My Divine Diary Chapter 980: He died and was buried


Su Hao thought for a while and then said: “Through this matter, I found that just exploring the life planet may make us miss a lot of interesting materials. For example, if this galaxy does not have this martial arts planet this time, we will There is no fate for vitality.

So, our exploration team needs to slow down the exploration speed and add an exploration step: collecting material samples from different planets.

At the same time, a sample research center was established to study the collected samples and find those materials scattered in the universe that have not been discovered by us. ”

“Understood, Boss Wei!”

Essentially speaking, this is a material universe after all, and the study of matter is essentially the study of the universe.

Su Hao believes that this research idea is absolutely unmistakable.

Perhaps when he thoroughly studies all unknown substances, the door to the ‘fantasy world’ hidden under the material world will be opened to him.

The so-called ‘fantasy world’ will inevitably subvert their understanding of the world.

After explaining the corresponding tasks, Su Hao asked: “Feng Cheng, how is the progress of your research on demonic insects?”

Looking very excited when talking about this achievement: “Boss Wei, I have basically analyzed the principle of demon insect cells.

After the devil insect’s genes undergo drastic changes, the reason why the cells can maintain extremely high activity without collapsing and express genetic information is because the devil insect’s cells have a ‘pressure screening system’ to ensure gene transcription. Will not cause damage to cells. ”

Su Hao nodded. When he was studying demonic insect cells before, he also had speculations about this. It was probably that there was a transcription ‘threshold’ in the cells. If it did not exceed this threshold, it meant that the cells could withstand it, so they defaulted to the normal development and evolution of the cells. .

Once this threshold is exceeded, it means that the survival of the cell may be threatened, so the corresponding program is started to automatically cut off the genetic sequence that will cause damage to the cell.

To put it simply, it is similar to the human body’s mechanism for maintaining a fixed temperature. When it is hot, you sweat to cool down, and when it is cold, you shrink your pores and tremble all over to warm up.

Su Hao asked: “Can this screening system be implemented in ordinary humans?”

Feng Chengdao: “Theoretically it is possible, but it has not been put into practice yet. It will take at most a hundred years for me to get the results.”

Su Hao: “Haha, I am still very interested in this kind of demonic insect. Your hundred years is too long. If you let me do it, I am confident that I can get rid of it within ten years. But I am more interested in something now. The project, the Demonic Insect, will be left to you to research.”

Not long after, Su Hao returned to the laboratory and continued to try to use the source to convert more ‘vital energy’ of different properties, and store them in different small worlds for preservation.

Various experiments on these different energies were then carried out.


“Hahaha! It’s so cool, it’s this kind of fist-to-flesh fighting feeling.”

Cong Renfei and Lu Yijiang fought fiercely in mid-air, making the surroundings look like the end of the world, with winds and clouds rolling in, and sand and rocks flying.

Cong Renfei likes this kind of fun feeling of fighting very much.

In his opinion, this violent fighting method is more interesting than using magic to kill enemies with precision.

Don’t think so much, just rush over with your fists with red eyes…

After a few people stopped, Cong Renfei asked puzzledly: “With the same amount of energy, why do I feel it hurts more when you hit me? Is it because of martial arts?”

Cong Renfei couldn’t beat the three of them just with energy, but he would use other means to cheat, so it seemed evenly matched.

Lv Yijiang smiled and said: “You are talking about spirit, right! Some spirits are incorporated into our vitality. This part of the energy that Mr. Jia Wei calls Yuanling is much more explosive. I will use some from time to time.”

Cong Renfei: “Huh? Yuan Ling? What is this?”

The time for him to obtain vitality is still short, and the vitality in his body has not yet integrated with his spiritual power, so Cong Renfei does not know what the so-called Yuanling is.

Next, Lu Yijiang explained to Cong Renfei what Yuan Ling was. Cong Renfei’s eyes almost popped out: “Yuan Qi has this kind of effect?”

Lu Yijiang showed Cong Renfei the new practice method taught to them by Su Hao: “This is the new practice method taught to us by Mr. Jia Wei. It contains methods to integrate spiritual power and vitality.”

At this moment, the Heavenly King on the Cloud appeared beside Lu Yijiang: “What new practice method, show me.”

Cong Renfei said: “Old man Yunshang, you are already quite old. If you don’t watch movies well, you still want to practice cultivation.”

