My Divine Diary Chapter 992: Joint Factory Director


Time passed quickly while Su Hao was developing the ‘Exiled Clone’, and twenty years passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Hao held a ball of meat that looked like a dull metallic color in his hand. He carefully observed its operating status. After a moment, he pushed it casually and the metal ball disappeared from his hand. He was exiled to the unknown space of the universe.

This metal meat ball is only the size of a basketball and has an unattractive appearance. However, it is a product that incorporates Su Hao’s most advanced biotechnology. It is the ‘exile clone’ developed by Su Hao.

This exiled clone has extremely high performance, uses multiple high-quality source beads as driving energy, has the biological characteristics of [God], and has a built-in ‘star key’, micro spiritual brain, crispy defense, Yuanling structure, and portable space. , automatic exploration program…

It can be said that the equipment of the exiled clone is extremely luxurious and sufficient to cope with various situations in the unknown space.

After the exiled clone was sent to the unknown space, Xiaoguang was responsible for controlling the exploration. Under special circumstances, he could be directly controlled by Su Hao’s ego and evolve into his clone at an extremely fast speed. It can even transform into a teleportation array to open up the channel to the experimental base.

The advantage of making the exiled clone like this is that the output is large and Su Hao does not need to pay attention at any time. He only needs to set up the automatic production and delivery program, which can meet his basic needs of exploring the infinite universe.

Think about that scenario, if billions of exiled clones are scattered around, some of them will win.

After Su Hao threw the wandering clone in any direction, he entered the pinball space and took over the control of the wandering clone.

As soon as he thought about it, the wandering clone began to squirm, lengthen and stretch, and soon grew arms, legs and a head. The shape of the head changed and turned into Su Hao’s facial features.

Su Hao blinked, raised his hand to see his current status, and smiled.

It feels pretty good, at least in extreme environments, it can effectively protect itself and launch a powerful counterattack.

“So, where is this place?”

This place is extremely empty, with only a few stars visible in the distant surroundings. Not to mention planets, even galaxies are hard to see.

Su Hao estimated that the nearest starlight from here is hundreds of millions of light years away.

This is a cosmic void.

It is impossible for this wandering clone to reach the nearest galaxy by flying.

After Su Hao confirmed the current situation, he started the second space exile without any hesitation.

For a moment, I came to another star field.

This place is still a void in the universe, not even a particle of so-called dust can be seen, and there is nothingness all around.

He felt everything around him through his wandering clone, and couldn’t help but feel a sense of loneliness in his heart.

The universe is too vast.

The part occupied by matter is so small that it is almost negligible.

The probability of reaching a galaxy through exile is lower than imagined.

Su Hao was then exiled several times in a row, without exception, all of them were exiled into the void of the universe.

Su Hao: “…”

This made him doubt himself again, whether his luck had always been so bad.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you create a large number of wandering clones and keep releasing them all over the universe, you will definitely gain something.

Once he encounters a galaxy, he can establish a base in that space through the ‘Galaxy Network’ and expand outward.

After checking the performance of the current wandering clone again and finding that there was nothing that needed improvement, Su Hao decided to finalize the production.

His consciousness separated from the wandering clone, returned to the pinball space, and began to design an automatic production line.

The difficulty in the assembly line production of wandering clones lies in the production of ‘miniature spiritual brains’. However, Su Hao has completed the fully automated production of spiritual brains a long time ago, so producing wandering clones is not too difficult for him.

After completing the design, Su Hao directly handed the designed production line to Yashan and Fengcheng and said: “Yashan, Fengcheng, there is a production line here. The first phase goal is to build one million.

The quantity I want to produce this time is extremely large, and there is no deadline. In other words, it will continue to be produced and can be regarded as an eternal project.

So, this production task can be done as a daily task for the disciples, just like the exploration task. ”

Feng Cheng looked at the production line information and asked in surprise: “Boss Wei, what are you trying to produce?”

Su Hao said: “A low-end version of the [God] clone can be used as a detector. I plan to use the ‘space exile’ ability to release this exile clone into the universe at will. Maybe I can get unexpected gains. .

If something is discovered, we can take over this detector at any time and build another cosmic base.

In this way, our scope of exploration will not be limited to the ‘Galaxy Network’. ”

Yashan and Fengcheng were stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: “Boss Wei is so awesome!”

Yashan and Fengcheng had an inexplicable feeling that their learning speed could never keep up with Boss Wei’s research and exploration speed.

They are really afraid that one day in the future they will suddenly be unable to keep up with Boss Wei.

The two secretly said: “We must work harder, I have slacked off a lot recently.”


After carefully reviewing Su Hao’s production line design drawings, Yashan and Fengcheng gathered together to communicate with each other.

Ashan said: “This production line does not look complicated, but most of the disciples are confused about the many technologies involved. If we just arrange it for them, the production efficiency will be extremely low. Just the early run-in It takes a lot of time.”

Feng Cheng nodded and said: “That’s true. If the arrangement continues like this, I estimate that the disciples of the Shuangjian Sect will be in chaos for a while. After all, the knowledge of the disciples of the Shuangjian Sect is much worse than that of the Infinite Sect.”

