My Divine Diary Chapter 991: Clone in exile


Su Hao and Yashan Fengcheng talked for a long time.

Talk about some interesting things that happened in the past, talk about the people you have met, talk about what you will encounter in the future, and talk about how to always maintain the current positive state of consciousness…

What’s more, Su Hao is talking, Yashan and Feng Cheng are listening, like an elder imparting experience to his junior.

Ashan had not experienced such a scene for a long time. Sitting casually on the ground at this time, listening to Boss Wei’s aimless chat, Ashan felt very satisfied.

Such a scene was very similar to the scene when he first met Boss Wei. At that time, he didn’t understand anything and was just an ordinary Zhu Huoren.

Later, he became the boss of the temple association inexplicably. Whenever he encountered a problem, he would come to ask Boss Wei what to do. At that time, Boss Wei was just like he is now, patiently and meticulously teaching him and giving him Analyze why you should do this, what results are expected, and what issues should be paid attention to during the process…

Ya Shan secretly thought: “Compared to Feng Cheng, who has such good luck in finding planets, maybe I am the luckiest one in the infinite universe. It is unimaginable that I can get such patient guidance from Boss Wei, and I can learn from each other from one to another. The ignorant Zhu Huoren became what he is now.

How virtuous and capable I, Ashan, am…”

Feng Cheng was also listening to Su Hao’s words quietly at this time. His eyes were full of energy as he looked at the sea level in the distance. His whole body and mind were extremely relaxed. He thought, in fact, it is not bad to live forever like this.

Su Hao didn’t know what the two of them were thinking, so he just followed the train of thought and said: “Even we are at risk of getting lost in the distant future, let alone your disciples.

The time is still short and nothing can be seen, but as time goes by, some psychological problems will inevitably arise, and no matter how determined the person is, it is difficult to avoid them.

For example, one day suddenly, they are tired of the never-ending journey of exploration and no longer want to carry out exploration missions; for example, some disciples believe that they have no regrets in life and want to find a place alone in the universe that no one knows. Live a pastoral life and break away from our organization; for example, one day suddenly, some disciples begin to doubt whether the things we do are meaningful…

These will definitely happen, and there are more complex problems than this that we cannot predict.

After all, these people were led on this path by us, and we actually don’t know whether this is what they want. Only they themselves know what their true ideal is.

So I wonder if it is necessary to give these disciples a decent way to exit in the future, so that they can leave on their own when they are tired, and that after they have figured out their pursuits, they can pursue them without any scruples. meaning of life.

The bigger our team for exploring the universe is naturally, the better, but for those who are ultimately inconsistent with our goals, we should not and do not need to force them to stay.

Now that you have built your own trial paradise, a lot of new blood will join in every once in a while, so you don’t have to worry about the manpower problem after the disciples leave…”

Listening to Su Hao’s consideration, Yashan nodded involuntarily.

According to Yashan’s previous thoughts, once you enter his infinite gate, you don’t have to think about exiting. Just complete the exploration mission properly, not to mention the ‘graceful exit’ that Boss Wei said.

After all, for Yashan, all the skills and long lives learned by the disciples of the Infinite Sect were given by Boss Wei. Without Boss Wei, they would have turned into a cup of loess more than 8,000 years ago. , disappeared.

Since you have taken Boss Wei’s knowledge and enjoyed a long life, you must exchange it for something equivalent.

However, Yashan believes that what he thinks is not important. Everything is based on the will of Boss Wei. Since Boss Wei said that he will give his disciples a decent exit in the future, he should go back and think about what to do.

Feng Cheng, on the other hand, was confused and said: “Will the disciples want to leave our organization? Where can they go if they leave us?”

Without the shuttle, the disciples would have difficulty moving in the universe.

Even though it seems simple to cross the galaxy, it is also a difficult and difficult task, because every long-distance ‘network transmission’ requires Su Hao’s conversion process.

It can also be said that without the shuttle, the disciples have lost their identity as ‘wanderers’.

Ashan said with a smile: “After we have many disciples, over time, there will always be some who have different ideas from us. Moreover, after they are separated from us, they can still live freely in the infinite land and dominate. This is not an ideal life.”

Feng Chengdao: “In this way, these disciples who have separated from us can be said to be invincible in the infinite land. The damage to the balance of the infinite land is too serious, especially their spatial abilities. For ordinary living beings, It’s simply an inexplicable existence.”

Speaking of this, Feng Cheng suddenly said: “Boss Wei, Boss Yashan, do you still remember the ‘space jammer’ used by the Eight Hands clan in the previous life to inhibit the curvature navigation of the spacecraft?”

