My Divine Diary Chapter 989: Fortunately I am smart, otherwise I would be dead


Blue Purple Star, now called the ‘Central World’, is also the birthplace of the disciples of the Infinite Sect and the Double Swords Sect.

Four people including Elf King Wari, Wingman King Quan Fugui, Orc King Heijir, and Sea King Yuanshu gathered in the office to discuss matters regarding their old classmates becoming apprentices.

Basically the entire Infinity Gate is under the control of the four of them.

Quan Fugui handed the list to Vali and said: “Elder brother, these are the old classmates who want to return to the Infinity Gate. Headed by the Troll God King and the Ghost Man King, there are thirty-six people in total. Do we want to go and meet them? them.”

Elven King Vali looked at the list and nodded: “Yes, but don’t worry, we still need to make final confirmation on how to operate.

Master is unwilling to accept them as disciples and only lets us handle it ourselves, but this matter is indeed a bit complicated. ”

Quan Fugui said: “We can accept them as disciples. In this case, they will be considered as our infinite sect.”

Elven King Vali shook his head and said: “Who will accept this disciple? Master means that whoever accepts the disciple will be responsible for solving problems. For us, there is no need to risk this for the sake of the friendship between classmates. The risk is so great that even my old classmates won’t be able to do it in the end.

Moreover, everyone was originally classmates of the same generation, so accepting them as disciples was just a step lower. Although there would be no problems at the beginning, it would eventually sow the seeds of dissatisfaction.

Either they are dissatisfied with us or with Master. No matter which one, we cannot accept it, because as long as Master is here, our future time is theoretically unlimited, and any seeds of dissatisfaction will take root and grow into Towering trees.

So, our method of recruiting disciples is inappropriate. ”

Quan Fugui thought that it was indeed the case and couldn’t help but ask: “What should I do?”

Wali said: “No one should accept disciples, just let them remain Master’s students. We will designate the current Infinity Gate as the inner gate, and designate an outer gate outside the inner gate. These old classmates can enter The outer gate of the Infinite Gate allows them to elect their own representative elders.

In this way, they belong to our Infinite Sect, but they are just branches independent of the current Inner Sect.

There is no situation of being inferior to others. When the time comes, tasks will be directly assigned to the entire outer sect and let them figure out how to solve them on their own.

If there is any contradiction, it is also an internal contradiction within their outer sect. ”

The other three people looked at each other and thought this method was feasible.

Hai Wang Yuanshu asked: “Do they think that as the outer sect, they will be inferior to the inner sect?”

Elven King Vali smiled and said: “This is natural, but the outer gate is inferior to the inner gate. This is natural. They will not compare themselves with the entire infinite gate.

In other words, once they accept the setting of the outer sect, they will subconsciously think that they cannot compare with the inner sect. No matter how unfair the inner sect and the outer sect are, they will not feel dissatisfied.

Of course, we will design a welfare promotion channel for outsiders so that they can work hard to get what they want.

Just tell them clearly that if they want to be fair, they have to make specific contributions. ”

The proposal was quickly endorsed by others.

Before the meeting was about to end, the orc king Heijir suddenly said: “Elder brother, since these old classmates broke away from their own race, the friction between the infinite land and the pot area has become more and more intense, and many races have formed alliances to attack each other. , step up military training, and a war may break out soon. And our race will also be involved.”

Elven King Vali frowned and said: “So?”

Orc King Heijir said: “After all, we are the race we grew up in, and there are always some feelings. Can we take action to save it under special circumstances?”

Elven King Vari said: “The race kings hold an ‘Outer Territory Order’ in their hands and pass it down from generation to generation. When their race is in extreme danger, they can take their race out of the infinite land and enter the outside world to reproduce.

So, there is no need for us to do unnecessary things. Besides, many of my fellow disciples from Wuwu Sect are from different races. If everyone takes action, won’t they end up with a **** head? ”

Orc King Heijir said silently: “Huh, I understand, senior brother.”

