Mutated Tao Chapter 301: Impermanence


A long face is several feet long, and a blood-red tongue two or three feet long hangs from its mouth.

Behind such a terrifying face is a hunchbacked body more than three feet tall. This is a twisted and huge bottle of Bai Wuchang!

The wooden head that was shaking in the air before was actually just a pendant on its chest!

“Kala Kala” Accompanied by this weird sound, Bai Wuchang squatted halfway, looking and sniffing in Li Huowang’s direction, humming and chirping, as if he was looking for something.

Li Huowang is invisible now, but it is obvious that this thing can feel something, and it is only a matter of time before he is discovered.

“This thing is definitely not easy to deal with!” Li Huowang used his trump card almost without hesitation.

Towards Bai Wuchang, he raised his right hand with five fingers spread out.

Li Huowang raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, with a sound of “Puff”, his left arm snapped off, and flew out at an extremely fast speed and inserted into Bai Wuchang’s eyes.

Following that Bai Wuchang opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar, Li Huowang jumped up without hesitation, and jumped towards his mouth with a sword in one hand

The sharp nails came towards Li Huowang with a whistling sound, but because of the eye injury, the thing seemed to be inaccurate, leaving only a deep wound on Li Huowang’s neck.

The next moment, with the continuous sound of tearing flesh and blood, Li Huowang slid down his throat.

Just as he was about to slide to the bottom, a wooden mask came from nowhere and directly covered Li Huowang’s face.

In an instant, Li Huowang felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and he couldn’t breathe for an instant.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to get the thing off his face, but no matter what he did, the mask stayed on his face.

Li Huowang took out a thin lancet without hesitation, and inserted it along the edge of his chin.

He lifted a large part of his face, almost suffocating, he took a sudden breath, but he couldn’t breathe in anything.

“What the **** is going on!!” Li Huowang quickly glanced around in despair.

When he couldn’t see the monk in the red, the alarm bell rang in his mind, and he suddenly woke up.

The next moment, there was no huge Bai Wuchang around, and the forest full of mist was now brightly lit.

But the only thing that is the same as before is that I still can’t breathe.

With his face turning purple, he touched his neck with his hands, and he touched a rope that had completely sunk into his flesh.

Gripping the hilt of the sword, he exerted force with his thumb and swiped hard against the rope.

Accompanied by an incomparably terrifying scream, the rope hanging Li Huowang’s neck kept gushing out stinky blood.

The rope suddenly shrank towards the forest, and Li Huowang fell from midair like a corpse.

“Taoist, Taoist, are you okay?” The monk hurried up and asked with concern.

Li Huowang clutched his neck and shook his head, then stood up unsteadily. “I’m fine.”

After answering the monk, Li Huowang immediately looked around.

A ray of sunlight sprinkled through the gaps in the leaves in the forest. This scene seemed so normal, as if everything that happened before was an illusion.

“Illusion?” Li Huowang glanced at the intact left arm, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

But soon he touched the wound scratched by Bai Wuchang’s nails with his hand, and his eyes became firm.

“This is definitely not an illusion, I just don’t know what method the thing that I fought with just now used.”

Fortunately, it should have been injured just now, and it shouldn’t happen again in a short time.

“It’s broken!” Li Huowang suddenly remembered something, and rushed to the left.

When he rushed out of the forest, he was relieved to see those Bai family members still surrounded by wooden shackles.

“Fortunately, no matter what, it’s good that everyone is here.”

When Li Huowang walked over, it was obvious that he frightened the Bai family.

A Taoist priest with a mask of copper coins and blood dripping from his neck came over with a sword in hand, and anyone would be scared.

With a “click”, the thick wooden shackle was split open.

When Li Huowang rescued them from **** with a sword, the Bai family finally realized that this man came to rescue them, and many women cried out immediately.

In a clan, the elders always have the final say, and Niuxin Village is no surprise.

An old man with only one lower front tooth missing, and the others were about to kneel down to Li Huowang tremblingly. “Well, thank you benefactor for saving our whole village.”

Li Huowang hurriedly supported it with his hands, “Grandpa, you are trying to kill my life. I was entrusted by Miss Bai Lingmiao to save everyone.”

As soon as these words came out, several people in the crowd were extremely excited. The beautiful woman who knew Bai Lingmiao almost 70% or 80% of the time burst into tears of joy, and said to the strong man beside her, “The master! It’s okay! She’s still alive! Girl is still alive!”

With a buzz, Li Huowang was instantly surrounded by Bai Lingmiao’s relatives, and Li Huowang, who was asking questions all over the place, didn’t know which one to answer.

“Okay!” A resounding yell made everyone shut up.

The one who spoke was a strong man supporting the one-toothed old man. With a beard hanging on his chin, he looked calm at first glance.

“Didn’t you see Engong was injured? Besides, is this a place to talk?”

After that, he clasped his fists at Li Huowang, “Xia Bai Sai is the patriarch of the Bai family, Engong, look, how about we leave here first?”

Li Huowang touched the wound on his neck and nodded. “Okay, get out of here first.”

Although that thing was forced to go away by me, there is no guarantee that it will not bring its kind to settle accounts with me,

All the people who untied the wooden shackles surrounded Li Huowang and left this place.

On the way, the others obviously wanted to talk to Li Huowang very much, but because of the man’s prestige, they didn’t dare to speak.

But someone couldn’t help it. Bai Lingmiao’s mother held a handkerchief in both hands and handed it to Li Huowang.

“Grandpa, your neck is still bleeding, use this to cover it first.”

Seeing Li Huowang thanked him and took the handkerchief, the woman couldn’t help asking, “My daughter Bai Ling, is she okay? Has she grown taller? Is she thin? She was bullied outside No?” The words were full of deep worry.

Looking at her, Li Huowang thought of his mother, who was also worried all the time.

“Auntie, she is very good. She didn’t suffer much, but she always misses you.”

Hearing Li Huowang’s answer, the beautiful woman couldn’t help but shed tears again.

Li Huowang put his mind away, he knew that if he didn’t figure out the cause and effect of this matter, this matter would not be over yet.

He turned his gaze to Bai Sai who was supporting the one-toothed old man, “Patriarch Bai, can you tell me what is going on? Why were you arrested? What?”

Hearing Li Huowang’s question, the surrounding discussion became much quieter in an instant, and everyone looked over,

Bai Sai sighed for a long time and said: “To be honest, I don’t know what’s going on. Since my son picked up that stone, there have been various things.”

“As a result, he was put on the wooden shackle in a daze, and was forced to move forward by the man wearing the wooden mask.”

“Fortunately, Engong saved us, otherwise God knows where we will be taken away.”

Li Huowang frowned, although the other party said a lot, but he didn’t seem to say anything.

“Heh, Li Huowang, be careful, this kid is lying to you.”

Li Huowang raised his head and looked at Hongzhong who said this.


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