Miss Gu & Miss Qu: 9008


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“That’s why this woman just doesn’t fit with me. Let’s not talk about stealing my movie and my boyfriend. Now she even tramples on my body to tease me. Is she raped by me ten thousand times in her previous life and then dumped?” That’s why you hate me so much all your life?”

Although he was having dinner with Liang Youyou, Gu Xizhi was complaining about Qu Xizhi’s heinous behavior throughout the night, and he never moved his chopsticks at all.

Liang Youyou was not influenced by Gu Xizhi, she enjoyed the heavy gossip that Gu Xizhi brought her while eating dessert, “Okay, do you know how many people want to be trampled by Qu Xizhi, Being heard by others will only make people jealous, and no one will sympathize with you.”

“I beg God.” Gu Xizhi felt nauseous even without eating, “If she wants to trample, just trample others, I don’t want to have anything to do with her at all. I understand, she just watched I’m not pleasing to the eye, so I came to film this movie with me, saying that you challenge yourself, in fact, it’s fake public affairs for personal gain!”

“I agree with self-interest.” Liang Youyou said with a half-smile, “but it’s hard to say what self-interest is being helped.”

Whether Gu Xizhi heard the meaning in Liang Youyou’s words, he just kept venting his dissatisfaction, “Anyway, he just wants to trouble me.”

Liang Youyou looked at Gu Xizhi’s dull look, smiled and didn’t want to say anything more.

The next morning director Jiang Tu was preparing to shoot the kissing scene again, probably due to the wonderful events of the previous day, there were a little more people on the set than yesterday. Gu Xizhi looked at the lines that he had already memorized by heart on the set, but felt a little irritable.

There are not many scenes in this scenic spot. If there is no accident, the crew will book a ticket to the next stop tomorrow, but I am not sure about today’s scene.

From the scene itself, Gu Xizhi didn’t feel any embarrassment, but if Qu Xizhi insisted on yesterday’s acting, she couldn’t refuse at all.

She is different from Qu Xizhi. For Qu Xizhi, it doesn’t matter whether the play is performed or not. If it becomes popular, it is just icing on the cake. If it is not popular, it will not affect her today. popularity. But for her, Gu Xizhi, if this drama becomes popular, it will undoubtedly be a timely help. If this drama is not popular, her acting career will fall to another level. With the opportunity to perform this time, she will not even have the opportunity to decline in her career.

Although she and Qu Xizhi are both leading actors, if Qu Xizhi is a vast sea, she must be a meandering stream now, no one will offend the sea for a stream, and become popular like Qu Xizhi, Well-known directors really need to respect her three points. As for Gu Xizhi’s opinion, it is good to have someone listen to it, but it is impossible to change Qu Xizhi’s acting for her opinion.

The scene manager has already prepared the props, Jiang Tu is adjusting the camera, Gu Xizhi doesn’t want to think about the unhappiness and helplessness, so he glances at Qu Xizhi, who is sitting under a flower umbrella, and walks to the river to prepare for filming .

As soon as Gu Xizhi walked away, Jiang Tu also signaled for Qu Xizhi to start. The actor who sailed the boat carried the two of them to the middle of the river, and the scene manager immediately started the snow machine. After everything was ready, Jiang Tu nodded to signal the start of filming.

Many people at Hedukou were watching the scene. When Gu Xizhi turned his back to the camera, he took a last look at the onlookers, brewing emotions and entering the scene.

The beginning of the kissing scene still begins with Luyao saying goodbye to Yubai:

“I’m quite old, according to my seniority, you should call me aunt, next time you meet Yubai Shangxian, remember not to be rude again.” Gu Xizhi was making a forced smile at Qu Xizhi Speak the lines and wait for Qu Xizhi to take over the play.

Qu Xizhi was silent for a while, her face without smiling immediately revealed a sad mood, and she quickly hid it, and said in a flat tone, “I won’t.”

“Tsk, Yu Bai-jun is not cute after all.” Gu Xizhi showed Luyao’s signature indecent smile, “As Yu Bai-jun is happy, that’s all for Luyao.” Zhi turned around and waited for the mood to brew again before holding his robe and saying, “I’m leaving. Xiaoxi drank all the peach blossom wine in Qingshipo last time. If Shangxian Yubai misses those fine wines, let’s come back next year.”

