My Divine Diary Chapter 993: Perception and Space


Soon, a large number of production lines of exiled clones were produced by disciples of the two sects.

At the same time, the finished exile clones are also continuously produced, entering the small world set by Su Hao, automatically recorded into the pinball space, and then delivered to unknown places by the ‘Space Random Exile Teleportation Array’.

Su Hao’s job is very simple, add more and more complete exploration functions to Xiaoguang, and then hand over all the exiled clones to Xiaoguang.

After doing all this, Su Hao can enjoy the treasure of knowledge that this mechanism brings to him with peace of mind.

As time goes by, the disciples of the two sects explore more and more widely, harvest more and more living planets, and discover more and more interesting new phenomena.

These newly discovered cosmic phenomena, without exception, have all been thoroughly studied by Su Hao and integrated into his own system, turning them into knowledge that truly belongs to him.

As time went by, Su Hao’s knowledge became wider and wider.

According to ordinary people’s perception, Su Hao’s current state can be called ‘omniscient and omnipotent’.

However, Su Hao no longer cares about the opinions of ordinary people. The ‘omniscience and omnipotence’ in the eyes of ordinary people does not mean much to him.

Because he knew that as his knowledge broadened and his understanding of the universe deepened, he saw more unknowns in the universe.

The more you understand, the more you realize you don’t understand.

For example, Su Hao has a question in his mind that cannot be answered for the time being: “I use eyes, mental power, spiritual eyes, galaxy networks, etc. to observe this material universe, but all my observation methods are based on Material. I can only observe the material universe using material observation methods. So the question is, is there another universe independent of matter that I cannot observe?

For example, the ‘antimatter’ that many people have proposed but cannot observe; such as higher spatial dimensions that higher-level humans cannot understand; such as the existence form and operating rules of pinball space that are still incomprehensible…”

Su Hao believes that these all exist, but he cannot use his body or machine to truly feel their existence.

Just because you can’t feel it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

For example, the special substance ‘Yuan Qi’ that was independent of the element sequence that he encountered some time ago. If Su Hao hadn’t met it on the Martial Arts Planet, he would not have known about the existence of this special parasitic substance.

No matter how smart the brain is, it will be limited by cognitive limitations.

If you have never seen it, you will never be able to imagine it.

Just like the planet where he lived in his first life, the imaginary ‘aliens’ are always created based on earth creatures as a template.

Just because I have never seen real alien creatures, I can’t imagine them at all.

So, what should we do when faced with such a problem?

Su Hao has only one way, and that is to wait.

Ten million years, billions of years, trillions of years, etc.

Wait until a certain chance coincidence occurs, allowing him to break through the natural limitations of being a material observer, observe another possible appearance of the universe from the perspective of being separated from matter, and then follow this observation angle to study this Subversive cognition.

There is no other way.

After all, Su Hao doesn’t know what to do now to break away from matter and observe another non-material universe.

He is first and foremost a man made of matter.

It’s like an ant trying to think like a human.

Theoretically it is impossible.

In this regard, Su Hao smiled and said: “Perhaps the pinball space is my breakthrough point for observing the non-material universe? From my years of research on the pinball space, its existence is like something between matter and matter. The critical product of the world and the non-material world has properties similar to the critical product ‘source’ of matter and energy.

The reason why it moves everywhere may be due to the influence of the interaction between the material world and the non-material world…”

Of course, this is just Su Hao’s guess. He doesn’t know the details.

Even if it is the so-called non-material world, Su Hao has no ability to confirm its existence.

Su Hao was thinking about some complicated issues and unconsciously returned to the pinball space, wandering around in the seemingly endless special space of the pinball space.

This place is like a chaotic universe.

Only one corner is slightly different because he built the ‘Light of the Universe’.

Every time he came back here, Su Hao always had an unreal feeling. Maybe it was because of the illusion that he was the only one here?

When I was active in the outer universe, I would always have Yashan and Fengcheng helping me to study some things, so I would never feel like I was just one person, but it was different in the pinball space.

He did not allow anyone to interfere with the research on pinball space.

