Monarch of Evernight: Two Six Eight Crazy


bsp;Qianye knew that the Atoi tribe could not be expected to have any concept of war. The concept of the holy mountain was more of a belief for them. Everything involves faith, which means there is no room for negotiation, even if Qianye has the aura of the Holy Spirit’s oral command, that will not work.

Qianye gave up the idea of ​​withdrawing the frontline troops, shrinking the battlefield, and fighting Metanzo in the Holy Land. But he will not sit idly by and watch Artois’ stupid tactics add fuel to the fire. It’s too late to rush over now. If King Wuguang really wants to show his power, hundreds of Artois warriors and the giant **** of war won’t be able to hold on for long.

So Qianye grabbed the elder and almost shouted in his ear: “If you don’t want these warriors to die in vain, then listen to me. Only I can deal with the black devil of destruction, do you understand? ?”

The elder stared at Qianye for a moment and then said: “I don’t believe in you, but I believe in the Holy Spirit.”

“If it weren’t for killing the black devil of destruction, I wouldn’t need you to believe in me.” Dealing with this group of primitive and stubborn Artois people also made Qianye feel very tired. He had just experienced Andua’s farewell and was in a very bad mood at the moment.

I don’t know if he realized his own shortcomings or the heavy losses in the previous battle made the elder change his mind. He slowed down his voice and said: “We will listen to you in this battle. Please remember, we Artois Warriors are not afraid of sacrifice.”

“Sacrifice and death are two different concepts.” The meaning of this sentence is a bit too complicated, and Qianye doesn’t know if the elder can understand it.

After receiving the command, Qianye immediately reorganized his troops, gathered all the troops that were able to set off, and redesignated the commander. This time he gathered a total of five hundred warriors, plus three giant war gods. After these troops left, only the old, weak, sick and disabled were left in the Holy Land.

Facing the reorganized troops, Qianye hesitated for a moment and then said: “Soldiers with crystallization come forward.”

About a hundred soldiers came out in response, Qianye said: “The battle has begun, are your tasks clear?”

“Get as close as possible to destroy the Black Devil and weaken his defense.” The leading warrior said loudly. It was like he was talking about a common tactic, rather than paving a way with the lives of himself and his comrades.

Qianye nodded and checked their equipment one last time. In fact, there is nothing to check. The equipment of Artois soldiers is primitive and crude, and no new equipment can be developed in such a short period of time.

Pre-war preparations were completed, Qianye ordered the troops to march to the battlefield along the planned route, but he limited the marching speed, so that he expected to meet Metanzo in a relatively complicated area. The complex terrain is an absolute advantage for the indigenous warriors living in the other world.

At this moment, in the distance, the Sunless King stands in the sky, with corpses at his feet. The two giant war gods still maintained their fighting posture, obviously fighting to the end. It’s just that their death conditions were also the worst, and none of their limbs could be saved.

The vampire subordinates were cleaning the battlefield. Medanzo didn’t know what he was thinking about. He came back to his senses after a moment and said: “What good things can these natives have? No need to clean up, just set off.”

The vampires naturally did not dare to question, but a spider demon marquis said: “Your Majesty, these natives are not low in combat power, they themselves are very valuable.”

Medanzuo raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a deep voice: “Are you questioning my order?”

“I don’t dare, I’m just making a suggestion for your reference.”

A dangerous light flashed in the depths of Metanzo’s eyes, and his voice became calm and soft: “Don’t forget, even after the new order of the pure world is established, the Queen of the Night will be the most important pillar. You spider demons are not qualified to be superior to the current vampires, let alone a little marquis, so it is completely normal for you to die in battle.”

The Spider Demon Marquis was not very afraid and said: “I am a direct blood descendant of the Spider Queen.”

A strange look flashed in Metanzo’s eyes, and he said softly: “It seems that inferior species are inferior species. You will never understand that having the blood of the Spider Queen will not make you safer, but will only make you safer.” You look more delicious.”

The Marquis of the Spider Demon’s face changed drastically in an instant, and just as he was about to run away, Metanzo in front of him blurred for a while and then disappeared. And a sword edge protruded from his chest.

Medanzoo pressed down his wrist and cut the Marquis of the Spider Demon in half. Blood spurted out at him, but Medanzo closed his eyes slightly, appearing to enjoy it very much. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said to himself: “The smell of the Spider Queen is indeed the best in the world!”

All the vampire subordinates were doing their own thing silently, as if they had become deaf and blind, unable to see or hear anything.

Medanzuo suddenly smiled and said: “Don’t be afraid, don’t worry. The spider demons used to be just an inferior race, and they can’t be compared with our noble vampires. In fact, you don’t know the history and heritage of the vampires. I don’t know how many great people the river of blood has created, even if they are demons, they will only become our vassals in the future.”

The vampire subordinates nodded one after another, looking proud. But what they think in their hearts is another matter. At least those who are following Metanzo now have all surrendered during the Twilight Battle or even before. Such behavior has nothing to do with nobility.

They all have a basic self-awareness about their strength. They know that even if the Vampire Clan can rise in the future as Metanzo said, it will definitely have nothing to do with them.

Medanzuo didn’t force himself, and with a roll of purple-black blood energy, he absorbed all the blood on his body.

He looked in the direction of the Holy Mountain, with an almost crazy expression, and murmured to himself in a voice that no one could hear clearly: “You will never know that the Vampire Clan once had two Holy Mountains at the same time! You guys Never know…”

All the Vampire subordinates have a tacit understanding to search in the distance and try to stay as far away from Metanzo as possible. They were just little people. They didn’t know the relationship between Metanzo and the Queen of the Night, nor did they know Metanzo’s confidence in daring to kill the blood descendant of the Spider Queen. As immortal species, especially those who surrendered before the war started, they just want to live and leave this damned world alive.

“No need to pack up, let’s set off. I think there will be more natives waiting for us in front.” After Metanzo said that, he slowly moved forward, and a group of vampire subordinates quickened their pace and hurriedly followed.

Just as he started, Medanzo suddenly stopped and sprayed several purple-black blood blades with his hand, cutting off several strange trees around him.

“Have you seen enough?” Medanzo sneered.

The subordinates of the Vampire Clan didn’t know what King Wuguang was talking about, so they just followed him silently, all of them trembling with fear, not daring to look around.

In the distance, Qianye’s will is still linked to the mother tree, staring coldly at Metanzo. Several alien trees were cut down, leaving a few black areas in the mother tree’s field of vision, but they were quickly filled by other alien trees’ field of vision. Unless Metanzo cuts down all the alien trees in the other world, it is impossible to escape the surveillance of the mother tree. (https:)


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