Monster Paradise: Do you want to cross?


  ”Finally won the title of the ultimate non-chief, the only SSR is a two-faced Buddha made up of fragments, and even Sister Bird and Xiao Hei have not even drawn once…This broken game is impossible. Play it!”

   Lin Huang has an indifferent expression on his face. He has played the game “XX Division” for more than half a year, and has drawn tens of thousands of talisman papers. He has never drawn an SSR, even the SR’s Niaojie and Xiaohei. , They were all made up of pieces, so this time he had no expectations for ten consecutive draws. The achievement of the ultimate non-chief, coupled with the loss of the handle on the battlefield, made him completely give up on this game.

   pressed his finger on the game icon for a long time, Lin Huang took a deep breath, and clicked the X in the upper left corner of the jumping icon to delete the game. He was about to put the phone in his trouser pocket. He looked at the screen when he heard a vibration from the phone.

   The entire phone has a black screen, only a line of large black characters in the center——【Do you want to cross? 】

There is only one option below the line of   ——【I want to! 】

   looks like an advertisement for a web game.

   “I miss your sister!”

   Lin Huang, who just deleted “XX Division”, has no intention of playing a new game, so he double-clicked the phone’s HOME button to fly the page.

  As soon as I put my phone in my trouser pocket, there was another shock.

   Lin Huang took out the phone and took a look, and the page just jumped out again.

   “Boring! Mobile games are like page games, with endless advertisements. Who else wants to play this kind of game?” He frowned and pulled the page away again.

   was about to put the phone away, Lin Huang looked at the page, and his brows became tighter, “Could it be a virus?!”

   Lin Huang cherishes the fruit 7 mobile phone that he just bought recently, after all, it took him nearly a month’s salary.

   restarted the phone, stared at the screen for a long while, the page did not pop up again, Lin Huang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just as I was about to pick up my phone, there was another vibration coming from the page just now.

  【Do you want to cross? 】

  【Think! 】

  ”Wipe, it’s not over!” Lin Huang’s eyes widened, “Anyway, I have to fix it later, I want to see what the **** is your viral marketing game, and I will cut it later. Report unscrupulous games on the bib!”

   hesitated for a moment, Lin Huang pressed the word “think” down.

  I just pressed the touch screen button, and the text on the phone screen finally began to change.

  【Dear traveler candidate, thank you for accepting our request. Please read the following terms carefully below. If you have no objections to all terms, please press the Accept Terms button, and you will officially become a traverser. After obtaining the official traverser number, we will give you a golden finger, and then randomly teleport you to a different world. Then, you will be able to gallop as much as you want! 】

   This paragraph of text stayed on the screen for about twenty seconds, and the terms page finally appeared.

  [1. The current death rate of traversers is as high as 73%. Please prepare mentally before accepting the terms. The specific causes of death and the proportions are as follows:]

  [(1) Do it yourself, the mortality rate is 48%]

  [(2) killed in battle, 33% death rate]

  [(3) End of life, death rate 10%]

  [(4) Assassinated, mortality rate is 6%]

  [(5) Failed to activate cheats, 2% mortality rate]

  [(6) Poor luck, 1% mortality rate]


   Lin Huang just glanced at the beginning, and saw that there were a total of 118 pages of terms. He didn’t bother to read it carefully. He pulled directly to the bottom of the page, and then pressed the “Accept terms” button.

   [Dear candidate, you have officially become a traverser, and your traverser number is 142857. Now enter the cheat extraction page…]

   The picture changed again. A disc appeared on the phone screen. There were thirty-six grids on the disc. Each grid was the same size, but all the grids were filled with golden question marks, with a pointer pointing directly above. Twelve o’clock direction.

There are two buttons at the bottom of the    disk, one is “Start” and the other is “Stop”, and there is a line of small words describing the rules below.

  【Press the start button, the pointer will start to rotate, press the stop button, the pointer will stop. The item at the final stop position of the pointer is the golden finger you If you do not press the stop button, the pointer will automatically stop one minute after it starts to rotate. 】

   “The name of the game hasn’t come out yet, I want to see what the game is doing!” Lin Huang pressed the start button, and the pointer began to spin quickly. After more than ten seconds, his finger pressed the stop button. The pointer stopped on a question mark after sliding a small half circle.

   The question mark turned into a black card. After the card appeared, the lottery disk disappeared, and the card was enlarged to fill the entire phone screen.

   Lin Huang raised his eyebrows. This card is pretty exquisitely made. The whole body is metallic cold black, and there is a circle of delicate golden patterns around the card.

   “This card production is pretty good…” Lin Huang couldn’t help but praised, but when he thought of the “XX Master” that he had spent more than half a year playing before, his face sank again, because that game was also a card. Card game.

   Before he could come back to his senses, a black glow shot out from the phone and plunged directly into his forehead. Lin Huang didn’t notice it, and only saw that the phone page changed again, and a line of words jumped out.

  [The gold finger has been issued, and now randomly select the initial world to be traversed this time for the traversers…]

  ”Are you finally going to enter the game officially?” Lin Huang raised his mouth slightly, “As long as I see a game name and cut a picture, I will report your broken game!”

   After a while, the text on the phone screen changed again.

   [The initial world randomly selected this time is Monster Paradise. 】

   [Passer number 142857, I wish you a pleasant journey! 】

With a “pop”, a golden fruit 7 mobile phone fell to the ground, the screen was shattered, and Lin Huang, who was holding the mobile phone just now, has completely disappeared from the place…


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