a certain frequency, the human ear cannot detect it.

As for hearing, if you want to improve your perception of sound on this basis, you need to modify your ears in a targeted manner so that your ears can receive ultrasonic or infrasound waves and transmit clear signals to the brain.

As long as the transformation is successful, it can be said that the perception has been successfully broken through and improved after ‘cultivation’.

It’s simple, right?

In fact, this is the truth. Cultivation itself is a process of transforming the body. Whether it is transformed through ‘sitting meditation’ or using a scalpel, the desired effect is the same.

But what needs to be noted is that this kind of practice must be targeted. I can’t cultivate my eyes and hope that my ears will also be transformed.

So, Su Hao needs to improve his perception so that he can sense the existence of the pinball space after he is successfully reincarnated in the future. The principle is the same as this.

What he wants to perceive is not infrasound waves, but the pinball space. He needs to modify his perception according to the characteristics of the pinball space.

“The pinball space may not have a specific shape in the material world, and my current perception method may not be able to detect its existence. What should I do?”

Su Hao quickly found the corresponding idea: “Start from three aspects. First, diversify your own perception. Make all the Mi series substances harvested over the years into spiritual eyes and connect them to the brain;

Second, try to emit a specific frequency signal from inside the pinball space. For safety reasons, I have never made a similar attempt, but it is theoretically possible. After all, it can be input, and there should be a way to output it;

Third, the way pinball space records external information has a fluctuating impact on the outside world during the recording process, and then specifically encodes these impacts so that its existence can be perceived from the outside world. ”

He believes that as long as these three points are successfully completed, the possibility of sensing the pinball space is very high.

With a thought, Su Hao’s figure materialized in the pinball space, floating in the long river of information.

The first difficulty faced him: how to distinguish the inside and outside of the pinball space?

Like the outer universe, there are no clear boundaries in the pinball space. The existence of the pinball space is similar to an open interval (0, 1) on the number axis. The magical thing about it is that, although That’s all I know, but it is infinite, and there is no such thing as a ‘maximum’ or ‘minimum’.

Su Hao murmured: “This… is really a headache.”

This question is indeed a bit difficult.

He kept wandering around the pinball space, trying to find a breakthrough.

His consciousness information is like a string of numbers within (0, 1), wandering around in this range, but in no way can he touch the boundary of this range.

I don’t know how long he wandered around, but Su Hao stopped helplessly: “This direction has fallen into an endless loop. There is no way to break through. We have to find another way.

Forget it, there is no need to look inside or outside, just study the input and output ends of the information. ”

Su Hao quickly adjusted his state and started classifying and researching the latest information input into the pinball space.

Su Hao is very good at research in this area, because he has been doing this since he first established Xiaoguang.


Time passed, and one day twenty years later, Su Hao faced various problems that came one after another, and couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s really a headache…”

But after sighing, his helpless expression suddenly froze, and then gradually turned into astonishment: “Big head… head? Brain?”

“Shit, maybe if I change my mind, everything will be solved.”

He gradually became excited.

“Isn’t the state of the pinball space very similar to the state of a brain?”

“If I compare pinball space to a giant’s brain, then it all makes sense.”

“The pinball space is a ‘brain’ that can store massive amounts of information, and I can be regarded as the main consciousness in this brain.

The problem I am encountering now is that this giant brain has no eyes to see, no ears to hear, no nose to smell, and no body to feel.

Like a person who has all his perceptions closed but is still able to think. Nothing can be done except thinking. ”

“Think about it, if I didn’t have the freedom to move with my body, wouldn’t my situation be like this, a conscious vegetative state?

The thinking ability of the giant brain in Pinball Space is very powerful. In terms of thinking level, it is almost omnipotent and can even subconsciously receive information from the outside world.

But the problem is that it is just a brain, without the matching eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands and body, so that it cannot even detect where it is, nor can it even stop wandering in the universe. It can only be Instinct drives me around. ”

Su Hao tightened his fists tightly and his eyes were full of excitement: “In other words, if I have a way to put eyes on the brain of Pinball Space, as the consciousness of this brain, I can see;

If I could put ears on this brain, I could hear;

If I had a way to add arms and legs to this brain, I could control my own actions. ”

“As a brain, I need to install a body for myself! As long as I successfully install a body, all my problems will be solved.

So, is there a way I can add eyes and ears to the pinball space? ”

Su Hao took a deep breath and then exhaled: “It will definitely happen. The pinball space itself can receive information from the outside world and send information to the outside world. These two points are enough.”

Being able to receive information means that my eyes, ears and other perception systems can be built. It is not unacceptable to have built-in eyes and built-in ears.

Being able to send information outward means that you can control external materials. As long as you have a material that can be controlled, you can turn it into hands and feet…

With his current level of technology and thinking, it is feasible to achieve this. It may be a little crude at first, but as time goes by, the giant body he envisioned will definitely become more and more perfect.

“If my pinball brain successfully acquires a body, then to a certain extent, I will have complete control over the pinball space. At this time, I will also have the ability to deal with the sudden accidents that I am worried about. Avoid.

The most important thing is that after successfully building a ‘pinball body’, my body becomes a pinball body, and there is a great possibility that through this special pinball body, I can successfully contact the ‘non-pinball body’. The material universe’ has begun to embark on another new path of exploration. ”

By then, it doesn’t matter where the pinball space is.

Su Hao’s brain was working rapidly, thinking about the possibility of a pinball body. He recorded all the results of his thinking one by one, and continued to improve this plan.

“First try to make an ‘eye’ to observe the outside of the pinball space. Well… it is more like an eye than a specific light signal receiver.

This should not be difficult, as long as all the information included in the pinball space is classified and coded. As for how this eye relates to consciousness information, this is similar to ‘clone control’, and there is enough consciousness information for me to experiment, so it’s not a big problem…

At the beginning, I may only be able to receive some simple and scattered information, which cannot form the scene seen by the naked eye, but I can use the method of transmitting specific signals to try to capture some of the encountered materials and make them attach to the pinball space. outside.

Then use these substances to make a fully functional ‘eye’, so that you can see farther and clearer.

Of course, it can also be made into ears, hands, feet, bodies…”

Su Hao has conducted extremely in-depth research on some substances and knows very well which types of substances will be affected by which specific signals.

So as long as he can ‘see’ the corresponding material in the pinball space, it is possible to capture the material with signals.

Once he gets matter from the perspective of pinball space, he can use it to make whatever he wants.

Su Hao’s steps for making a body are briefly summarized as follows: 1. Make an eye that can barely function; 2. After seeing the substance try to capture the substance with a specific signal; 3. Use the captured substance to make a real eyes and body.

After sorting out his ideas, Su Hao quickly took action and began to design the ‘eyes’ of the pinball body.

“After making the eyes, try to capture the material. If the material is successfully obtained, it means that the pinball body plan is feasible.”

This is the key point and the difficulty.

Being able to capture matter in theory does not mean that it can be done in practice.

Perhaps it is much harder than he thought.

After all, he doesn’t even know the nature of pinball space.

However, Su Hao is not short of time. He has plenty of time to try and come up with a new idea, which is great.

The big deal is that I failed and continued my previous plan of ‘waiting for reincarnation’.


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