My Divine Diary Chapter 982: Turn-based


Not long after, the leader of the lizard people in this area learned the news about Lu Yijiang and the others, with a smile on his lips: “Those three humans must have come out of the desert, and they must have world passes, haha Haha, God help me.”

The leader of the lizardmen gathered his troops and sent his capable subordinates to directly surround Lu Yijiang and the other two people in the hotel and forcefully fight for them.

For the lizardman leader, the world pass he dreams of is right in front of him. The actual situation does not allow him to hesitate at all, because hesitation will lead to defeat.

‘Confidence, Bravery, Wisdom’ is the motto of the lizardman leader, and it is also the reason why he became the regional leader.

He will not be timid.

So, the lizardman leader hid in the darkness and watched helplessly as his men were knocked down one by one by the three strong humans, unable to say a single harsh word.

The lizard man leader retreated quietly, thinking to himself: “Where did three such perverted humans come from? Their strength is definitely above the fourth level. Fortunately, I had the foresight not to attack rashly myself.

I am not your opponent, so it is best to retreat first…

It’s just a pity that I don’t have the opportunity to enjoy the World Pass exclusively. However, just because I am not an opponent does not mean that I, the Lizard Priest, am not an opponent. Since they have come to our territory, let’s keep the pass!

I don’t want more, just one, hey hey hey! ”

Ever since, Lu Yijiang and the others officially started their journey through the infinite land.

“Drink ah ah ah!”


With the crazy roar, Lu Yijiang’s body swelled up again, becoming more powerful. Under the horrified gaze of the lizard clan elder, he punched him away and turned into a star and disappeared into the sky.

“Who else?” Lu Yijiang turned around and glared angrily, his hair rising into the sky, surrounded by bright golden light, as if lightning was flowing around his body.

“The pass is in my hand, come up and get it if you have the courage!”

The power of the berserker made the surrounding lizard warriors retreat in horror.

When Lu Yijiang and the others left, no one dared to stand in front of them.

Until this moment, the three of Lu Yijiang knew how precious the lost coin of Lady Luck in their hands was.

After leaving the lizard world, the three came to another new world.

Gao Qi said: “We can’t expose the coins in our hands, as it will attract other people’s covetousness.”

Lu Yijiang raised his fist and smiled: “No, I want to spread the news that I have coins in my hand, and I want to fight with various warriors. Their martial arts are very interesting, I want to see them all.”

Gao Qi frowned and said: “But if we do this, the natural energy in our hands will soon be insufficient.”

Lu Yijiang smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter. Cong Renfei said before that he will come to us soon. The current natural energy is enough for us to fight for another two years.”

Taicheng said excitedly: “Let’s fight, my blood is already boiling.”

Gao Qi sighed: “In that case, let’s go!”


So, the three of them relied on their strong strength to push across the infinite land, and finally came to the central area of ​​the infinite land – Xianghu District.

At this time, the fame of the three of them had already spread to all races in the Xianghu District, and they were known as the ‘Three Furious Warriors’.

Ravel, the new troll king, sat at the head of the 28-race alliance council, looked around at the other 27-race kings present, and laughed loudly: “I have received the latest news, the human race’s ‘Three Furious Warriors’ ‘We have arrived at the Xianghu District and are wreaking havoc on the goblin territory. I heard that the goblin king is hiding in the underground palace and dare not come out, hahaha!”

The king of the New Earth Spirit Tribe also smiled and said: “It is normal for a goblin to be beaten by the famous ‘Three Furious Warriors’ and dare not stand up. If there is news that they defeated the Three Furious Warriors, then That’s strange. It is said that the three berserkers have at least seven levels of strength. The most important thing is that their physical strength is very strong. It is difficult for ordinary spells to damage them. They are very powerful. It is normal to run rampant in the infinite land.”

“As the Earth Spirit King said, they are just physically powerful. As far as I know, they don’t know magic. The reason why they can run rampant in the infinite land is because they have not encountered us! Ha, in my Under magic, you will be like a chicken and a dog.”

“Having said that, since it hasn’t been taken down yet, there must be something special about it, and it needs to be taken seriously.”

The Troll King Ravel smiled and said: “Those three berserker warriors do have their own uniqueness. I am very interested in their strong physical strength. Maybe we can find the secret of body refining from them.” Technique to strengthen our tribe.

And this is exactly why I invited all the kings here. I propose that we and the twenty-eight kings work together to capture the three human berserkers, torture them out, and share the secrets of their powerful bodies. .

I wonder what your Majesty thinks? ”

As a top seventh-level powerhouse, the Troll King Lavelle initially thought about secretly taking out the three of them. However, soon news came from the territories of other races, saying that a certain The king of a certain clan was beaten to the ground by three berserkers.

He self-awarely examined his own strength and found that he was not sure of defeating the Three Berserkers by himself, so he decisively invited other kings from the alliance to join forces.

In his opinion, if the twenty-eight top seventh-level kings attack together, there will be no enemy they cannot defeat.

Obviously, the kings of other races think so too.

After the Troll King Lavelle proposed, a tacit understanding was quickly reached.

The twenty-eight kings looked at each other and smiled. When they stepped out of the door, their cloaks rustled and they were high-spirited.

Not long after, their twenty-eight kings surrounded the ‘Three Furious Warriors’, with confident smiles on their faces, looking at the three men maliciously.

The three of them faced the twenty-eight kings back to back and made fighting gestures.

Lu Yijiang asked loudly: “You are so strong, are you here to fight with us?”

Gao Qi secretly said: “The attackers are evil. These twenty-eight opponents all belong to different races, and each one is powerful and difficult to deal with. It seems that all races have united to deal with us. It seems that this time It’s dangerous.”

This is the first time to face so many powerful people at the same time.

Gao Qi reminded in a low voice: “Yijiang, Taicheng, we are going to fight with all our strength this time, so we must not be careless.”

The two nodded in agreement, leaned down slightly, and concentrated.

Hearing Lu Yijiang’s question, the King of Trolls laughed loudly and said: “We are here to invite you back as guests. What do you think, come with us!”

Lu Yijiang said: “Thank you for your kindness, no need. I am only interested in fighting. Do you want to come and have a fight? If you beat me, I will give you my pass.”

The kings laughed loudly and said: “We don’t lack the pass. Since you like fighting, then we will accompany you to fight. After the fight, come back with us as guests. We will entertain you well. .”

Ravel, the troll king, waved his spear, and various streams of light instantly blessed the spear: “Up!”

After finishing speaking, attack the three people first.

Other kings also fired various special spells at the three of them.

“Flame Heart-Eroding Gun!”

“Forbidden Vine Thorn!”

“Heart-locking sword on top!”

“Explosive armor-piercing arrows!”

“The mountain-breaking axe!”

“Thunder Chain!”

“Thunder Technique!”


For a time, it was colorful and the scene was so dazzling that even the sunlight in the sky was eclipsed at this moment.

“Drink ah ah ah!”

Lv Yijiang and the other three roared wildly, activating the vitality in their figures suddenly swelled, and violent momentum erupted outwards.

The attacks of the kings were extremely fast and had a huge range, covering the sky and the earth.

Even though the three of them were prepared, they still had no time to dodge.

So they chose to resist…

For them, resisting enemy attacks is normal. They have done this in the past many years of battles.

Because in the face of the enemy’s attack, if you allocate part of your energy to fight back, your defense will be reduced accordingly, and it is easy to expose your flaws and be seriously injured by the enemy.

So, they are used to using their energy to resist the enemy’s attack with all their strength, and then find opportunities to counterattack crazily.

This trick works very well.

Warriors’ battles can actually be viewed as turn-based…



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