Monarch of Evernight: The difference between 251 civilizations


bsp;After letting Su Shi go, Qianye did not leave immediately. Instead, he took out a piece of paper and drew a topographic map on the paper according to Su Shi’s description. Then he thought carefully about the map, and then frowned.

Artois only has basic civilization, and mathematics, composition, etc. are only at the most elementary stages, that is, simple calculations. Their understanding of space and landforms all comes from their super perception and tyrannical strength.

So there are many contradictions in the landform directions mentioned by Su Shi. It doesn’t matter if you just listen to them, but it will be wrong once you draw the map. The world is so huge that if there is even a slight deviation on this map, it will actually be hundreds of kilometers off.

The Qianye map has been drawn, but it is not very useful and can only be used as a reference.

But this leads to another mystery. The Artois tribe is so powerful, but why is its civilization and wisdom so low? As long as the strength of any species breaks through a certain boundary, its wisdom will be qualitatively improved. For example, any giant beast in the void is far more intelligent than the four major dark races and the human race. It’s just that civilization is the accumulation of countless individuals over many years. The behemoths of the void are often rare in number and separated from each other, so they are not civilized.

But the total number of the thirteen tribes of Artois can reach nearly 100,000, which is enough for the basic number of civilization. No matter how you say it, that’s not the case.

However, Su Shi cannot answer these deep-seated questions even if he thinks about it. In the future, he will have the opportunity to observe slowly and come up with the answers.

Qianye put aside his questions for the time being, sat down in the cave, stretched out his fingers to cut through the void, and began to absorb the original force of the void to practice. After entering the other world, even if he hunted casually, he accumulated a huge amount of blood essence, and the supply on Yongye’s side was overflowing in an instant.

Although with the Black Book, both Dawn Qi Ming and Dark Gold Blood Qi will be transformed into the significantly more powerful Chaos Force, but Qianye is still accustomed to maintaining a balance between the two poles.

The Force of Dawn is extremely thin in the world here, but fortunately, it can still cut through the void and absorb the Force of the Void here. Taixuan’s Military Conquest Technique is also extremely domineering. It can absorb the force of the void and convert it into the force of dawn. The supply on the dawn side is no longer a problem.

This practice lasted all night, and it was not until dawn that the force was overflowing, and Qianye felt better. The next step is to slowly transform it in the Black Book, or if you have time, refine it first with the two chapters of Xuan Yao to accelerate the generation of the chaotic force.

After practicing, Qianye thought about his mission in the other world.

The main purpose of this trip is to prevent the dark races from coming into contact with the origin of darkness. This is news from Anwen, and it may be somewhat reliable.

But Qianye is still confused about what the origin of darkness is and what the dark race plans to do. Why would Anwen be so kind and tell him?

Qianye put Anwen’s motives aside and prepared to sneak back to the place where the demons built the tower to see if there were any opportunities. Even the Lord of Macefield would probably be injured if Qianye used Dragon Burial to sneak attack him. The Lord of Macefield, Parokia, was injured and should not be able to recover yet. If the injury is compounded, and the Imperial King is waiting for an opportunity in secret, he may even fall into the other world.

The more he thought about it, the more Qianye felt it was feasible. Even if a sneak attack misses, Master Parokia will be frightened, which may at least slow down his pace of building the tower.

After deciding to take action, Qianye spent another day preparing. The preparation is very simple, just inject three powerful force bombs, two of which are the force of chaos and one is the dawn of dawn.

There are not many materials that can withstand Qianye’s force. Before entering the other world, Qianye rummaged through all his possessions and only managed to collect two and a half materials. The third physical bullet could barely bear the force of chaos. , but could not withstand the growth of the original wings, and finally had to settle for the next best thing, replacing it with the dawn of dawn.

Fortunately, the dawn of dawn has a strong restraint effect on the dark race, and its power is not much less than the force of chaos.

After three force bombs were fired, Qianye checked the equipment again, left the cave and ran towards the demon tower.

He didn’t walk very fast, and he was still carefully searching for traces of the dark race to see if there was any lone team wandering around. If possible, Qianye wouldn’t mind cutting off a few demon wings.

When he came over, Qianye came after the Artois warrior, almost using all his strength, and he could travel thousands of miles in an instant. When you go back, slow down your pace and search at a cautious pace, fearing that you may have to walk for several days.

One day passed like this, Qianye suddenly saw a fallen tree.

The trees in this world are as hard as steel. If you want to knock down a big tree, you must be an extremely powerful and tyrannical individual. Qianye’s pupils narrowed and he glanced around, first observing the movement, and then he came to the place where the big tree fell and inspected the traces.

The giant tree was broken into two sections, one smooth and the other rough and torn. Judging from the marks, it seemed that someone had cut it with a knife, and most of the tree was cut open, and then hit with a huge force, causing it to break.

Qianye’s hand touched the fracture, and when he took it back, there was already a little dark force on his fingertips. This dark force is not the active force in the world, but the dark force belonging to the powerful Eternal Night. Its texture is pure, and even if it is constantly eroded by the active force of the other world, a little bit remains stubbornly.

The remaining dark force is only its original source, and it is impossible to tell whether it belongs to a demon, a spider demon or a werewolf. But what is certain is that it must be a strong person from Yongye.