The robe was raised, and Gu Xizhi made a gesture to board the boat. Qu Xizhi immediately grabbed Gu Xizhi’s right wrist, and brought her together with her body in front of him.

Gu Xizhi lowered his head at this moment, the mist in his eyes was very clear in front of the camera, Jiang Tu was agreeing with her expression of emotion at this moment in his heart, Qu Xizhi had already stretched out his hand to explore Gu Xizhi’s face.

The slow motion focused on Qu Xizhi’s expression at this time, and Qu Xizhi’s eyelashes trembled slightly, revealing the deep sadness and love in his eyes.

When her hand was about to touch her, Gu Xizhi quickly avoided and was about to turn around. At this time, the kiss appeared in front of the camera, and Gu Xizhi, who was kissed by Qu Xizhi, held him tightly outside the camera. I first avoided the corner of my clothes according to the requirements of the plot, and tried hard to calm myself under the aggression of the opponent after Qu Xizhi’s strong coverage, and closed my lips and teeth.

Under his own resistance, the aggression seemed not as tough as before. Gu Xizhi was about to rejoice that he had escaped, but Qu Xizhi suddenly stopped and smiled at her strangely, then turned to the director, “I’m sorry Director Jiang , I suddenly feel that the light is a bit dazzling, can you take a break and retake the shot?”

Jiang Tu looked back at the camera, and signaled to the staff to stop the props, “Later, Xiaoqu, go a little to the right, Gu Xizhi, you go to the left.”

“…” Gu Xizhi clenched his fists, his expression extremely exciting.

Qu Xizhi turned around and smiled at Gu Xizhi, “I’m sorry, Miss Gu, but the kiss scene needs to be filmed again.”

Gu Xizhi almost gritted his teeth, “Qu Xizhi!”

Qu Xizhi smiled back.

Looking at her smile, Gu Xizhi suddenly didn’t want to argue with her about whether it was intentional, but resisted the urge to strangle her and said, “You’re doing great!”

This kissing scene was not as difficult as Gu Xizhi imagined. When shooting again, Qu Xizhi didn’t have any problems, except that he was still very passionate when he actually kissed.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the two protagonists had already finished their work, and the director stayed in the scenic spot to shoot the scene. Since they were about to fly away tomorrow, Gu Xizhi and Liang Youyou played in the city all day, and only returned at night. hotel.

After taking a shower, it was already ten o’clock in the evening. Just as Gu Xizhi was about to take a rest, the phone on the bed kept ringing. Could you please inform Ms. Qu, who lives next door to you, that the plane will leave at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning? I have called her cell phone and no one answered her phone, please trouble you.”

Gu Xizhi was never ashamed to refuse a request from a half-baked person to her, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, he still agreed, “No problem, I’ll go later.”

“Thank you so much, Ms. Gu.”

The phone was hung up, Gu Xizhi looked at the time, changed out of his pajamas, put on a long green dress and went out to Qu Xizhi’s door.

Given Qu Xizhi’s current status, it’s really rare to live in a hotel without playing big names and not being picky, and to live in the same room as everyone else. Thinking of this, Gu Xizhi felt that he could still communicate with this person, so he reluctantly opened the door her door.

Knocked on the door three times and there was no response in the room, but the sound of the TV came through the open door. Gu Xizhi stared at the open door for a while, then pushed Qu Xizhi away door.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Xizhi would never quietly push open other people’s doors when they were not closed properly. As soon as anything is connected with the three words Qu Xizhi, it will be unreasonable. In short, at this moment, Gu Xizhi quietly walked into Qu Xizhi’s room.

All the chandeliers in the living room are on, and a very old movie is still playing on the TV screen, but there is no one in sight, only the characters in the movie will make noises in the living room when they speak their lines.

Gu Xizhi was a little depressed. This woman who usually looks meticulous will never fall asleep and remember to close the door, right?

Just as he had this suspicion, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded in the bedroom. Gu Xizhi frowned and walked a few steps towards the door of the bedroom, only to hear a conversation that could be called a blockbuster news in the entertainment industry.

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