Miss Gu & Miss Qu: 8007


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Since one of the protagonists has left, the filming of the day must not proceed as usual. The director Jiang Tu decided to temporarily shoot the scene, and called Gu Xizhi to the side of the river to talk before starting work.

If it is said that others do not understand the situation just now, then he must be one of the insiders. The picture shown in the camera is vivid, Qu Xizhi’s performance is superb, his expressions and emotions are in place, and the scale of the kiss scene is also very good. For a moment, he will feel that Qu Xizhi and Yu Bai in the play It has been integrated, especially the look in her eyes when she saw Gu Xizhi, that kind of love and affection, a trace of regret and enthusiasm suppressed by sadness, every subtle expression change makes the performance an absolute art. For a moment, he even felt that Miss Qu liked Gu Xizhi very, very much, so when she kissed Gu Xizhi with a perfect emotion, everything she did seemed extremely correct. It’s not that he didn’t see the extraordinary performance of the two in this kiss scene, but the kiss in the camera was very reasonable in his eyes, and he didn’t plan to stop it at all.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xizhi would have such a reaction.

Seeing Gu Xizhi walking in front of him, Jiang Tu lit a cigarette, sat on the bank of the river and said, “Gu girl, are you satisfied with your performance today?”

Gu Xizhi said absent-mindedly, “I know the kiss scene wasn’t filmed well.”


“She…” Gu Xizhi swallowed the words when he thought of Qu Xizhi as a woman, “The contract says that the kiss scenes are only available as soon as they are available. I’m a little uncomfortable with this kind of acting.” /

“An actor is someone who can adapt to the plot at any time and cooperate well with her. Qu Xizhi, she…cough, it’s a bit rude for her to act like this and not say hello to you, but you are all girls, there is nothing wrong with you.” Borrowing the play to take advantage, besides, she acted very well in this scene. I think her acting is very good. Of course, if you really can’t accept it, I will strictly follow the contract. But then again, although she has to bear the burden Small responsibility, you shouldn’t hit her, she fell into the water entirely because of you today.”

Gu Xizhi originally regretted being too impulsive just now, but now he feels that he should take the responsibility, “I… did make a mistake, I will go and talk to her, it won’t affect the future Shoot.”

“I also hope that you can continue to cooperate in the future.” Jiang Tu made a serious suggestion, “Of course the first step is that you should apologize.”

“Apologize…” Gu Xizhi looked blankly at the green mountains and green waters in the distance.

Although he has been struggling with this matter since the incident happened, Gu Xizhi still finds it so difficult that he would rather let her give him ten slaps when he thinks that he has to humbly apologize to Qu Xizhi.

Jiang Tu’s words were kept in Gu Xizhi’s heart, but whether he did it or not was another matter.

Taking a few sets of promotional photos with Jiang Tu at the scenic spot, Gu Xizhi went straight back to the hotel without having dinner. A day’s fatigue made her just want to take a good bath in the bathtub, but thinking of Qu Xizhi’s appearance when he fell into the water, Gu Xizhi got up from the bathtub and put on his makeup again.

Indeed, getting her to say sorry to Qu Xizhi is definitely a difficult thing, but no matter what, Qu Xizhi still fell into the water because of her. Cooperation, if you don’t go to see her now, it seems that you can’t justify it.

Gu Xizhi counted the time well, put on a beautiful long dress and rang the doorbell of the next room before seven o’clock in the evening. The doorbell only rang twice, and Qu Xizhi opened the door wearing a black low-cut nightdress with suspenders. His long black hair was scattered on his fair chest, elegant and sexy.

Gu Xizhi resisted the urge to complain about Miss Qu’s pajamas being too revealing, and raised a very discordant smile and said, “Miss Qu, do you have time for dinner? I invite you.”

Qu Xizhi seemed to hesitate for a moment, “I’m sorry Miss Gu, I haven’t had dinner out for three years.”

The smile on Gu Xizhi’s face froze, and he quickly deepened the smile, “Is that so, well, I just happened to have an appointment with someone else, let’s talk about it next time.”

Gu Xizhi turned around and left. Qu Xizhi looked at her slender back for a while, and smiled softly, “Miss Gu, I want to make an exception for you, are you willing to give me this chance?”

Gu Xizhi turned around, his ugly smile finally softened, “What do you want to eat?”

“Anything you want.”

“I mean, what do you usually eat at home?”

Think about it, “Thursday will have vegetable and mushroom soup.”

Gu Xizhi frowned, “What else?”

“It’s gone.”

“You don’t need to eat meat?”

“I grew up a vegetarian.”

Gu Xizhi looked at Qu Xizhi with the eyes of an alien.

Although there is no discrimination against vegetarians, why does the name Qu Xizhi being associated with vegetarianism make her feel that this is really a strange flower?

