Mutated Tao Chapter 161: Unexpected harvest


Li Huowang stuffed the baked browned bun into his mouth with one hand, chewing slowly.

He looked at the bonfire in front of him blankly, thinking about what might be left behind in his mind.

They were walking in all directions, and there were three second-hand old carriages beside them, which were bought by selling the camels and adding some money.

It’s a long way to continue walking without a carriage.

A pair of chopsticks brought steaming noodles with a few slices of bacon to Li Huowang’s mouth, waiting for him to open his mouth.

Li Huowang, who frowned slightly, moved his head slightly. “I can eat by myself, no need to feed.”

“Brother Li, how can you eat with only one hand now? I’ll feed you when your hand grows back. By the way, how long will it take for your hand to grow back?”

Hearing Bai Lingmiao’s worried words, Li Huowang raised his right arm, looked at the empty cuff, and murmured with a wry smile in his eyes: “It will grow back soon, it will grow back soon.”

“But it’s been broken for three days, why is there no movement at all.” Bai Lingmiao reached out and rolled up Li Huowang’s sleeve, looking at the healed incision.

“It’s already the third day?” Li Huowang shrank his pupils, as if he remembered something, and immediately stood up and looked around the barren Gobi, as if he was looking for something.

Soon he found his desired goal and walked towards a big rock in the distance.

“Brother Li, where are you going? If you don’t eat any more, the noodles will be eaten!”

“I’m going to release the water, don’t follow me!”

When he came to the side of the boulder like a small hill, Li Huowang looked into the distance and turned into a small black spot, and walked into the shadow of the boulder.

There is nothing but barren ground behind the stone, which happened to be what Li Huowang wanted.

Facing the boulder in front of him, he sat down with his legs crossed, his expression became a little hesitant, but he finally pulled out the sword in his hand and drew a humanoid mural on the wall.

“Mom, you have worked hard during this time.” Li Huowang said softly to the figure painting.

“Mom, I’m awake, could you please get my cell phone? Today is her birthday, I want to call her.”

“Don’t untie me, just call me, the second line in the address book is her phone number.”

Taking out a sharp small shovel, Li Huowang gently traced on the humanoid face. After a while, a simple but somewhat familiar face appeared in front of him.

Li Huowang doesn’t know how to draw, and his paintings are ugly, but the mural in front of him is more beautiful than anything else in his eyes. “Happy birthday, Nana.”

“Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~”

Alone, Li Huowang looked at the murals he had painted on the boulder with a smile, and sang softly.

The sound didn’t travel very far before it was torn apart by the ruthless wind from the Gobi Desert.

“Sorry, Nana, I can’t be by your side for this year’s birthday, so I can only congratulate you in this form. I will make up for the gift when I have time.” Looking at the face painted on the mural.

After finishing speaking, Li Huowang leaned over gently, kissed the mural, and stood up with one hand on the ground.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, Li Huowang came face to face with a red hijab, who was Bai Lingmiao’s second god, and she had completely seen the warm and weird scene just now.

“Shut up.” After Li Huowang threw these two words at her, he turned and walked towards the carriage in the distance.

When he came back, he found that everyone else was full. Chatting away.

Li Huowang reached out to take the bowl of noodles in Bai Lingmiao’s arms, and put it directly on the ground, holding the chopsticks in one hand and sucking it up.

After Li Huowang devoured most of the meal, a crisp metal impact made his body tense subconsciously. Where had he heard this sound before?

He looked up and looked in the direction of the sound, and found that it was coming from Gouwa. He was sitting on the ground, holding his own knife as if prying something on the ground.

Li Huowang stood up and walked behind him. “What are you doing?”

Li Huowang’s words made Gouwa tremble in fright. He looked at Li Huowang with a shy smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to lift up the objects on the ground.

“It’s nothing, it’s not because we spend so much money, we want to earn more for everyone.”

It was a row of old blackened copper coins, which seemed to have been burnt recently. Li Huowang knew this thing, it was the brass mask on the face of a dwarf who performed a shadow play before.

He still remembers being taken away by Erbing before and wearing it on his face.

There were a lot of scratches on the blackened copper coin mask, it was obvious that Gou Wa seemed to want to pry these copper coins out and use them.

“Didn’t I just throw the ashes into the ashes and waste it like this? After all, this is hundreds of copper plates, isn’t it? It’s too wasteful to throw it away, so I picked it up.”

“I didn’t plan to keep it privately, I just thought about prying it out and planning to give these to Junior Sister Bai for safekeeping, but I really didn’t expect, this thin chain connected with copper coins is really hard, no matter how hard I pry it, I can’t pry it open. “

Li Huowang took this thing over and stroked the copper coins with his hands, and he could easily wipe off the black ash on them.

The fire didn’t hurt the thing one bit, and thin old chains passed through the holes in the copper coins to form a strange coin mask.

This copper coin is the same as ordinary copper coins. It is round on the outside and square on the inside, surrounded by four big characters that Li Huowang doesn’t know.

“Dao Dao Dao Dao Dao Tong Tong Bao!” Gao Zhijian translated to Li Huowang.

“Daoguang Tongbao?” Li Huowang didn’t know which country’s currency it was, and he didn’t care. What he is considering now is the value of this thing itself.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Huowang called Mantou and put the mask on its head to see if there were any hidden dangers.

The next scene that surprised him happened, although Mantou was shaking his head in front of him and scratching his head with his front paws, but he had the feeling that there was no dog in front of him.

That night, the dwarf was wearing this mask and sneaking up on him without anyone noticing. If the two gods hadn’t reminded him before, maybe he really fell into his way.

After that, Ershen also wore this thing and hid in the crowd, but he couldn’t find her quickly at that time.

From these two points, it can be seen that this thing seems to be some kind of magic weapon that can cover the breath.

“This thing seems to work for me.”

Looking at this thing, Li Huowang’s eyes gradually brightened. “This thing is not only useful, this thing is of great use to me!”

Although I don’t know why, as long as people in this world have a little ability, they can easily see that they are Xinsu.

And this thing may prevent this from happening again, and I will no longer be Tang Seng meat in the future!


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