Monarch of Evernight: 262 Lord of Eternal Night


bsp;The clouds are not desolate and lifeless. There is a kind of giant tree growing here in the Three-Inch World. The tree body is like a column, with several large leaves that are dozens of meters long at the top. The color is dark green, the leaves are wide and thick, and countless tentacles extend from the end of the leaves, slowly rising in the air. Floating.

The giant trees grow very sparsely, thousands of meters apart, as if they are faintly dividing their respective territories.

As soon as Qianye appeared, several giant trees around him suddenly reacted, and their leaves folded slightly, as if they were preparing to attack to capture something.

Qianye instinctively activated his blood vessels to lurk, and as a result, the leaves of the giant leaf slowly relaxed and returned to their original shape.

Could they be sensitive to changes in the Force? Qianye guessed. Then he opened his Force vision and observed carefully.

Beyond the clouds, there is almost no force. It is a vacuum of force. Logically speaking, this environment is not suitable for the growth of any living thing at all. If a creature with the Force in its body appears here, the Force in its body will leak out into the environment under pressure.

However, miracles often occur in the existence of life. The fact that these giant trees can grow here is not a big miracle.

As for Qianye, his body is already extremely strong, and the small pressure caused by the vacuum environment of the Force is nothing compared to his chaotic force.

After observing for a moment, a faint force of force suddenly appeared in Qianye’s field of vision. This ray of force seemed to be generated out of thin air, floating in the air naturally. Just as it approached a giant tree, a few tentacles at the end of the leaves rolled up, grabbing and absorbing this ray of force, and then everything returned to its original state.

Qianye suddenly realized that this giant tree could actually capture Kong’s force power and make a living from it.

Since it can capture the Force, it can naturally also prey on creatures with the Force. These giant trees are actually carnivorous and look much more dangerous.

Qianye walked under a giant tree, raised his hand, and released a little force from his fingertips. The giant tree immediately sensed it, its leaves swooped down like lightning, and its tentacles rolled up, wrapping Qianye’s entire body inside.

Qianye remained motionless, feeling the pulling and sucking power of the tentacles. After a moment, crimson golden dawn flames appeared all over his body, instantly burning all the tentacles into ashes.

Although the giant tree feeds on the Force, Dawn Qiming is no ordinary food. If you want to absorb this extremely blazing Dawn Force, you don’t need to eat, but eat fire.

As soon as the morning light came out, the giant trees nearby felt it again. But this time they were not greedy, but showed fear. They all gathered their leaves and rolled up their tentacles to wrap them inside the leaves. The leaves continued to roll up and eventually turned into sharp thorns.

Qianye stretched out his hand to touch the body of the giant tree, his senses penetrated in, and he was instantly surprised.

The body of the giant tree is dense and hard, with a small cavity in between. The cavity is actually filled with the original force that is so rich that it has turned into liquid!

The force nature of the tree body is located at the point, slightly leaning towards the dawn side. The key is that these forces are very pure, without any vitality, and can be absorbed almost directly.

Qianye pulled out the green-gold blood sword and stabbed the tree, creating a deep hole. The sword energy even reached out from afar, creating a deep hole in the tree that reached the heart of the tree.

The green gold blood sword was pulled out, and after a moment, light blue sap flowed out of the hole. These light cyan sap are thick and shimmering with silver, which looks unusual. Qianye reached out and took a handful, thought about it, and drank it directly.

In an instant, there was a fire in his chest and abdomen, and the force surged out like an explosion. Xuan Pian and Yao Pian were all ready to move, as if they were ready to feast.

Since Qianye Yongye surpassed the Marquis of Glory and Ming Ming also became a divine general, the second chapter of Xuan Yao seems to have some spirituality, and will act differently when encountering the force that suits him. But like today, there has never been a situation in which two articles were activated simultaneously for the same force.

Qianye’s heart moved, and he simply sat down under the tree. For the first time in his life, the two chapters of Xuan Yao were running at the same time, refining the special force brought by the tree sap.

Xuan Yao moves simultaneously, but it is smooth and natural, and the speed of operation is several times faster than that of a single article. Qianye realized in his heart that this was the true face of the two chapters of Xuan Yao recorded in Song’s ancient scrolls. The two chapters of Xuan Yao should be practiced at the same time and balanced with each other to achieve the right path.

It’s just that this world is either eternal night or dawn. How can there be a kind of force that can activate the two chapters of Xuan Yao at the same time? Therefore, over thousands of years, both the Song Ancient Scrolls and the Ancient Scrolls of Chaos, the predecessor of the ancient scrolls, have gradually been forgotten about the true method of cultivation. But if you only repair one article, you will eventually explode and die, so no one can repair it.

It was also because the Song family was very wealthy and had to pay attention to the collection profit?], so a certain inexperienced steward spent a lot of money to buy Song’s ancient scrolls, and he received an unknown amount of kickbacks in the process.

At this moment, when I came to the other world, in the clouds on the main peak of the Holy Mountain, I got the strange force transformed from the sap of the strange tree. This gave me the opportunity to make the two chapters of Xuan Yao move at the same time.

