Monarch of Evernight: Thirty-one aid


bsp;The top of the ruins was shrouded in countless blood lines, and many Eternal Night powerhouses looked pale and slowly fell down.

The Werewolf Count roared like thunder and struggled repeatedly, but this move attracted more blood threads to stab him, restraining him again and pulling him back to the ground after he had already leaped into the air. This time, the werewolf count could no longer jump up, his roar gradually became lower, and he fell motionless.

The demon-born Marquis stiffened for a moment, then suddenly screamed, his whole body ignited with demonic fire, and all the blood lines on his body were pulled off. He flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Qianye did not chase after him. He pulled out Dongyue and waved it several times. The wild waves of the sea drowned all the strong men of the dark race who were still struggling on the ground.

There are too many variables in chasing a seriously injured Marquis who is determined to escape, so it is better to consolidate the results. These powerful men with titles are the backbone of the dark race. Catching them all can also severely damage the enemy and reduce the risks when one’s own side cleans the battlefield.

The leader of the strong men was annihilated in one fell swoop. The dark warriors who originally retreated at a reasonable pace immediately fell into chaos and turned into a rout in the blink of an eye.

The dark fire mercenaries surrounded them from all sides and deliberately left many small gaps, waiting for the dark warriors to escape from here, and then attack from the sides and rear, causing a lot of damage. These are common tricks used by mercenaries. They may not bring any advantage on the frontal battlefield, but they are particularly useful at the end of a chaotic battle.

Leaving the neutral ground, the ferocity of the Darkfire mercenaries is undoubtedly revealed. Their personal combat power is far higher than that of ordinary soldiers of the Empire and Evernight. In the past, the only difference was equipment, tactical command, and discipline. But now, all the shortcomings have been made up for by Song Zining and Qianye, and Anhuo finally showed his fangs.

The battle ended quickly. Although some dark race warriors escaped, most of them fell in the process of breaking out. The mercenaries in the neutral ground showed their ferocity and cunning to the fullest, causing many wounds in the final stage. The damage was astonishing. If any commander had known such a result, he would not have chosen to break out, but would have waited for reinforcements.

At the end of the battle, Dark Fire’s casualty rate was incredibly low compared to the results achieved. This was also due to the fact that the top warriors in the defenders were eliminated by Qianye in one fell swoop before they could play any role.

Song Zining also came to the city. Regardless of the officers’ dissuasion, he went deep into the city himself and quickly walked around. During this trip, he actually caught a lot of dark snipers lurking in hidden corners. With all the prosperity in the world, no sniper can really target Song Zining.

After seeing clearly the distribution of buildings in the entire town, and combining it with the surrounding terrain that he had already surveyed, Song Zining quickly deployed several lines of defense outside the city to prevent the dark race from counterattacking. Then he began to divide areas in the city and build a new defense system.

The small town is called Baicheng. The building materials here are all made of stones from nearby mountainous areas. They are all gray and white, hence the name.

The original intention of this small city was to protect the landing point of the dark race on the floating continent, so it was designed to function like a fortress from the beginning. As the dark race gradually gained dominance on the floating land battlefield, it played an increasingly important role in logistics, and many new civilian buildings were added.

It is precisely because of this that the small town has a complete defense system that can be put into use with just a few modifications, which saves Song Zining a lot of trouble.

Qianye was much more relaxed. He chose a quieter place in the city to sit down, told his adjutant not to disturb him, and began to recover his energy. The life plunder just now consumed a lot, and the harvest was even greater, which needed to be digested in time.

The dark race reacted quickly. Not long after Song Zining’s outer defense line was set up, their counterattack troops arrived. However, coming in a hurry and without air superiority, the counterattack troops were badly beaten in front of the prepared defense line. They suffered huge casualties in a short period of time and had to retreat to their original starting point.

