Mutated Tao Chapter 440: Zhuge Yuan


Chapter 440 Zhuge Yuan

Seeing that Zhuge Yuan is working hard for himself, if Li Huowang continues to be confused about his identity, he will not be able to do it!

No matter who you are. I owe Zhuge Yuan’s life! It’s impossible to escape before it’s over!

Gritting his teeth, Li Huowang looked around. When he saw Emperor Liang and Si Tianjian who were entangled with the dice, he kicked his feet and jumped up there.

Every time when the soles of the shoes were about to hit the liquid ground, as Li Huowang turned his hand over, a leaf card would fly out, like a lotus leaf in water, providing Li Huowang with a foothold.

He quickly approached there like a dragonfly on the water.

The dice are obviously not fighting these people to the death, but just playing with them, as if they want to wait for Dou Lao to free up their hands and solve these people once and for all.

Li Huowang came to the edge of the battle and shouted to the people inside: “Is there a living heart in the eyes of this formation!”

He didn’t expect those people to answer. When he noticed the slight change in the expression of one of the Sitian young supervisors, he immediately analyzed the vigilant meaning behind the expression by relying on his deceiving experience in the past years.

Facing his own problems, he showed vigilance instead of being inexplicable and confused. There must be a living heart in his eyes!

That’s right, yin and yang restrain each other, since you use the dead heart as the eye of the formation, how can you not let a living one go!

Li Huowang rushed towards the surroundings immediately without saying a word, this scene was naturally seen by Zuo Wangdao.

One of the dice glanced at Li Huowang who jumped into the distance in surprise, and then asked the other dice beside him, “Hey, what did you let Hongzhong do?”

“I don’t know, it’s clearly Daliang’s Hongzhong, one of your people, you ask me?”

“Bullshit! Don’t you have eyes on your buttocks? That’s the red center of all of you!”

While they were talking, Li Huowang had arrived at a side hall in the east.

Originally, there should have been a golden temple here, but as the gold was flowed away, it was made into a ghost mask of Shenshan, and now there are only some empty frames floating on the ground.

Li Huowang rushed to the center of the hall, only to see a dead crystal clear white fox in the center of the formation, obviously the formation here is something that cannot be understood.

The body flew straight into the air, and flung it violently in the air. Pieces of chicken mahjong floated in the water and swirled in all directions. The eyes on these mahjong tiles blinked quickly like living creatures.

Everything those Yaoji saw was quickly transmitted to Li Huowang’s mind, so he also quickly knew what the formation eyes at the other side halls were.

After half a stick of incense, Li Huowang stood on a piece of driftwood and looked down at the old man in the soil who looked like a rotten wood. He was the same as before, and his seven orifices were also sewn with gold threads. The only difference What’s more, he only has a **** on his chest.

Looking at Zhuge Yuan who was constantly falling down in the air, Li Huowang took a deep breath, dislocated his body suddenly, and directly fished out the living soul.

Without any hesitation after getting it in his hand, Li Huowang flipped his right hand over, directly pulled out four white boards, and slapped him **** the back. “Bar!”

The white board sank into the heart-turbid body, and a huge force quickly flew towards the air with the heart-turbid body.

However, this is not over yet. While the living heart is flying towards Dou Lao in the air, Li Huowang quickly finds the dead heart that he saw when he was in the Imperial City.

This turbidity is the one that I and Ji Xiang they found back then.

As the two pairs of Pai Gow were slapped into his body, Li Huowang directly swung the golden hook upside down and kicked the heartbroken back.

Bringing an afterimage, Xixinzhuo quickly slammed into Huoxinzhuo in mid-air.

Seeing the powerful power of life and death, Li Huowang immediately thought of using something to deal with Dou Lao. At this moment, besides Zhuge Yuan, the only move that can cause damage to Dou Lao’s incarnation

“Brother Zhuge! Get out of the way! Life and death are about to collide!” Li Huowang shouted into the air.

At this time, Zhuge Yuan, whose blood vessels were all bulging, saw this scene, and instantly heaved a sigh of relief. With all his strength, he threw the judge pen in his hand into the air, and his body fell back and fell powerlessly to the ground. go.

When Li Huowang, who was extremely nervous, just firmly caught the falling Zhuge Yuan, an extremely black light flashed in the air, and the heart of life and death collided with each other.

This light appears and disappears quickly.

When the light disappeared again, Li Huowang raised his head, and he found that a huge hole had appeared on Dou Lao’s body.

It’s not just Doulao’s body, it’s as if everything in a huge ball has been emptied in the entire sky.

With the sudden loss of a large body, Doumu’s body gradually became unstable, sometimes obvious and sometimes illusory.

Li Huowang could feel that it was looking at him, but at this moment it could no longer pull him up.

With the last deep gaze, Doumu covering the entire sky gradually disappeared.

Li Huowang laughed when he saw this scene, and couldn’t help shouting excitedly. “Brother Zhuge! Brother Zhuge, we succeeded! We succeeded—”

When Li Huowang looked down and saw Zhuge Yuan’s appearance at this time, the excited voice suddenly stopped. He has aged a lot, and his whole body seems to be cracked, on the verge of breaking.

It’s not just the body, Li Huowang, relying on his ability to sit and forget the way, can also see all kinds of emotions and eight sufferings in him.

Facing this scene, Li Huowang seemed helpless. He kept looking for the memories of Hongzhong and Li Huowang, trying to find a chance to save him.

However, although Li Huowang was very resistant to this situation, his reason told him that Zhuge Yuan was really hopeless.

Now Zhuge Yuan’s body is like a bowl with a hole in the bottom, the contents inside are continuously leaking out.

Being able to resist Doumu’s incarnation for so long with his own strength has completely drained everything from Zhuge Yuan’s body.

Just when Li Huowang was anxiously looking for turmeric paper, and when he was planning to use talismans to treat dead horses as live horse doctors, Zhuge Yuan called to stop him.

“Brother Li, don’t waste your energy, Xiaosheng, I am not afraid of death, you don’t have to blame yourself anymore, Xiaosheng didn’t do this for you, but also for the common people in this world.”

Looking at Zhuge Yuan’s irreversible death, tears welled up from Li Huowang’s eyes. Panting heavily, he said angrily: “This place is rotten like this! Why do you want to be so noble! Who can tell you if you run away! Did I let you save me? I just forgot my way ! What are you saving!!”

Zhuge Yuan smiled openly. “It’s not noble, it’s just because Xiaosheng has read a few more sage books than others, and knows that there are some things that should be done and some things that should not be done. Although I dare not pretend to be a gentleman, but friends are in trouble, and running away alone, Xiaosheng It is impossible to make a decision.”


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