Monarch of Evernight: 250 ​​The Mystery of Another World


bsp;”Thirteen Holy Stars? In a distant world, relying on blood to sense?” Qianye had an indescribable feeling after hearing this. After being stunned for a moment, Fang asked: “What does the Holy Star look like?”

“Each tribe perceives the holy star differently. The holy star of our tribe is like this…” He drew a pattern on the ground.

Although the pattern on the ground is simple, it can still be seen that it is a flower, the Flower of Fear Mandala.

The Flower of Fear Mandala is the emblem of Munro, one of the twelve ancient clans of the Vampire Clan, and is also the bloodline source of Nighteye and Qianye. The holy star perceived by this young warrior in the other world is actually Mandala, and it is also ranked second among the thirteen holy stars. This is by no means a coincidence.

Qianye lifted him up and put him down, looked at his dark red eyes carefully, then stretched out his finger, and a blood line pierced his body, bringing out a drop of blood.

Qianye closed his eyes slightly and tasted the taste of blood carefully. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said, “What is your name?”

“Su… Shi.”

“This name…”


Qianye shook his head and said: “It’s nothing. Why did you choose this name?”

Su Shi looked puzzled: “This is the name my father gave me. Is there anything wrong with it?”

“I’m asking why it is this style.”

“Our Atua tribe has had this name since ancient times. Is there any problem?”

Of course there are problems. Su Shi is a typical human empire-style name, while Artois is a Yongye-style name. The two styles are mixed together, which is indescribably awkward.

“Where do you usually live and how do you live?”

“Our Second Holy Star tribe lives on the top of the Black Mountain, while other tribes are scattered everywhere.” After saying that, Su Shi straightened his chest and said: “The Black Mountain is the sacred mountain of our Artuwa tribe. My The tribe is the guardian tribe of the sacred mountain.”

“You are the guardian tribe? What about the First Holy Star?”

“You mean the Pas tribe? They are the weakest and have been living on the edge of the distant ice fields. Although their territory is large enough, there is nothing except ice fields and snow beasts. They are only in the hot season every year. Cut through the ice and catch some sea animals to feed your belly.”

“How could this happen?” Qianye was very surprised.

“Of course it is! They are the weakest, and they are at the bottom in every tribal gathering competition. Do such a weak guy still want to occupy the most fertile forests and grasslands?” Su Shi said matter-of-factly.

“Then why are they so weak?” Qianye asked.

Even the names are the same, Qianye can already confirm that the Artois tribe in the other world and the Yongye Blood Clan are inextricably linked.

But since this is the case, it is even more incredible that the Paz clan is so weak. In the world of eternal night, no matter how bad the descendants of the Paz bloodline are, as long as the Queen of Night is here, the number one position will never be shaken.

In the world of eternal night, the glory of the Queen of Night in her heyday cannot be measured, but even now that she needs to sleep most of the time, once she wakes up, her power is overwhelming. Even an immortal tycoon like the Demon King only dared to attack the Vampires while she was sleeping, and had to try every means not to wake her up.

Qianye had just tasted the taste of Menluo’s blood in Su Shi’s blood. Although it is weak and the aura is distorted by the general environment of the other world, the taste of the deepest bloodline is unmistakable, that is the blood of Monroe.

Since there is the blood of Monroe, the blood of Paz, the blood of Spock, etc. should all exist. Why is the blood of Paz so weak?

Qianye asked in detail, but Su Shi couldn’t answer. After asking repeatedly for a long time, Qianye could only give up and turned to ask about the mountains and rivers geography of the other world.

As soon as he was asked about this, Su Shi’s eyes immediately shone, and he said proudly: “As the guardian saint clan, we, Menluo, naturally have the richest territory. Taking the Holy Mountain as the starting point, there are thirty days in the north of our territory. , there are twenty-eight days in the south, and there are twenty-five days in the east and west.”

“What is day?”

“It’s very simple. The first-level warriors in the clan run with all their strength for a day and a night, and the distance they can cover is one day.”

“What is the standard for a first-level warrior?”

“I am a first-level warrior.” Su Shi puffed up his chest again.

Although Qianye had some guesses, he was still surprised. Although Su Shi’s strength is roughly equivalent to that of a Marquis, that is his overall strength. In terms of speed alone, he is no slower than Duke Yongye. The Atoi people in this world are extremely fast and move like lightning. They can run for a day and a night, probably more than thousands of kilometers.

Calculated in this way, the distance between the north, south, and east ends is more than fifty days, and the territory of the Monroe family alone is larger than the continent of Yongye. And there are thirteen tribes here. From this point of view, the world here is really vast.

“What place is outside your territory?” Qianye was curious.

“Outside the territory, there are naturally the territories of other tribes.”

“What about other tribes?”

“Then I don’t know. I heard that the farthest outside of Spike is a forest sea with no end in sight. They continue to open up the forest sea, and then continue to lose the developed land to more powerful tribes.”

“Where is it outside the forest?” Qianye was very curious.

“I don’t know. No warrior can cross the forest sea. It seems to have no end at all.”