Su Hao smiled self-deprecatingly: “This is the contradiction between the ‘loneliness’ of studying alone and the ‘uneasiness’ of studying together. I want to have someone to discuss with, but I am afraid of being criticized. Haha, to a certain extent, I’m so hypocritical.”

On this issue, Su Hao can accept some hypocrisy.

“So, in the end, you can only explore by yourself how to go forward and where you can go.”

Su Hao murmured: “Pinball space, what kind of existence are you? In this universe, are there many similar pinball spaces, are there also many people and I’m just as lucky. At the moment of death, all the information was recorded in the pinball space?”

He hopes there is, but also hopes there is not…

What a contradiction.

After going through a lot of hardships all the way, he finally reached this step. The only thing left was to analyze the pinball space. After completing this, Su Hao basically had no worries.

He can devote all his body and mind to exploring the unknown that he loves.

Of course, analyzing the pinball space is also a process of exploring the unknown, but there are some differences between exploring the unknown with concerns and exploring the unknown without concerns.

Su Hao thinks that he prefers to have no worries.

After wandering around in the pinball space for a while, Su Hao had an idea and brought out the small black room, took out the consciousness packages that had been prepared for reincarnation, and checked the status of these consciousness packages again.

The result is no problem.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the pinball space goes to a suitable intelligent civilization planet, these consciousness packets can find a suitable reincarnation, complete the invasion of consciousness, complete the reincarnation on his behalf, and then open the channel with the main body.


Su Hao can send his body over as quickly as possible and search for the existence of the pinball space at close range.

There is a certain probability that the pinball space can be found near the reincarnated body. Of course, it is also possible that the pinball space is right in front of him but he turns a blind eye.

As for what will happen after finding the pinball space, Su Hao is not sure.

The best state is to successfully apply a spiritual tentacle on the pinball space after sensing the pinball space, turning the pinball space into a special ‘positioning stone’.

As long as it succeeds, Su Hao can use this positioning stone to teleport to the pinball space anytime and anywhere, sense it, study it, and completely control it…

However, it is very difficult.

Firstly, he was not sure whether the precious reincarnation he had waited for for millions or tens of millions of years would allow him to clearly perceive the existence of the pinball space from the material world.

The second is, even if it is sensed, whether it can successfully attach a ‘spiritual tentacle’ to the pinball space and make it into a positioning stone.

The third is, with the spiritual tentacles, whether he can teleport himself to the pinball space.

Every question is full of uncertainty and extremely difficult.

The most important thing is that every reincarnation is extremely precious. As long as it fails, it is likely to have to wait for tens of millions of years, waiting for the next pinball space to reincarnate with his consciousness package.

In experimental research, failure is inevitable.

After so many years of research experience, Su Hao has failed countless times.

If you have to wait ten million years every time you fail…

Su Hao shook his head helplessly: “I can’t imagine how long it will take to solve the pinball space problem.”

However, no matter how long it takes, Su Hao will keep waiting as long as the problem can be completely solved.

Su Hao unconsciously sat in front of the familiar desk again and spread out his notebook.

Since failure is inevitable, make complete preparations in advance to reduce the number of failures as much as possible!

During the long period of waiting for the consciousness package to be successfully reincarnated, that was all he could do.

Thinking about it, Su Hao started writing a plan to study the pinball space:

“The first everything possible to strengthen the perception method to ensure that after the reincarnation of the consciousness package, the body I sent away can perceive the existence of the pinball space.

In the next millions and millions of years, I need to devote most of my time to the study and exploration of perception.

The second step is to strengthen the mental tentacles, find ways to improve my spatial ability, and ensure that after sensing the pinball space, the mental tentacles are attached to the pinball space.

The third step is to strengthen the resistance of the main body and clones to space. It is best to make the main body and clones into bodies with space attributes…”

To put it simply, Su Hao will spare no effort to improve the ‘perception’ and ‘space’ abilities of his body and clones in the next long period of time.

He believes that if he concentrates on it for millions of years, there will be new breakthroughs.

Not long after, Su Hao left the experimental base and asked Yashan to get a life planet.

He decided to complete the transformation experiment of perception and space on this planet.


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