Mutated Tao Chapter 476: Doctor


Just as Bai Lingmiao, who had finished washing her clothes, walked carefully towards the carriage, she suddenly felt the other end of the bamboo pole in her hand being picked up.

Looking at the blurred red, Bai Lingmiao whispered towards the head of the bamboo pole, “I can still see it now, but I can’t see clearly.”

The two gods in front did not answer anything, and walked towards the carriage while holding the bamboo pole.

When they got to the carriage, Bai Lingmiao, with the help of Li Sui, put the washed clothes on the roof of the carriage and the horse’s back to dry.

“Li Sui, where’s your father?” Bai Lingmiao asked towards the blurry withered yellow, which was Li Sui’s coir raincoat.

After getting along day and night, Bai Lingmiao has adapted a lot to Li Sui’s terrifying appearance at this moment.

Although I can’t treat Li Huowang like a daughter, at least I can face it with a normal heart.

“Father went to the forest ahead, and he said he would be back in an hour.” Li Sui answered with a book in his hand.

“Oh, let’s cook with the fire.” Bai Lingmiao took out the fire sickle from the carriage, and walked towards the firewood beside him.

Bai Lingmiao has done this many times in the past, starting a fire, setting up a pot, fetching water, but something went wrong today, she accidentally put her left hand into the fire.

Although he pulled his hands out in time, those slender fingers were still white and swollen from the heat.

Ershin walked over and pushed her away directly, and started cooking skillfully. Looking at the fuzzy figure in front of him, Bai Lingmiao’s face showed a trace of bitterness.

Teardrops rolled in Bai Lingmiao’s eyes, it wasn’t pain, it was more annoyance that he was about to become a burden.

After smelling the aroma of the food, Bai Lingmiao cheered up, picked up the bamboo pole and walked towards the forest ahead.

The bamboo pole kept hitting the ground, making crisp sounds, and opened a path for Bai Lingmiao.

Soon in the blurred world, Bai Lingsen saw that smear of red, which was Senior Brother Li’s blood-colored Taoist robe.

“Brother Li, dinner is ready.” Bai Lingmiao shouted towards the red from a distance.

Hearing the voice, Li Huowang looked over there, and said with a smile on his face: “Thanks, Mom.”

“Hey, what do you need to thank me for what you said.” Sun Xiaoqin sat on the stool beside the hospital bed and opened the food box in her arms.

The meat dish is braised pork ribs, the vegetarian dish is stir-fried water spinach, and the soup is carrot and mutton soup. The nutrition is very balanced.

“Son, I know you don’t like carrots, but you can’t be a picky eater. You should eat more carrots and supplement with vitamins.”

“Mom, I’m really not picky eaters now.” Li Huowang opened his mouth, ate the carrots in the spoon, and began to chew.

“Hey, it’s good to be a child if you don’t picky eaters. Our son is getting more and more sensible.” Sun Xiaoqin nodded with satisfaction. Li Huowang’s stability these days made her complexion much better than before.

“Mom, I forgot to ask before, where do you live? Do you also live in this prison?”

“I originally wanted to buy a folding bed and ask your dad to come and put it here to accompany you, but they just refused to talk about it, and now I have to rent a room nearby.”

Hearing this, Li Huowang nodded and said, “That’s good, that’s good.”

“Are you okay? Senior Brother Li, is this really okay?” Bai Lingmiao and his wife came to Li Huowang and looked at him sadly. “Why do you lie to me and say, this disease is cured, how can this be cured”

After saying this, Bai Lingsen sighed softly, and his expression became a little gloomy. “But how can I blame you. Actually, I didn’t tell you, and I didn’t let go of my heart.”

Brother Li, do you think it would be better for each other if we were separated? But I’m really worried about you like this.”

“I’m fine, I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me, you see, my condition has become much more stable in the past two months.”

“Oh, son, you can’t say that. Although you are much better now than before, the problem is that you are not fully recovered. The faster you recover, the less you can relax your vigilance.”

Li Huowang listened patiently to Sun Xiaoqin’s nagging, he enjoyed this kind of nagging, and only when he lost it would he know how precious it was.

“Don’t worry, one day, I will recover, one day!” Just as Li Huowang said this, there was a bang, and the iron gate suddenly opened.

Li Huowang followed the sound, and immediately saw two doctors in white coats walking in with three male nurses, one of whom was pushing a wheelchair.

Looking at them, Li Huowang’s eyes were full of vigilance, and he tentatively asked: “Miaomiao? Li Sui? Is it you? You go away for a while, and I’ll go back right away.”

Sun Xiaoqin stood up very nervously and stood in front of Li Huowang. “Hey! Who are you? Who let you in!”

“Ms. Sun, don’t be nervous. We just want to give your son rehabilitation training and exercise his muscles. Otherwise, when his muscles are completely atrophied, he will spend the rest of his life in bed.”

After speaking, these people started to act. They untied the restraint clothes on Li Huowang’s body, exposing his extremely pale body to the air.

Compared to before, his limbs are obviously much thinner, and they look straight like chopsticks.

Seeing that Li Huowang couldn’t even stand up even with the support of the nurses, the prison guard at the gate couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, the madman Wu finally calmed down.

“What’s going on, why is my son so thin!” Sun Xiaoqin knew that she was a little panicked.

“Ms. Sun, don’t worry, it’s just a normal atrophy of the muscles that haven’t been exercised for a long time. After rehabilitation training, it can return to normal. By the way, your son doesn’t have any bedsores. Your care is really good. “

Hearing this, Sun Xiaoqin relaxed. “I turn over every few hours. I know this. I learned it from those who take care of the paralyzed elderly on Douyin.”

Under the direction of the doctor, the nurse helped Li Huowang to put him on the wheelchair and was about to push him outside.

“Wait! Where are you taking me! I can’t leave now!” Li Huowang struggled, but was held down by the nurse.

If this goes out, God knows where I can go on the other side.

A balding middle-aged doctor squatted down and looked at Li Huowang curiously. “Why can’t you go? Can you tell me why?”

Li Huowang stared at him and said, “Wait a while, just wait a little longer.”

“Why not now? Why can’t you leave the house when you are sober? What are you afraid of?”

Hearing what the doctor said, Li Huowang’s heart froze. This guy already knows that he is awake at this time?


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