The world in this world is beyond imagination. Qianye thought for a moment, and another question arose, so he asked: “How many tribesmen are there in the Menluo tribe, and how many tribesmen are there?”

“We have a total of ten thousand people! Among them, there are seven thousand warriors!”

Qianye was surprised again. This number was too small, incredibly small. Given the vastness of the Monroe tribe’s territory, he wouldn’t be surprised if Su Shi offered him several billion. But ten thousand is too little. Even though all kinds of creatures in the other world are extremely powerful, Artois is still at the top of the food chain. How come there are so few?

Qianye frowned and said, “Why are there so few people in your tribe? Why are there only so many ten thousand people in such a vast territory?”

Faced with Qianye’s question, Su Shi was also surprised: “What’s missing? We are the tribe with the most warriors! We are also the most powerful tribe! Other tribes do not have as many warriors as we do, nor are they as brave as us!”

Knowing that nothing could be gained by asking this question, Qianye turned to other aspects, such as the tribe’s marriage system, average life span, reproductive cycle, etc. After asking for a long time, he finally understood something.

Like the Vampires, Artois is also an immortal species, and a more complete immortal species than the Vampires. Su Shi had just grown up in the tribe, and according to Yongye’s time, he was already over five hundred years old. The average lifespan of each Atua tribe member is about 3,000 to 5,000 years old, and it is said that the oldest elder is almost 6,000 years old.

With such a long life, the fertility cycle is equally terrifying, and the fertility rate is extremely low. A pair of Atua people can have up to six or seven offspring in their lifetime, and their infancy alone lasts for more than two hundred years.

Artois can be regarded as the otherworldly version of the ancient blood clan. The individual members of the clan are extremely powerful, but their level of civilization is still at a primitive stage. Although the werewolves of the Ancestor Sect are also primitive tribes, they are just backward in system, and their civilization and knowledge levels are no different from other dark races.

Even knowledge in Artois is in an extremely primitive state. Their history began hundreds of thousands of years ago, and then it has remained stagnant, never changing.

Qianye won’t be able to find out anything if he continues to ask. But after some previous inquiries, he became very interested in the Artois tribe itself.

He was basically certain that the holy star perceived by the Artois was the emblem in the river of blood. Thirteen emblems have been lit in the river of blood, and each emblem corresponds to a path of power and a bloodline.

The River of Blood is extremely mysterious, stretching across the void. It is not surprising that races from other worlds sense its existence and summon its power. What is strange is why the names of the tribes are all the same?

Qianye has been favored by the Blood River many times and gained the knowledge inherited from the ancient blood clan. But in this knowledge there is no such thing as a name. Even if the inheritance Qianye received was incomplete, it’s not like the twelve clans of the Blood Clan had never changed their names in history. How come the names they changed were all the same?

But no matter how much I cross-examine, I can’t get anything out. After thinking for a moment, Qianye decided to let Su Shi go. At least for the sake of Menluo’s bloodline, Su Shi could be considered a member of Qianye’s clan.

Su Shi seemed to be surprised that he had regained his freedom. He froze on the spot and said after a moment: “Are you really going to let me go?”

“Do you still want me to kill you? Let’s go.”

Su Shi did not leave, but tentatively stretched out his hand to Qianye and said, “Can you… hold it?”

Qianye didn’t know why, but he wasn’t afraid of any plot. He reached out and held Su Shi’s hand.

Su Shi’s hands were unexpectedly delicate. Qianye was slightly surprised. After looking carefully, he realized that Su Shi’s appearance could be said to be delicate by the standards of the vampire clan. It’s just that the body proportions are too different, so in Qianye’s eyes he is always subconsciously classified as some kind of monster.

In fact, aside from the physical structure affected by the environment, Artois’s appearance is somewhat similar to that of the vampire.

When Qianye held Su Shi’s hand, he suddenly felt an inexplicable attention sweeping over him, and some of his secrets seemed to be seen by some existence.

“What are you doing?” Qianye shouted, put more force on his hand, pulled hard, and immediately put Su Shi down to the ground. After shaking him twice, Su Shi felt as if his entire body had been shaken to pieces. Open, slumped to the ground, unable to move.

“I have no ill intentions, I just want to confirm whether you are our brother in other worlds.”

Qianye raised his eyebrows and said, “You know?”

Su Shi nodded, “Beyond this world, there are countless worlds. But each world will be illuminated by the thirteen holy stars, but the degree is different.”

Qianye was even more surprised. This was not something that a primitive intelligent race could master. From this point of view, this Artois seems even more mysterious.

Su Shi let go of his hand, slowly backed away, and said: “I will go back. After I go back, I will inform other tribes that you are our brothers in other worlds. Don’t attack our tribesmen either.”


Su Shi took a deep look at Qianye and said, “We will meet again.” After that, he jumped up, walked out of the cave like lightning, and disappeared into the depths of the night.

Qianye did not stop him or follow him. He had an intuition that he would definitely see Su Shi again in the future and see the true secret of Artois.


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