After taking advantage, Song Zining banned the pursuit and continued to seize the time to improve and deploy the defense line. The cargo aerostat continued to fly up and down, unloading a large amount of defensive supplies. Coupled with the reserves left by the dark race here, Song Zining unceremoniously built various fortifications everywhere. The posture was intended to cover every street corner and every corner. Every building has become a death trap.

The sky is getting darker and dusk has arrived.

Qianye opened his eyes and his training came to an end. At this moment, he converted part of the energy and blood consumption in his body, leaving room for the next life plunder.

It was already dark, there were no lights in the small building, all energy was used for fortifications, lighting was restricted in the barracks, and only candles were issued in the officers’ quarters. The dim candlelight could only illuminate a corner of the room, making everything look blurry and eerie.

Qianye didn’t care about Song Zining’s bad taste in allocating resources to the fullest. This brightness did not affect his vision.

Qianye got up and walked out of the house, and the smell of greasy meat hit his nostrils. A young mercenary next to him brought over a tray with two large bowls of stew on it. As soon as you smell the slightly pungent smell, you know that it is stewed with ferocious beast meat. This is a meal reserved exclusively for senior officers above Darkfire Warrior, and can provide a large amount of energy. Ordinary mercenaries would not dare to eat it. Without sufficient cultivation in the Force, eating the meat of ferocious beasts would be almost like taking poison.

These two bowls were already four or five times the amount of an ordinary high-ranking officer. However, after Qianye finished eating, he felt only half full, so he asked for three more bowls, and he felt much better.

The landing has been successful, and the action time of the other groups of troops should be similar. Next, the empire will face the counterattack of the dark race that approaches half of the floating continent. I am afraid this is the last meal that can be eaten calmly.

Qianye placed the empty bowl on the tray, ordered the young mercenary to return to the kitchen, and prepared to climb to the top of the building to check the defense layout of the entire town.

The young mercenary had just walked out of the room when he suddenly lost his balance and all the empty bowls on the tray in his hand fell to the ground.

The whole small building was shaking, and then a deafening roar came. For a moment, nothing could be heard except a loud explosion.

Qianye rushed out of the room and looked around, only to see a cloud of smoke rising not far away. Half of the building rolled and flew out in the smoke, and several figures fell out of the window from time to time.

It was an astonishing explosion that threw half of the building dozens of meters into the air before falling. The surrounding buildings were also tilted and toppled.

The power of this explosion has reached the level of a cruiser’s main gun bombardment. It is impossible for ordinary land heavy artillery to have such an effect.

Qianye immediately raised his head and looked into the sky, only to see a huge Yongye battleship slowly passing over the city. More than a dozen gunboats and transport ships with dark fire fled in all directions. These old-model warships in a neutral place can bully ground troops, but they are unable to do so in air combat. Even if more than a dozen ships come together, they will still be killed one by one by Yongye’s cruisers.

However, this Yongye cruiser obviously did not understand the situation and was eager to take credit. It actually dared to stay at a low altitude when passing above Baicheng.

Before Qianye could take action, a large ball of fire suddenly appeared on its hull, and a large piece of the ship wall was torn off and flew far away. The huge ship body was tilted by the bombardment and flew dozens of meters sideways, and its speed immediately dropped a step.

The only battlecruisers that can severely damage cruisers with one blow are the Empire’s battlecruisers. Sure enough, the graceful figure of the battle patrol climbing rapidly appeared immediately. It turned sideways during the flyby, and dozens of secondary guns were aimed at the cruiser. Then sparks appeared on the cruiser and it was shaken to the point of collapse.

Behind this cruiser, several more Evernight battleships appeared, but none of them were opponents of the Imperial battle cruiser. The battle cruiser ignored those small battleships at all, and just stared at the Yongye cruiser, pursuing it fiercely, as if it would not stop until it was blown up in the air.

The Yongye Fleet did not expect to encounter such a head-on attack in the air. The formation of the rear battle fleet was obviously out of shape. It seemed that the captains began to hesitate and were undecided whether to rush to rescue the flagship.