Su Hao and Yashan naturally remembered it and had a thorough understanding of the technology.

Ashan asked: “Fengcheng, what do you want to do?”

Feng Cheng chuckled and said: “I lost a lot of [god] clones under the ‘space jammer’ of the Eight Hands Clan, and I remember this thing very clearly.

As long as a space disruptor is installed on a planet, the space in the star field around the planet can be in a state of chaos, making it difficult to use space capabilities.

So, two bosses, do you think it is necessary to install a high-power space jammer on each planet in the infinite land?

In this way, it will almost prevent the disciples from destroying the infinite land at will.

Of course, the space jammer must avoid the world channel and the teleportation array. It should not be difficult to solve this technical problem. ”

Su Hao smiled and said: “I didn’t expect Feng Cheng to be so cruel to your disciples, and you even thought of confining their spatial abilities.”

Ashan’s eyes lit up and he said: “This is a good idea! If the infinite land limits the spatial ability of the disciples, then the disciples will definitely not always want to stay in the infinite land, but go outside the infinite land. .

Besides, after the disciples leave honorably and return to the infinite land, there are also some restrictions to prevent them from causing trouble. ”

Su Hao shook his head and said: “You two don’t have to spend so much effort to guard against your disciples…”

For Su Hao, just let everything take its course. Whatever happens in the future, except for the destruction of the pinball space and his complete demise, he can accept it and it is worth looking forward to.

If everything goes perfectly as expected, then there will be less fun in the unknown.

As for Yashan and Fengcheng wanting to establish a ‘forbidden air domain’ on the infinite land, Su Hao had no clear objection.

After all, Yashan and Feng Cheng subconsciously think from Su Hao’s point of view when thinking about problems. They are safeguarding his interests and he has no reason to object.

Ashan chuckled and said: “It is still necessary to spend some effort to prevent the disciples from destroying the infinite land. After all, this is the ‘root’ built by the three of us.”

Su Hao said: “On the premise that it does not affect the free exchanges in the infinite land, you can come and see!”

Ashan and Feng Cheng smiled at each other, and a plan for a restricted air zone gradually took shape in their minds.

For this matter, they decided to arrange it themselves and hide the space disruptor so that no one would find it.

I just don’t know what the expressions of the disciples of the Infinite Sect and the Double Sword Sect will be like when they suddenly discover that their spatial abilities are no longer useful in the Infinite Land…

Of course, I don’t know if the great demon King Chipu will be confused when he finds out that he cannot use the locating stone to return from the demon world.


After Yashan and Feng Cheng left, Su Hao found a quiet place and quietly thought about some issues.

He keenly noticed some changes in himself.

“Since there are no external threats, my mind has completely calmed down, and I am more willing to consider other people’s ideas.”

In the past, he would never have considered the issue of his disciples’ “honourable exit”.

Now that he has gained eternal life, he has begun to think about issues related to the soul, such as ‘independent life’ and ‘independent will’. He believes that everyone’s thoughts and desires should be respected, and the development of the universe should be allowed to take its course… …

The power you have is used to satisfy your own thoughts and ideals. In addition, you should not use power to do unnecessary things. For example, using power to force others to change their self-concept, such as using power to coerce other people’s behavior, such as using power to control other people’s love and hate…

To put it simply, when everything slowed down, Su Hao found that his mind became broader, like the legendary highest spiritual state – enlightenment.

In the next step, Su Hao may want to explore the meaning of life, then the meaning of matter, and then the meaning of the universe…

Theoretically, there is no end.

Su Hao took a deep breath, feeling the warm dusk wind pouring into his lungs, and then exhaled in a long breath.

He smiled: “This feeling of breathing is the rhythm of life.”

It has been a long time since the Infinite Land was built, and he has not walked through it “down to earth”. It was rare to relax today, so he simply wandered around aimlessly.

Ten years later, Su Hao returned to the experimental base and started preparing for the next step – to be exiled.

This is a plan he made a long time ago, which is to produce a large number of crude clones that can carry personal consciousness and exile them to unknown places in the universe at will.

Su Hao doesn’t know where the clone was dropped. It might be an empty area without matter, or it might be teleported to the inside of a star. For those with better luck, it might be teleported directly into a black hole…

There are various possibilities. What Su Hao has to do is to produce enough clones and deliver them continuously.

He wanted to see if every place had the same starry sky and universe.

What if you find something different?

He believed that anything was possible.

“Next, while researching new knowledge, I will produce exile clones and deliver clones at will. Then, quietly wait for the pinball space to be reincarnated into another world with the consciousness package I prepared.”

Everything in the world cannot be without the word ‘wait’.



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