The second chapter of Xuan Yao is running faster and faster, with clear distinctions and maintaining a delicate balance. The morning light and dark gold blood energy are continuously generated, seemingly endless.

The two top forces clearly enter the cover and back cover of the Black Book, constantly nourishing the blood core and heart, causing them to grow and evolve at a speed that is almost discernible to the naked eye. At this moment, as long as Qianye makes a thought, Dawn Qiming and Dark Gold blood energy will enter the Black Book and turn into the force of chaos within the Black Book. However, he feels that what should be improved at this moment is the blood core and the heart itself. Only by laying a good foundation can it carry more chaotic force.

The force of chaos is extremely powerful, heavy, and extremely tough. Qianye’s physical body has to be transformed again before he can use it freely. Otherwise, with the ancient vampire’s physique, it would still be very difficult to use the power of chaos.

I don’t know how many years have passed since I was practicing. Two days and two nights passed in the blink of an eye. It wasn’t until I finished digesting the handful of tree sap that the second chapter of Xuan Yao stopped running.

Qianye slowly opened his eyes and realized the inner changes in his body. In just two days of practice, the harvest was equivalent to the past few months. This speed is really shocking.

Qianye put his hand on the body of the giant tree again and felt that the sap inside was about one-third less. The small hole he made had long since healed and disappeared without a trace. Calculated this way, one giant tree is enough to increase Qianye’s Force cultivation by one year.

It’s just that the speed is not unlimited. The limit is the sap of the giant tree.

After two days and two nights of practice, Qianye has a deep understanding of the nature of the force formed by tree sap. This kind of force is located at the absolute point between eternal night and dawn, and is extremely unstable. A slight deviation will change its nature, either eternal night or dawn.

In terms of nature alone, this alien force and chaotic force are at the absolute point between eternal night and dawn. It’s just that in the position of the points, they seem to be at two different extremes.

The force of chaos is thick and solid, and once it is formed, it is unshakable. The realm of chaos created by Qianye can be as light as a feather, as heavy as a mountain, and can suppress other realms.

This kind of alien force takes transformation to the extreme, and will be transformed into the force of darkness or dawn due to changes in the environment at any time.

Both are the ultimate in their respective attributes, and there is no distinction between them.

With the help of the Black Book, Qianye finally condensed the force of chaos. This kind of alien power seems to rely on giant trees to exist, and it needs to be in the form of tree sap to exist stably.

In this way, those giant trees have become priceless treasures in Qianye Eye. As long as you continue to draw sap from the giant tree, practicing here for a month is equivalent to ten or dozens of years in the outside world. Qianye has two chapters of Xuan Yao in hand. What he is least afraid of is bottlenecks, and what he lacks most is accumulation.

This treasure land in the clouds just makes up for the last shortcoming accumulated by Qianye. The only pity is that although the holy mountain is big, the giant trees are too sparse. There are only a dozen or so trees in such a huge mountain. It is not bad for Qianye to complete the final accumulation before the Maharaja and the Heavenly King.

But Qianye still has to find a way to deal with Metanzo first. But seeing the secret realm in the Holy Mountain, Qianye was not in a hurry to kill Metanzo at this time. When he completes his accumulation and becomes a king and a king, he can completely suppress Metanzo. With Qianye’s usual hidden killing method, he will be able to kill King Wuguang one day.

I accidentally spent two days practicing this time, and there was still one day left. I couldn’t finish three force bombs, and I could finish one at most. Without enough ammunition, it is really impossible to kill the Wuguang King by force.

While Qianye was thinking about it, a familiar voice sounded behind him: “It’s great to be able to discover the use of the Chaos Force so quickly! Although it’s a waste for you to absorb it like this, you have the Chaos Force anyway. , and the force is no longer good.”

The sound was so sudden that Qianye didn’t notice it at all. What frightened him even more was that he was completely unaware of this person appearing behind him. Qianye’s perception at this moment cannot be said to be superior to that of Yongye, but it is not inferior to that of the kings and kings. This person can appear close to him, and he can also strike hard at Qianye at any time.

At this moment, looking at the world, there are not many people who can make Qianye unable to fight back.

Qianye’s heart was solemn, and he slowly turned around, and a tall and tall man appeared in front of him. The moment she saw him, Qianye’s heart beat wildly and she lost her voice: “Why is it you?”

The man stood with his hands behind his hands and said with a smile: “Why can’t it be me?”

“You, you’re not…” Qianye suddenly didn’t know what to say. There are countless legends about him in the world, and the final ending points to two places, one is exploring the void, and the other is that he has fallen long ago.

The man said: “Why, how is the world talking about me?”

Qianye felt his mind was in confusion and said: “Wait a minute, I’m a little confused now. Are you really…”

The man laughed, “It’s okay if others don’t recognize me, but why can’t you recognize me? Haven’t you seen the ray of consciousness I left in the secret place before? However, seeing you put the original The wing has been raised so well and is almost fully grown, which shows that I didn’t choose the wrong person back then.”

“Anduya!” Qianye finally called out that name.

“I have had many names, but the one who has always been with me is Anduya. As for the Black Winged King, this title has long been dispensable. If you follow the rules of the river of blood, then you should call me now: Lord of Eternal Night.”


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