The Imperial Battle Cruiser’s attack was too fast and too strong. The cruiser received a fatal blow as soon as it came up, and it seemed that it was doomed. Facing the empire’s most cutting-edge war patrol, if they fail to rescue, they might even be trapped together.

At this time, several more imperial frigates appeared in the sky, and they rushed towards the Yongye battleship separately. This time, the Yongye battleship no longer hesitated, turned around and ran away, not daring to fight at all. Once entangled by the Imperial frigate, no one can escape until the battle cruiser is freed.

As for the cruiser as the flagship, you can only ask for your own blessings.

Not long after the Yongye fleet collapsed, the cruiser could no longer hold on. It burst into flames and plunged diagonally towards the mountain peak, then crashed into a huge fireball and slowly rose into the sky.

Although the air battle was successful, plumes of smoke and fire began to rise one after another in Baicheng. This was the arrival of the army outside Yongye and was bombarding the city with heavy artillery.

An attack of this level is not a threat at all. Song Zining issued an order, and a moment later the gunboats that had been scattered in the air gathered back together, condescendingly, and began to bombard Yongye’s ground troops.

Although there are strong men on the Yongye side who use long-range weapons to fight back, the dark strong men do not dare to take off when their own side does not have the advantage in coordinated firepower, so the little counterattack becomes better than nothing.

As a result, the heavy artillery position behind the dark force lost its cover and was exposed to the firepower of the gunboat. Being suppressed and beaten unilaterally, the morale of even the fiercest warrior will collapse. It didn’t take long for the dark race troops to fall into chaos. The forwards were in a dangerous situation. They were hit by double firepower from the air and ground defenses, resulting in heavy casualties.

As a last resort, Commander Yong Yefang sounded the retreat horn and withdrew the front-line troops.

Song Zining did not hesitate. After the dark race’s heavy artillery force was beaten out of range, he recalled all the gunboats, and then, together with the various transport ships that had completed their missions, they organized and retreated into the outer void.

Sure enough, not long after Dark Fire’s fleet flew away, another Evernight Mobile Fleet appeared in the other direction. This fleet is led by two cruisers, and the rest are destroyers. All of them are high-speed ships, with much newer models and extremely fierce firepower. If those slow antique aerostats in the Neutral Ground were still there, they would suffer heavy losses immediately.

Song Zining commanded calmly, placing the battle patrol in front and three frigates guarding the rear, forming a confrontation formation in the air.

This Eternal Night Fleet obviously does not belong to the same family as the one that was beaten away before. The only thing they have in common is that they all have backward intelligence. When they clearly saw the aerial team above White City, they immediately stopped their rush.

The comparison of the air combat capabilities of the two sides is very clear.

If an attack is launched, although Dark Fire only has one battle cruiser, relying on its absolute advantages in speed and firepower, it can roam around the periphery and continue to bleed the Yongye fleet until all the battleships are dragged away by kiting tactics. Until death. Even if the Yongye Fleet attacks with all its strength, it will only eat up a few frigates at most, and the price paid for this may be the same or even more destroyers.

After a moment of confrontation, the Evernight Mobile Fleet finally chose to retreat slowly and then leave the battlefield.

The distant mainland of Da Qin.

With a flash of lightning, a tall figure appeared on the square in front of Tianji Pavilion.

Zhang Boqian raised his head, looked at the nine-storey tall building in front of him casually, and walked straight in.

Across half the city, there was solemnity in the Lingyun main hall of Weiyang Palace, and the court meeting was in the middle of the process. Suddenly, a chamberlain rushed out from behind the emperor’s throne. Completely ignoring the ministers who were reporting matters, he rushed to the emperor’s side and whispered a few words in a hurry.

Emperor Hao immediately stood up with a wave of his sleeves.

PS: Keep looking for a job and go abroad for an interview tomorrow.


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