Marvel’s Princess Chapter 968: Bella’s unexpected discovery


The big snake Kull secretly planned that when retreating, Thor’s silly nephew must be taken with him. Even though Kull looked unhappy, Stark had to take him with him no matter how uncomfortable it was in order to maintain his impression in Thor’s mind. , for the same reason, Little Pepper had to be brought along, and the other guys were ready to give up.

He faced Stardust with a gloomy face, secretly gathering his divine power and preparing to escape.


On the branches of the World Tree, Bella placed a deck chair with tea beside it. She read carefully with a copy of Carl von Clausewitz’s On War. , and chatted with the World Tree quite mechanically.

“What are you asking for…?”

“Thor, two hours and thirty-five minutes ago, I asked you where Thor was?” Bella said seriously.

From the beginning to the end, Bella was not an impatient person. Under the influence of the time stone and the long lifespan of the gods, she became less and less anxious.

Take your time, we are not in a hurry.

Drinking a sip of tea, chatting with Yggdrasil, and then continuing to read. The whole afternoon, she lived in a comfortable and comfortable way. She would not feel bored after a thousand years of living like this.

Suddenly, a brown energy lightning flashed across the sky at the edge of the World Tree, and a giant snake snaked into the nine realms, and then disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

She didn’t pay attention at first, but the traces left by the other party’s hurried flight made her subconsciously turn her head and look over.

She stood up suddenly. What did she see just now? A guy with the Night Priesthood?

“O…O what forest?” Yggdrasil was still frowning and thinking.

Bella couldn’t care less about the nonsense. She put away the war talk and the recliner: “Grandpa Shu, let’s talk next time. I’m in a hurry. I’m leaving first!”

She disappeared on the branch instantly, and the World Tree was still mumbling: “…Thor Olson?”

Kul the Orochi is now extremely miserable. His escape plan was originally executed smoothly. The target of Galactus and Galactus has always been the planet, not the people on the planet, whether it is Galactus, Stardust, or Flame. Emperor, in fact, they all anchor the space, but they have never done so.

If you want to run away, and you can run away, that’s your ability. If you can’t run away, you will perish with the planet, and Galactus doesn’t care.

The Orochi Kull wants to escape, but Galactus actually has an indifferent attitude. He has enemies all over the universe, one more and one less. It doesn’t matter sincerely, but Thor doesn’t agree.

In order to prove himself, Thor completely gave up his defense and attacked like crazy. The big snake Kur wanted to open his mouth and take his silly nephew directly back to Asgard. His idea was very good, but it was a pity that Galactus and Galactus had no idea that he was preparing to escape.

Xingchen was startled when she saw his mouth open, filled with the power of space.

Stardust had learned a lesson after being sealed by Bella last time. She thought the great snake Kull was going to use some trick against Galactus.

Without saying a word, this unique life form composed of cosmic particles rushed directly into the mouth of the big snake Kull, and then detonated his body.

For Stardust, this kind of self-destruction is just a physical reorganization, just as casual as eating and sleeping for humans. But for the snake Kull, it is not the same thing. A huge explosion occurred in his body. Stardust is unique. The energy surged through his body, eventually blasting several large holes in the snake’s belly.

The big snake Kull was like a punctured water bag, with blood spurting all over his body. He hurriedly took Thor, Stark and Pepper back to the Nine Realms, looking at the bulky but actually quick-sighted stone man. After getting on the last train, he grabbed the tail of the giant snake and was brought back. The rest of the Hulk, the Absorber and the Red Tank were all left behind on Titan.

Stardust’s last self-destruction left Orochi Kull extremely seriously injured. He used a villain’s heart to treat a gentleman, and was worried that Stark would take advantage of his coma to do evil, so he threw several people to the earth. After that, he went to his hiding place, preparing to recover from his injuries first, and then plan for Odin’s power.

What a coincidence, his figure passing through the space barrier was seen by Bella standing on the World Tree…

Kul, the great snake, hurried back to his hiding place and ordered a group of his fear guards to guard the door, and then he fainted.

Hundreds of fear guards are all wearing full body armor, holding two-handed swords and two-handed hammers. They were all followers of Kull when he was in Asgard. Now, as the favored ones of the God of Fear, they will naturally not violate Kull. Following your order, they closed the door tightly and activated various defensive magic barriers at the same time. The alert level could be said to be the highest.

“What is this place?” Bella followed quietly, and a group of ordinary fear guards couldn’t see her at all.

“This guy is seriously injured…” She circled the unconscious Kuhl twice. Originally worried that this was a trap for herself, she looked at the timeline and found that No one was watching me. I looked in several nearby spatial dimensions and found no enemies!

She thought carefully and finally decided to take action!

No matter who this person is, she will never give up the priesthood of the night, even if God comes to earth, she will take action!

“Uncle, this is not a personal grudge.”

Bella saw that this guy was evil and probably not a good person, so she no longer hesitated.

Kul’s divine power was almost exhausted, and he was confused. He felt like someone was feeding him water.

The water was a bit sweet, and after drinking it, his mental energy suddenly became dull.

He only felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy, and he could only say in a weak voice: “Who are you? Get out! Don’t come in without my permission!”

Bella ignored him at all and prepared a bottle of green potion. The solution inside the potion rolled and rotated from time to time, as if it was about to boil.

She took out a snake from her sleeve. The white snake with extremely beautiful scales kept shaking its head. She domineeringly squeezed out a few drops of liquid from the snake’s teeth and poured it into the potion.

She held the reagent bottle and shook it gently. After encountering the snake tooth toxin, the originally boiling liquid began a new round of neutralization. All the abnormalities disappeared, and it looked like ordinary green juice.

“The effect should be good…Uncle, get up and drink the medicine.” No matter what, Bella poured the medicine she prepared into Kull’s mouth, for fear of wasting the medicine. , she covered Kull’s mouth more tightly, not letting a drop of the medicine flow out.

What? Who is feeding themselves medicine?

Kool felt that the remaining divine power in his body was burning in an extremely abnormal mode.

I was surprised at first, then shocked. Is my divine power burning? Once the burning is done, won’t you be useless?

“No…no! Who are you!…Woo! Woo!” Bella was afraid that he would bite her hand, so she took a pillow from the side and covered it with Kure’s hand. face.


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