Half an hour later, Qu Xizhi’s room.

After the waiter brought the dishes into the living room, Gu Xizhi walked into the room late, because her makeup was already somewhat flawed due to the fact that she had been facing the cooking fumes in the hotel kitchen before.

After driving away the waiter, Gu Xizhi sat on the sofa and said to Qu Xizhi, who was looking like a lady on the other side of the sofa, “I watch the cooks make most of these dishes in the kitchen, so they are fresh and clean. In addition, the mushroom soup you want to eat is made by me, if you don’t mind, you can try it.”

As if a little surprised by this scene, Qu Xizhi put down the magazine in his hand to look at the soup in front of him, then raised his head and looked at Gu Xizhi with strange eyes.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just heard from your manager Ling Xian that you pay attention to food hygiene. If you don’t like it, you can skip it.”

Qu Xizhi looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then lowered his head to look at the dishes in front of him, this time he directly picked up the chopsticks.

It doesn’t take a day or two for Gu Xizhi to know how to cook. She is very confident in her skills. Seeing that Qu Xizhi is already trying the dishes, she starts to think again.

Naturally, she doesn’t have that much enthusiasm to cook for this Miss Qu, and she doesn’t want to build a relationship with her like this. From now on, she will be called a sister. Subconsciously, she regards her as an opponent, and this relationship will not be due to anything. And change, and what she’s doing at this moment is just to bring things to an end in the morning, stepping out of this door, Qu Xizhi’s name will still be marked with a big cross by her.

After tasting a dish, Qu Xizhi raised his head and said with his usual friendly smile, “It’s delicious, why don’t you eat it together?”

“No, I’ll watch you eat first.”

Qu Xizhi raised his eyebrows and made a questioning expression.

Gu Xizhi explained, “I mean…you eat first, and I have something to tell you after eating.”

Qu Xizhi simply put down his chopsticks, “Miss Gu, if you have anything to say, you can say it directly, no need to go round and round.”

Gu Xizhi smiled perfunctorily, “There’s nothing wrong with it, I just thought it was hard for Ms. Qu to act in the morning, and now I just want to comfort Ms. Qu.”

Qu Xizhi pondered her words, and then smiled, “Miss Gu felt a little sorry for what happened in the morning, so now she cooks for me personally, and she doesn’t particularly want to express her apology, but just wants to make herself feel better. Your conscience is fine, isn’t it?”

“I admit that I was wrong in the morning, but if it wasn’t for you…you did something too much, I wouldn’t do it. Now I’m doing this here with sincerity, so this matter It’s over like this, tomorrow’s filming will continue as usual, isn’t that good?”

Qu Xizhi thought for a while, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, he stood up from the sofa, came to sit beside Gu Xizhi.

“Miss Gu wants everyone to forget about what happened in the morning and pretend it never happened, right?”

The smell of perfume lingered in his nostrils, but Gu Xizhi subconsciously moved to the other side of the sofa as if avoiding anger, “Yes, can’t you?”


Gu Xizhi was a little surprised that she agreed so readily, “Really?”

“Really.” Qu Xizhi looked at her and smiled, “As long as Miss Gu promises me one thing.”


Qu Xizhi looked at the distance between her and him, and smiled slightly, “Miss Gu, can you talk closer?”

Gu Xizhi looked at her defensively.

Qu Xizhi immediately said, “It’s a very secret thing.”

Gu Xizhi approached her reluctantly.

Qu Xizhi smiled, lowered his head and leaned against her ear, and said, “What I want to say is…” He only spit out these words with his lips, and suddenly moved close to her snowy neck and kissed lightly.

The warm breath gathered and paused in the neck, and the soft touch made Gu Xizhi’s nerves jump, and almost immediately bounced, “Qu Xizhi, what are you doing?”

Qu Xizhi still smiled faintly, but in Gu Xizhi’s eyes, this smile was somewhat rascal, “I just want to kiss you.”

“Are you crazy?” Gu Xizhi felt that if his endurance was not good enough, he would go crazy right now.

“It’s worth a kiss for a fall into the water, Miss Gu, I was choked by the water very badly this morning.”

“You…” Gu Xizhi was so angry that he choked his throat, and he was able to speak for a long time before he could speak, “I’m a woman, do you have so much fun kissing a woman?”

“I’m not interested in others, but I seem to be particularly interested in Miss Gu.”

“I knew you were deliberately trying to get along with me!” Gu Xizhi couldn’t control his emotions at all, “I’m really crazy to come here to make peace with you, Qu Xizhi, you are so ruthless, I will remember today Stop, let’s wait and see!” Turning around and leaving Qu Xizhi’s guest room, he slammed the door shut.

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