But he had no intention of hiding it alone. After reading it himself, he handed it to the King of Clouds.

After a moment, the Cloud Heavenly King shook his head and kept praising: “Wonderful, wonderful! Who on earth can think of such a wonderful practice method. This is completely different from our current popular practice concepts, and it is enough to start The established sect will be famous throughout the ages!”

Cong Renfei complained: “Have the celebrities who established sects been very powerful throughout the ages? Is the word ‘Jia Wei’ so powerful? No!”

Two months later, Cong Renfei successfully integrated Yuan Qi into commonly used spirits in his body and obtained a large number of Yuan Ling. After trying to use Yuan Ling to release various spells, he was shocked by the power of the spells.

He subconsciously opened Cong Shuling’s address book and said: “Sister, come and see, I’ve become stronger, I’m so awesome!”

Cong Shuling was still frantically exploring other planets in the galaxy at this time. When she heard Cong Renfei’s words, she couldn’t help but said: “What martial arts master have you learned? Come and explore the planet with me. Finish it early and rest early.” , I want to take a vacation!”

Cong Renfei said: “Well, what about that? I’m still learning. I’ll teach you after I’ve learned it. This ability is guaranteed to be awesome. Sister, you search slowly, I’ll die first.”

After saying that, Cong Renfei immediately hung up the communication.

Unexpectedly, just a few moments later, Cong Shuling suddenly appeared next to him, with her arms crossed and glaring angrily.

Cong Renfei: “…”

I would have known better not to say it so quickly.

Sure enough, people tend to get carried away when they are excited.

Cong Renfei forced out a bright smile: “Sister, I didn’t lie to you, this is called Yuan Ling, it can greatly improve our strength…”

So, a few months later, Cong Shuling, who successfully learned Yuanling, pulled Cong Renfei to explore the unfinished planet together.

The mission requires that this galaxy must be fully explored, but if she is asked to explore by herself while her brother is lazy here, she will not do it, even if his brother tempts her with points.

Cong Renfei whispered: “Sister, can you give me back the two thousand points I gave you before.”


“You can pay back a thousand.”

“No return!”

Cong Renfei: “…”

My sister is awesome.

Cong Renfei said secretly: “If I were the brother and you were the sister, I would definitely not listen to you.”

When Cong Shuling was about to take Cong Renfei away, Lu Yijiang came and asked: “Cong Renfei, when will you take us to the infinite land?”

Cong Renfei smiled bitterly and said: “I have to work now, and I probably won’t have time to take you around the infinite land. If you are in a hurry, I can send you there directly, and you can do it yourself. If you are not in a hurry, Wait for me here for a few years, and I will take you there after I finish my work.”

Lv Yijiang and the other three looked at each other and quickly made a decision: “You can take us there now. We can do it on our own, so we don’t need to trouble you to accompany us to practice.”

Cong Renfei thought about it carefully and nodded: “Okay, your strength is enough to protect yourself. If you encounter any danger, as long as you run faster, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

However, Infinite Land does not have the vitality of heaven and earth to replenish you, which means that your strength will be greatly weakened, so you must be careful.

Also, there are many powerful creatures in the infinite land. It is difficult for you to fight against them with your strength. If you provoke them, you will not know how to die. So, keep a low profile, okay? ”

Lv Yijiang and the others nodded and said: “Understood.”

Cong Renfei exchanged three ‘Goddess of Luck’s Lost Coins’ and three groups of ‘Natural Vitality’ from the mall, handed them to the three of them, and then said: “If you save a little, these natural Vitality should be enough for you. It’s been I finish my work, I will go to the infinite land to find you!”

After explaining some precautions, Cong Renfei teleported Lu Yijiang and the others to the border of Infinite Land that was about to border the Martial Arts Star, and then went to work with Cong Shuling.

After spending some time with Lu Yijiang and the others, Cong Renfei regarded them as his friends and would help them whenever he could.

As for whether these three friends would commit suicide after going to the Infinite Land, Cong Renfei didn’t think too much about it.

Now that he can use his points to exchange for three passes and natural vitality balls, he feels that he has become a friend enough…

Besides, the strength of Lu Yijiang and the other two people in Infinite Land is already above average. They can protect themselves without provoking big bosses.

If he died, as a friend, he would come back to help them collect the body after completing his job.

It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)


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