Have you searched this far for the Eternal Night Powerful One?

Qianye stood up and looked around again, and soon found signs of fighting everywhere. Under the erosion of the active force, these traces can still remain, which is enough to illustrate the fierce battle at that time.

The traces of the battle went deep into the forest, and soon Qianye saw blood in his eyes. As soon as he looked up, the body of an Artois warrior appeared in his field of vision. The warrior was pierced through the head with a wooden spear and nailed to a tree.

Looking at the style of the wooden spear, it was originally Artois’s own weapon, but instead it was used as a tool of massacre by his opponents.

Continuing forward, there is a forest that has been almost flattened. Within a hundred meters, all the ancient trees were in a radial shape, falling to the surroundings, as if they had been run over by a hurricane.

Between the tree trunks, there were several corpses of Artois warriors, all lying in the same direction as the tree trunks. The alien trees were destroyed, and their bodies were also twisted and deformed.

Qianye walked toward the center of the storm. Only in the center was a low shrub standing stubbornly. Qianye walked over and stroked the shrubs with his hands, the branches and leaves moving with his hands.

There is nothing special about this shrub, it just survived because it happened to be in the center of the storm. But on a leaf, Qianye found a drop of solidified blood. This is not the green blood of Artois warriors with a faint glimmer of light, but the blood of the Eternal Night warriors.

Qianye sensed that this drop of blood belonged to a demon.

Qianye squatted down, smelled the blood stains, and then raised his head. In his field of vision, there were several more drops of the same blood on a tree trunk not far away.

In an instant, Qianye appeared in front of the bloodstain. After inspecting it, he determined the direction in which the demon-born strongman left, jumped up, and flew past.

Not far away, Qianye saw another battlefield, or in other words, a slaughterhouse.

Dozens of Artois soldiers fell to the ground, many with missing limbs. But what caught Qianye’s attention was a giant lying on the ground.

The giant sank one hand deep into the ground, still maintaining the posture of fighting at the last moment, and even the anger and pain on his face were extremely clear.

Qianye walked around the giant’s corpse like a ghost.

The giant had obviously gone through an extremely fierce battle before his death. He was covered in wounds, with hundreds of large and small wounds all over his body. Many of the circular blast wounds were clearly caused by Force bomb blasts. The joint of the giant’s left leg was shot more than ten times intensively, and almost one leg was almost blown off.

At this time, the disadvantage of Artois’ joints being able to move freely appears, that is, the strength will not be enough.

Although the giant fought bravely, he was obviously besieged by the strong men of the dark race, and eventually died under the constant bombardment of the force gun.

In fact, although Qianye had an indistinguishable fight with the giant he first encountered, that was only because Qianye only used his strength to fight his opponent hand-to-hand, not even using his combat skills. It was a head-on confrontation.

If Qianye uses all his methods, the original wings combined with Dragon Burial, plus the force bombs of the chaotic force, one shot can kill the giant. But don’t forget, Qianye still has a handful of Manjushahua in his hand.

So if it were a life and death fight, even a few giants working together wouldn’t be enough to kill Qianye. In terms of physical strength, these giants are comparable to the Archduke, but their level of civilization is so low that they have no equipment at all. Their actual combat power is only half, maybe less than, that of their opponents at the same level.

The real combat power is so different. If there is a real war, one Yongye Grand Duke should be able to easily defeat two or three giants.

Judging from the traces of this giant when he died in battle, he was besieged by several powerful Eternal Night warriors during his lifetime, and his death was not unjust at all.

The place where the giant fell was the main battlefield, and Qianye discovered another tragic battlefield. A spider demon Marquis of Glory knelt on one knee in the center of the battlefield, with a stern face, his eyes wide open, but his pupils had long lost their sparkle.

His fatal injury was the half-broken spear stuck in the back of his head. In addition, there are more than ten war spears of different lengths inserted into the body, and there are dozens of injuries in various places.

The Marquis of the Spider Demon held a heavy shield in his left hand. A sharp cone popped out from under the shield and plunged deeply into the ground. There were no less than dozens of throwing spears nailed to the heavy shield, which shows how fiercely he was besieged during his lifetime.

However, the most powerful of the throwing spears barely penetrated, revealing a bit of the spear tip. Most of the others just nailed the general to the shield. There were a large number of throwing spears scattered in front of the Marquis of the Spider Demon. The spear tips were twisted and broken, and it was obvious that they could not even be nailed to the shield.

The same is true for the scars on the Marquis’s body. Although there were dozens of spears and spears on his body, most of them were just flesh wounds after penetrating the armor. Even the spear tips were mostly exposed and could not penetrate the flesh for more than a few minutes. Given the strength of the spider demon’s body, these wounds a few centimeters deep were only minor injuries to the flesh.

Qianye picked up a throwing spear, looked at it, and put it on the ground.

The throwing spears of Artois warriors are very crude, and the metal processing is only at the most elementary level, inferior to even the metallurgical craftsmanship of the human race before they were fully awakened.

The Marquis of the Spider Demon is not much stronger than the Artois warriors, and is only one level stronger than a first-level warrior like Su Shi. However, the huge gap in equipment across eras made the casualties on both sides disproportionate.

Around the Marquis of the Spider Demon, there were nearly a hundred corpses of Artois elite warriors.


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