Mutated Tao Chapter 454: hour


Chapter 454 Time

Seeing that the blood-sucking locusts were about to climb onto his shoe, Li Huowang raised his foot, and directly trampled the leeches beside his feet to death.

“This thing often **** on your lap?”

“Plowing paddy fields, it is inevitable that there will be rotten crotch of cows in the water, as long as it is not a water snake, in fact, it is fine for it to **** human blood. People have hands and can pull it out.”

“But it will be troublesome if you **** the cow, and the cow has no hands, so you can’t take it off, so you can only let these things **** indiscriminately. Otherwise, why would this thing be called a cow’s rotten crotch.”

Li Huowang looked at the immature face of Child Yang in front of him. If this child lived in later generations, he would probably be in the sixth grade of primary school, but here, he has already become like an adult.

After thinking about it, Li Huowang patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t plow the land in the future, at your age you should learn to read in a private school instead of working in the fields, and let the tenant farmers do these jobs. “

When Li Huowang spoke, Niuxin Village soon had a new teacher.

Although Niuxin Village is remote, as long as you have enough money, you can find a teacher who has not been a scholar.

This is not only for Young Boy, Li Sui is also in the private school. He listens quietly to the teacher’s lectures according to Liu Huowang’s instructions.

Except for them, as long as the others have nothing to do, they will lie on the windows and eavesdrop, as if they can listen more and earn more.

Even Lu Zhuangyuan came here with his grandson, who was not yet a year old, saying that he wanted to gain more literary popularity and it would be easier to be the number one scholar in the future.

Seeing this scene, Li Huowang simply opened the door. In the future, anyone in the village who wants to listen can come to the private school, which is regarded as the welfare of Niuxin Village.

Looking at all the people in the private school who are listening intently. A slight smile appeared on Li Huowang’s face, and even his gloomy mood became much better.

“What are you laughing at?” Bai Lingmiao, who was standing beside him, asked in surprise.

“You look so good. No matter how many hardships we have experienced on the road, life is always getting better and better. Isn’t this what they want?”

Bai Lingmiao reached out her hand, interlocked his fingers with his skinless hand, and leaned slightly towards him.

“Yes, the days will always get better and better, so, if you encounter anything in the future, don’t seek death, no matter what you encounter, there will always be a day in the past.”

At this time, the teacher inside is teaching the disciples below to teach other things. “That’s right, it’s useless for you to learn, and I don’t expect you to be a scholar. You only learn some practical things, such as recognizing characters, such as counting chips!”

“After learning this, it means that you have a good skill, and you won’t be hungry anywhere! Let’s learn how to count today!” After the teacher said, he raised a tube of chopsticks high in his hand.

“There are eleven hours in this day!” He picked out eleven from the bucket of chopsticks and put them on the ground.

“It’s like a peddler went to your village to sell goods. It took five hours on the road.” The teacher took five of the eleven chopsticks. “How many hours does he have left to sell goods and sleep?”

“Huh?” Li Huowang’s face became a little ugly.

Feeling the strange expression on Li Huowang’s expression, Bai Lingmiao asked in surprise, “What’s the matter? Isn’t this teacher a good teacher?”

“There are twenty-four hours in a day, two hours count as one hour, so there are obviously twelve hours in this day, I really don’t know where the eleven hours in this man’s mouth come from.”

“This person can’t even understand the simplest time, so it’s no wonder he can’t pass the exam as a scholar. Let’s find an excuse to quit, so that he won’t mistake his son.”

Hearing Li Huowang’s call, Bai Lingmiao’s pink eyes revealed a trace of suspicion. “Li Huowang, what are you talking about? There are eleven hours in this day. Where did you come up with the twelve hours?”

“What?!” Li Huowang’s brain buzzed as if it had been hit by something.

First, he glanced at Bai Lingmiao in shock, and after she got an affirmative answer, he rushed into the private school and asked the teacher, “Is it really only eleven o’clock in a day?”

“Nonsense, it’s not eleven hours, how many more? What’s your opinion?” The teacher was very dissatisfied with this man who suddenly rushed in and interrupted his professor, and was wrapped in white gauze.

Shocked Li Huowang turned around, looked at the eyes behind him, and asked all of them: “There are only eleven hours in a day?!”

For Li Huowang’s shock, Yang Xiaowa was very confused. “Yeah, Senior Brother Li, isn’t it eleven hours a day? What’s so strange?”

“There are only eleven hours? That means there are only twenty-two hours in a day here? Where did the two lost hours go?”

In an instant, Li Huowang had an illusory feeling about this world.

Frowning slightly, Bai Lingmiao walked into the private school, took his hand and walked outside. “How are you? Isn’t it normal that there are only eleven hours in a day?”

“No, it’s still not right.” Li Huowang calmed down, and he decided to find the answer by himself, “Miaomiao, is there any timekeeping in the village? Take them all out, I want to use them”

“Timekeeping thing? Does the water clock work? The Bai family only has that thing.”


Soon, three huge wooden barrels connected from high to low were placed in front of Li Huowang. The top wooden barrel was filled with water, and the water fell drop by drop along a small pipe. into the second barrel.

The time of each drip is exactly one second. Li Huowang didn’t even trust the tools, so he deliberately memorized them in his heart.

But no matter what, the answer Li Huowang got in the end was indeed eleven hours a day.

Although there is some deviation in this calculation, it is impossible to deviate for a full two hours.

Li Huowang, who hadn’t slept all night, finally accepted the reality that a day in this world really only has 22 hours.

Rubbing the sore corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, Li Huowang muttered to himself: “I see, so the reason why I often overslept in the past is because I lost two hours a day?”

Since I came out of Qingfengguan, I either overslept or felt that I didn’t get enough sleep. Now it seems that it is a matter of time.

Bai Lingmiao, who was standing behind him, had deep worries in his eyes. “Li Huowang, what are you crazy about?”

Li Huowang accepted the twenty-two-hour setting in a day much faster than he imagined. Since even this world is crazy, it should be abnormal.

He stood up and hugged Bai Lingmiao gently, “Did you say that in Qingfeng Temple, there were eleven hours a day?”

“Of course.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“Do you need to tell this kind of thing? I don’t know that you don’t even know this kind of thing.”

While the two were talking, Zhuge Yuan in the distance listened to the faceless sitting and forgetting his way and whispered with a troublesome expression, “How about it, do you see it? This is the confused mind! Have you met?”


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