Elven King Vali knew what he was thinking, and said: “Don’t have expectations for your own race. Their final outcome is already doomed, that is, they will be defeated, and then they will enter the outside world to reproduce, and they will never be able to return to the infinite land. .

Because, in this infinite land, the ultimate winner can only be human beings. Understand?

Essentially speaking, we are all human beings. Master is a human being. Uncle Master and Uncle Master are human beings. If you want to help, then help humans! ”

The orc king Heijir suddenly understood and said seriously: “I understand, senior brother.”

Then the four of them discussed the issues of the outer sect in detail and reported to Yashan. After getting Yashan’s consent, they came to the Infinite Land and met with the Troll God King and other old classmates.

Both sides sighed for a while, lamenting the passage of time and the impermanence of things.

Then Elf King Wari informed the outer door plan in detail, and then asked: “What do you think? This is the plan agreed by the master. Apart from this, we have no other way.”

The Troll God King did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to the plan after Elf King Wari finished speaking.

Because before coming here, he was already prepared to not be accepted.

For him, as long as he can join the Infinity Gate, it is already the best result. Besides, what else can he ask for?

Seeing this, other old classmates also agreed.

Elven King Wari showed a bright smile and said: “Welcome to join the Infinity Sect, we will be brothers from now on. By the way, I will take you back to my Infinity Sect base camp first, and we will have a detailed discussion when we get back.”

The Troll God King asked curiously: “Where is the base camp?”

Wali said mysteriously: “Your hometown is called Blue Purple Star, also called the Central World.”



Ashan didn’t pay too much attention to the matter of the outer gate of Infinity Gate. After hearing the plan of Elf King Vari, he casually agreed.

His attention is now almost entirely focused on the new world he transformed.

This is the “weird world” he has designed for a long time to explore the “Spiritual Speech Technique”, and now it has begun to bear fruit.

He was hiding in mid-air, looking at a man with a ponytail below, trapped in a quagmire, unable to get out.

The man with the ponytail panicked and pulled at the mud around him, trying to get out of the predicament. However, as he moved, he fell deeper and deeper.

“What to do? What to do? Die, die…”

Suddenly, the ponytail man’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of a brilliant idea: “I’m stuck in the quagmire and can’t get up on my own, but as long as someone pulls me out, won’t I be out of danger?”

He turned around to look and found that there was no one else except himself, so he said: “In this case, I can only do it myself.”

So he grabbed his hair with his backhand and pulled it up hard…

The man with the ponytail was lifted up by him, and he was out of danger. He was still frightened and said proudly: “Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise I would be dead.”

Ashan showed a satisfied smile in mid-air, then disappeared in a flash and came to another corner of the world.

A man holding a knife was forced to the edge of a cliff by a group of assailants. He could not continue to escape. He looked at the group of powerful assailants with knives behind him and found that he had no chance of winning with his own strength, so he thought to himself: “If you look back, you will definitely die. If you jump off the cliff, there is still a chance of survival.”

So he jumped into the cliff.

Fortunately, there were many overhanging branches on the cliff, which allowed him to buffer and grab a thick vine without falling to his death.

But he climbed down the vines and soon found that the vines were not long enough to carry him safely to the ground.

“I no longer have the strength to climb up, and the vines are not long enough to continue landing. If I let go, I will definitely fall to death from such a height. What should I do?”

He thought about it and suddenly an idea came to him: “I just need to cut off the upper part of the vine and connect it to the lower end. Won’t my vines become longer?”

He was pleased with his wit, then cut off a section of the vine he was holding, connected it to the bottom, and then slid down the vine.

Just like this, he kept cutting vines and connecting vines, using them alternately, and he finally landed safely.

“Fortunately I am smart, otherwise I would be dead.”

Ashan smiled with satisfaction.

He is very satisfied with this world.


This book is about to be completed ~ Let me tell you in advance about the update: the final stage is very difficult to write, so I have to slow down the pace, otherwise I won’t be able to hold it in. From tomorrow on, I can’t promise to update every day. Book friends don’t have to wait at ten o’clock in the morning…but in September, I will update one after another until it is completed. Once again, thank you book friends for accompanying me all the way, thank you~


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