Marvel’s Princess Chapter 975: Collect unlimited gems


Bella watched helplessly as the Red Skull fell off the cliff and turned into a puddle of flesh at the bottom of the cliff.

The previous Red Skull was in a semi-spiritual state and could not be killed at all. She made a temporary body for the opponent. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Bella waited for a while, but no Infinity Stones rose from below, and no light escaped. It seemed that the Red Skull’s dead opponent did not accept it and did not regard it as a sacrifice.

“You neither acknowledge me nor are you afraid of me? You should be afraid of me. I will crush you after I use the soul gem once.”

She turned over and jumped off the cliff. When she was about to reach the bottom, she completely violated the laws of physics and jumped sideways, entering a subspace.

The Red Skull, who was thrown off the cliff by her before, was wearing a military uniform and was drinking leisurely. He raised his glass and greeted Bella from a distance: “Hey, Hydra!”

“Hey! Hydra!” A large number of Hydra soldiers appeared around. They looked like humans on the outside, but in fact they were souls inside, the kind of souls that were beaten out with the help of negative emotions.

“Kill her!” As if he felt that he had reached his own territory, the Red Skull suddenly became energetic. He waved in a leadership style, and a large number of Hydra soldiers shouted slogans and rushed towards Bella.

When the Hydra soldiers first ran, they still looked like military uniforms with submachine guns, but as they ran, their inner qualities were exposed.

Without exception, these guys are all deformed, with two arms growing out of their necks. There are three or four soldiers connected together like centipedes. The souls of many Hydra soldiers seem to have been tortured. After countless tortures, the alien intelligent life can no longer recognize its original appearance.

Facing the countless soldiers who were roaring and rushing towards her, Bella stood there without moving.

In this inner space belonging to the soul gem, the other five infinity gems were completely unusable, but she still didn’t look nervous or panicked at all.

She chose to turn a blind eye to the souls of the Hydra soldiers rushing towards her. Instead, she kept looking at the inner essence of the Infinity Stone.

Many Hydra soldiers found that they were always two steps away from Bella. They ran as hard as they could, but the faster they ran, the further the distance became. The shortest distance was two steps, and they would not be able to get close to Bella no matter what. pull.

“Have you corrupted this Infinity Stone with your malice?” Bella looked at the Red Skull. Although it was a question, she used an affirmative tone.

The corners of Red Skull’s mouth were cruel. He didn’t say yes or no.

Bella nodded, it was this grandson who did it.

There is no cost at all for normal use and obtaining infinite gems. All of this is done secretly by the Red Skull.

He used the properties of soul gems to collect souls and take the opportunity to accomplish his goals.

The souls of these Hydra soldiers must not have been accumulated in a day or two.

If you can’t conquer the world of the living, then you can conquer the world of the dead. She guessed that’s what Red Skull thought.

“Alas, your idea is actually good, but unfortunately, you met me just like the big snake Kull.” Bella closed her eyes, and the space belonging to the soul gem began to vibrate wildly.

The Soul Stone has a part of self-awareness, but just like the consciousness that Moon Dragon instilled into the Soul Stone before, this consciousness gathered by the Red Skull with hatred is also very chaotic. Countless souls rely on hatred and pain. , find a common point among many negative emotions, and then use this common point as the basis of the gem’s self-awareness. The Red Skull’s methods cannot be said to be bad, limited by his own level. This is the ultimate he can do, but horizontally In comparison, Biyuelong’s tricks in the Mind Stone were far behind, and Bella was a hundred times stronger than when she conquered the Mind Stone.

She stood there, motionless, her ghost still lingering. Suddenly a breeze blew in the gray soul world, and there was a faint sound of wind chimes in the wind. The leaden sky was forced away by something, One after another, broken light fell on the ground.

There are not thousands of rays of light, but just twilight is enough to clear away the haze in this soul world.

Both the Red Skull and those Hydra soul soldiers were turned into powder under the beam of light, and the unique world belonging to the soul gem was roughly plowed by her several times.

When she returned to the real world, she already had an orange gem with several cracks on its surface in her hand.

Bella’s method was still too rough. The gem was a bit overwhelmed and would probably break after two uses. She held the gem with **** and carefully placed it on the Infinity Gauntlet.

The six gems were all in place, representing the energy of power, space, reality, time, soul and heart flowing through the body. She carefully realized the enlightenment brought to herself by the gathering of these six corresponding energies, and then Pulling and flicking her wrist, the energy in the gloves was very strong, but she didn’t feel any discomfort.

She is now empty of blood and blue, and has to rely on the energy of the infinite gems, but her own level is the same as that of the infinite gems. If she is in good condition, she can control six gems without the Infinity Gauntlet. What the gems can do She can do it herself. She no longer looks forward to the infinite gems as much as she did at the beginning of time travel.

For those with low levels, using gems is seeking death. For those with high levels, gems are not their own abilities after all. They are separated by a layer and may not be as useful as their own abilities.

The Infinity Stones are suitable for Thanos who is stuck in the middle, neither up nor down, but Bella is a bit over the top now.

After gathering the Infinity Stones, she launched her improvised plan to terrorize Galactus.

“Where is Galactus?” She closed her eyes and searched.

Mr. Fantastic knew how to place trackers on Stark and Galactus, and Bella was no worse than him. When she sealed the stardust, she left her own psychic mark inside the cosmic particles of the stardust. , now following the mark, she chased after him.

Bella found Galactus and his four Galactus messengers on a planet with a beautiful environment, home to more than one billion intelligent beings, and at least tens of billions of light years away from the Earth.

The intelligent life on this planet has the ability to travel across the planet. When it arrived on the planet, it saw hundreds of spacecraft escaping from its home planet. However, compared to the huge number of one billion, only a few could escape. The majority are left behind, a small number of them are resisting bravely, and the rest are on the verge of despair.

The place where Bella arrived was very close to Galactus. It seemed to be a city before, but now it has turned into ruins. She was floating at the same height as him, looking at this man who was determined to maintain the balance of the universe, even if he encountered countless intelligences. Even if life curses, the gods of the universe must insist on their mission.


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