On this point, Feng Cheng was helpless and scratched his head.

The intelligence of his disciples is all focused on combat attributes, while the disciples of Yashan pay more attention to the study of knowledge, and their knowledge is generally much higher than that of the disciples of Shuangjian Sect.

But this does not mean that the combat effectiveness of Yashan’s disciples is lower than that of Fengcheng’s disciples. After a long time, the Infinite Sect disciples may crush his Shuangjian Sect disciples.

Ashan smiled and said: “It’s difficult to compare in terms of knowledge, we all have our own strengths.”

After thinking about it, Yashan said: “If we want to complete the production line most efficiently, we need disciples from the Infinite Sect and the Shuangjian Sect to work together to separate the difficult parts from the easy ones, divide the work well, and concentrate on solving the problem.

If we each receive part of the production line quota, we may not know how long we will be tinkering with. ”

Feng Chengdao: “I think so too.”

The production line was something that Yashan and Fengcheng had particularly fresh memories of.

The two of them followed Su Hao and spent nearly a hundred years to create more than one million production lines.

The kind of numbness that lasts for decades after doing the same thing over and over is something that most people simply cannot imagine.

Fortunately, I now have nearly a million disciples under my command, all of whom are the highest quality senior labor force, so they no longer need to do it themselves.

Feng Cheng added: “This should be the second time our two sects have cooperated on a large-scale task. The last time was when we built a world passage. I think it is better for our disciples to communicate more. In the future With more disciples, it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts, and we might start fighting one day if we don’t keep an eye on them.”

Ashan laughed and said: “It is indeed inevitable. Even among my disciples, there are many conflicts. We can usually find something for our disciples to communicate with each other and increase their understanding.”

In fact, the two of them are not worried about conflicts among their disciples.

The universe is too big, so no matter how many disciples they have, if they are spread into the universe, all conflicts and grievances will be dissolved.

Of course, it is necessary to communicate with each other and increase understanding.

Feng Cheng suddenly said: “By the way, why not take this opportunity to build a production line for space disruptors!”

Ashan said: “Good idea.”

Not long after, Yashan and Fengcheng each found capable disciples and began to communicate about the production line problems.

The specific steps are: division of labor-training-trial job.

Yashan and Fengcheng were involved in the whole process to control the progress of the project.

If it were an ordinary matter, they would just give their disciples an explanation, but this time it was different. This was a task assigned by Boss Wei himself, and the two of them had to participate in it to avoid problems and waste of time.


Many years later, the Great Demon King Chipu of the Demon Realm was keenly aware of the actions of the two sects, and secretly wondered: “Huh? What are the Infinite Sect and the Double Sword Sect doing? They look mysterious, and why aren’t they called Me?”

He very much doubted whether Master Feng Cheng had forgotten him.

The Great Demon King Chipu asked the Eighteen Gods and his younger brother Cao Shilang to inquire, but the Eighteen Gods seemed more surprised than him: “What? The two sects are making big moves? Why didn’t we receive the news?”

Barry asked doubtfully: “Chi Pu, aren’t you the third senior brother of the Shuangjian Sect? You don’t know about the Shuangjian Sect?”

The Great Demon King Chipu coughed and said, “I haven’t been back for a long time, so it’s normal not to know.”

Then the atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

Although what happened in the infinite land theoretically had nothing to do with their demon world, they always felt very uncomfortable.

It seems that he is dissatisfied with the lack of information, and he seems to blame the two sects for causing big troubles without telling them…

It’s like everyone is holding a party, and one person hides in advance, thinking that when someone asks why he didn’t come, he suddenly appears to surprise everyone, and then finds that no one mentioned him until the end of the party.

Of course, the most likely thing is that you are worried that others will secretly ‘make a fortune’ when you don’t know or are slacking off.

After a long time, Nati suggested: “Chipu, why don’t you go back to the Double Sword Sect and ask. Many things require us to be more proactive.”

Other gods also said: “That’s true.”

Think about it, Lord Chipu, it is indeed the case. If you are just making random guesses, you might as well go back and ask.

So he said: “Then you guys wait here, I will go back to Shuangjianmen to check the situation.”

Then the Great Demon King Chipu teleported back to Shuangjian City and found Feng Cheng’s clone: ​​”Master, I’m back to see you!”

After seeing the Great Demon King Chipu, Feng Cheng’s eyes lit up: “Oh, Chipu, you came back just in time. I have something to find you. When the Great Demon King Chipu heard this, he was heartbroken. After a while, it turns out that the master has not forgotten me.

He smiled brightly and said: “Master, just tell me anything. I, Chipu, will be at your service.”

Feng Chengdao: “I need you to help me manage a few factories. This is what you are best at. Come on, come on. From now on, you will be the director of the top ten joint factories.”

Chipu Great Demon King felt something bad in his heart: “???”

Eighteen gods have been waiting for news about the Great Demon King Chipu in the demon world for a long time, but they were very puzzled when they did not see the Great Devil Chipu return.

So Barry asked in the group: “Chipu, how is the situation?”

The Great Devil Chipu responded with an angry expression and three exclamation marks: “!

! ”

Eighteen gods: “???”


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