Marvel’s Princess Chapter 965: Mind Stone and Power Stone


No matter how strong a person is, he cannot lift himself up by his hair. Malekith is in a similar situation now. He clearly knows what he should do, but under the erosion of the shadow of the past and the Mind Stone, he still feels increasingly panicked.

When he no longer stubbornly used magic to break the situation, but took out the ether particles, he was already surrounded by light yellow spiritual power like cotton wool. Most of the power came from the mind gem, and a small part of it came from the mind gem. It comes from himself.

Spells such as teleportation and flash are all anchored by the Cosmic Cube. Malekith even used several spells, but he couldn’t get rid of the current predicament. He was also a ruthless person. He quickly reached out with his right index finger and thumb, and a He dug out the eyeballs from his own sockets and used them to look like himself, attracting those psychic powers to attack. He himself used the power gem to forcibly break out of the siege of psychic powers.

“Let me see what other tricks you have…” Before he could finish his words, he saw a light green light rising from Bella’s hand. Even according to the aesthetic standards of the dark elves, that The five fingers can also be said to be slender and fair.

Seeing Bella’s fingers slowly rotating in a counter-clockwise order, Malekith, who had just rushed out of the siege, suddenly found himself back in the siege of the power of the mind. The only difference from before was that, He is missing an eye.

Malekis hurriedly adjusted his own time, and then bit off a finger to bear the siege of the power of the mind on his behalf. But when he rushed out of the siege for the second time, he encountered Bella’s attempt to change time again. What a cool move!

Dormammu can’t withstand Doctor Strange’s Time Stone. The same goes for Malekith. He knows a lot of time spells, but it’s useless. His spells are not as powerful as the Time Stone. Bella is outside. After some effort, he set his time back again.

The Cosmic Cube anchors the space, the Mind Stone looks for loopholes in the mind, and the Time Stone is used to cheat. Whenever Malekith uses a powerful spell that can affect the battle situation, she turns back time.

Time washes back and forth, and memory changes accordingly.

“What’s going on? It feels so familiar?”

Dormammu can be confused, but Malekith is not as good as Dormammu.

He rushed back and forth several times, and he forgot all about it. He only knew that he lost an eyeball, seven fingers, and an ear. He spent seven or eight hundred and seventy-eight percent of his magic power, but he opened it again. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had gone back in time. At this time, he returned to the scene where he was surrounded by a bunch of Bor at the beginning of the war.

He wanted to use ether particles to break the situation, but found that the dark red ether particles were like ropes, with one end in his hand and the other end wrapped around Bella’s arm.

His time was disrupted and his mind was in a state of confusion. He had no idea when the other party had taken away half of the right to use the ether particles.

“There is a game over there on the earth called tug-of-war. Have you heard of it?” Bella used both arms to forcefully seize the ether particles by physical means.

Her power is far inferior to that of powerful men like Thor and Thanos, but she is a **** and her basic attributes are higher than Malekith, who is just an elf.

The ether particles are moving in her direction little by little.

Malekis was furious. In his heart, he valued ether particles even more than the dark elves. Without even thinking about it, he frantically squeezed the energy from the power gems and used all his strength to try to destroy the ether particles. Grab the particles back.

The power had just been used, and the ether particles were quickly pulling away from Bella as expected, but Malekith found that he had been fooled.

He was tug of war with Bella. If there were no enemies around, it would be fine, but now there are a lot of Bols around him!

“Puff puff puff” Several wheel axes hit his body. The dark elf’s thin body was chopped into several pieces. Dark brown blood sprayed everywhere, including his arms, palms, head and body. Scattered on the ground, a pile of Bor spawned by inner fear seemed to be chopping meat. The big axes came one after another, forcibly chopping Malekith into minced meat.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” Bella watched from a distance. She didn’t come over until these muscular men completely disappeared and Malekith’s soul was shattered.

Dark red ether particles are constantly colliding in hyperspace, and each impact will cause a large area of ​​space to collapse. However, this space has long been anchored by Bella, and she repairs it very quickly. Even the ether particles can’t Can’t get away.

Focusing on the flight trajectory of the ether particles, Bella used the Cosmic Cube to set up a small barrier and put these ether particles inside. As the small barrier continued to compress, the area where the ether particles could move became less and less. .

She did not look at the ether particles, but used a dissociation spell to decompose Malekith’s body. After confirming that there was no trace of the dark elf mage left, she picked up the purple fluorescent power gem.

“Alas” she sighed. This infinity stone was really worthless to her, but it was already delivered to her door. It’s not appropriate to not want it, so just keep it.

She returned to Watt Alheim from hyperspace. She put away all the Time Stone and Mind Stone, and compressed the ether particles to the size of a fist. She continued to strengthen the barrier and extracted the power of space from the Cosmic Cube. , compressing the barrier. It didn’t take long. After the compression, she completely turned the form of the ether particles into solid infinity stones.

With the help of the dim yellow sunlight of Watt Alheim, she held the Reality Stone in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully. This gem was of greater use to her than the Power Stone, so she should put it away as well.

With the help of the Power Stone, Bella crushed the Cosmic Cube and took out the Space Stone from the Cube.

She let the Power Stone, Space Stone, Reality Stone, Time Stone and Mind Stone rotate around her. Each of the five stones emitted energy as thick as a hair. She carefully harmonized the energy and tried to use the five stones at the same time. Infinity gems.

The mind lit up first, followed by time, reality, and space. When the space gem only glowed with blue light and was still far away from being fully activated, she felt a huge earthquake in her heart.

“Cough cough cough cough!” The strong backlash made her almost spit out a mouthful of blood, no! Without auxiliary equipment, relying on her own mind to control five Infinity Stones clearly exceeded her limit. She could not control so many Infinity Stones.

“Forget it, let’s ask World Tree first to see where that brat Thor went!” Bella put away the five infinity stones, confirmed that nothing was missing at the scene, and then identified the direction. , took one step and left Watt Alheim.


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