Mutated Tao Chapter 298: Niuxin Village


“Father! Mother! Where are you guys!!” Bai Lingmiao, who was crying, kept searching throughout Niuxin Village.

Behind her was Li Huowang, he followed her to search, even though he could see that there was really no one else in the whole village except them.

At this moment, Lu Zhuangyuan, who was cautious, leaned over with a smile.

“What’s going on here?” Li Huowang frowned and asked Lu Zhuangyuan who was one step ahead.

Lu Zhuangyuan looked innocent. “Master Xiaodao, I didn’t know this. When I first came here, there was no one in the whole village.”

“I was curious before. I thought it was the old man who misplaced me, so I searched around for several miles, but I searched all over Niuxin Mountain, and I saw this place.”

Hearing this, Li Huowang stopped talking, took a deep breath, and followed Bai Lingmiao in the distance.

Bai Lingmiao searched and searched throughout the village, but still found nothing.

When Li Huowang saw Bai Lingmiao, who was sweating profusely, turned back to the village and started searching from the first room again, he rushed over quickly, grabbed Bai Lingmiao by the shoulders with both hands, and took her The other party hugged him in his arms.

At this moment, Bai Lingmiao couldn’t bear it anymore, leaned on Li Huowang’s shoulder and began to cry, “Brother Li, my family is gone, my family is gone!!”

Looking forward to this moment has finally come to naught. Li Huowang knows what it feels like, and he can empathize with it.

“Don’t cry, maybe they just left temporarily, and they may not be in trouble. Think better.”

Besides, Lu Zhuangyuan also comforted: “Miss Bai, Master Xiaodao is right, maybe they also escaped like us, and when they come back from their escape, they can meet you.”

Seeing this, other people also gathered around one after another, talking and comforting Bai Lingmiao.

However, these flirty words did not comfort Bai Lingmiao much. She is not a fool, and the whole village has disappeared. This matter is not trivial at first glance.

Bai Lingmiao’s crying dilutes the joy of the reunion and casts a shadow over the huge village, so that no one speaks after dinner.

After dinner, Li Huowang walked around the whole village under the moonlight. He was not looking for people, but traces.

It is impossible for the entire village to suddenly disappear. Something must have happened, even if it was eaten by evil spirits or cheated by Zuo Wang Dao, it would definitely leave traces.

“Xiao Daoist, actually, I told Miss Bai that their family was going to hide from a disaster, but it actually made her feel better. In my opinion, they probably didn’t go to hide from a disaster.”

“How can anyone hide from a disaster without locking the door? And when we first entered the village, the pigs in the backyard were so hungry that they didn’t look like pigs.” Lu Zhuangyuan followed Li Huowang, chattering.

Li Huowang squatted down and looked at the texture of the paving stones on the ground, “When you first came in, was this village in chaos?”

“No, it’s not messy at all, the clothes are still hanging outside, the cows, the dogs, everything is fine, but the people are gone.”

“Besides, I went to look through it on purpose. Every household has a lot of clothes in the wooden cabinets. I can tell that I didn’t go far away.”

Li Huowang’s eyes are looking for details and possible dangers inch by inch.

When Li Huowang opened a door and found that he still hadn’t found any clues, he took the cotton wool out of his ears and listened carefully to all the sounds around him.

Turning around in circles in the village, even Mr. You invited one to dig the ground three feet.

But this time is different from what I have encountered in the past. There are no hostile sights, no weird evil spirits, and nothing here.

When Li Huowang returned to the three-door courtyard of Bai’s house, he saw Luo Juanhua and Chun Xiaoman comforting Bai Lingmiao in the bright lobby.

The others stood around, discussing something in twos and threes. When they saw Li Huowang coming back, they all looked over.

“You guys go to bed first, we can talk about something tomorrow.” Seeing that Li Huowang had spoken, the others stopped insisting and left in twos and threes.

Because of crying, Bai Lingmiao’s pink eyes became even redder. She looked at Li Huowang with deep sadness in her eyes and kept choking.

“It’s late enough, where is your house? Wash and sleep.”

Bai Lingmiao, who pursed her lips, stood up and walked towards the water tank in the kitchen.

After a stick of incense, the two lay silently in a bedroom with a faint fragrance.

Looking at the surrounding furnishings and the white mosquito net, it is obvious that this is Bai Lingmiao’s past boudoir.

On the bed, Bai Lingmiao curled up on the bed, her shoulders trembling constantly, she tried not to cry.

The next moment, she felt herself being hugged and leaned against her strong chest.

“Don’t cry, solve the trouble when you encounter trouble, we are people with supernatural powers now. Afraid we can’t find anyone?”

Bai Lingmiao’s twitching shoulders stopped, her head arched against Li Huowang’s chest, suddenly she broke free from Li Huowang’s embrace, picked up the skin bone placed in front of the bronze mirror, and rushed out of the house.

“Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! There is something in the sky that the flying immortals are going to do, and there is something on the ground that the red and yellow are rushing to! There is something going on in the underworld, so I invite the King of Sadness to help me stop the horse’s head to ask the country name, and hold the silk rein to find my hometown.

The surname is Zhang or Wang, or Li Lai or Huang Zhao Qiansun Li Li Cunxiao, Zhou Wuzheng Wang Yanzhang”

Listening to the rhythmic drumming outside, Li Huowang slowly closed his eyes.

The next day, when Li Huowang opened his eyes, he found that Bai Lingmiao, who always got up early, was lying on the bed without a word,

“How? What did the Xian family say?” Li Huowang asked while getting dressed.

“They can’t find it,” Bai Lingmiao answered with grief. “I can’t even find Brother Li in the Xian family. Do you think my parents are really gone?”

Li Huowang walked over, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, then turned and walked out the door. “I’m leaving, during the time I’m not here, you help me keep an eye on it.”

Just as Li Huowang turned around, Bai Lingmiao opened the door, she opened her red eyes and said in astonishment, “Senior Brother Li, where are you going?”

“Where else can I go? The Xian family is useless. Of course, I want to find a way to find out where the people in the whole village have gone. You are like this, can I not care?”

When Bai Lingmiao heard this, she jumped up immediately, put her arms around Li Huowang’s waist and leaned on his back with her face, tears stained Li Huowang’s clothes. “Thank you, Brother Li”

Seeing that Li Huowang’s reaction has been very cold, she thought that the other party didn’t take her family’s affairs to heart at all.

I didn’t expect that the other party had already thought about what to do, but they just didn’t say it.


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