Marvel’s Princess Chapter 962: Malekith


The purple light was unstoppable, and those dream creatures that already had some prototypes of life were shattered into atoms by the purple light. Bella, who was hidden in the black mist, had to change her position continuously, and finally set up a number of After a series of dreams, Zimang was stopped.

She had seen this energy before, and just by looking at it, she could tell that the source of this energy was the power gem that came to Earth with Loki!

At this time, her mentality was almost the same as that of Odin and Kull. She was also scolding Thor for being a retard! Not only did he lose the ether particles, why did he also give the Power Stone to Malekith?

Whether Thor gave up on his own initiative or was captured, Bella was put in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Although Malekith is the great mage of the dark elves and masters many secret techniques left over from ancient times, to be honest, Bella is not afraid.

Malekis holding the ether particles was a great threat to her, but with a little effort, she felt that she could also defeat him.

But if you add a power gem, it will be completely different. Bella must enter the three-gem state if she wants to overpower her opponent.

Since the last battle with Galactus, her divine power and psychic abilities have not been fully recovered. Reality is not a game, and there is no guarantee of 100% recovery.

This pattern is particularly obvious in the Marvel world. Many villains and bosses, including the Life Tribunal, are invincible when they first appear, because their energy is at full value at that time. But after a battle, whether the villain is cleared or the righteous boss is defeated and resurrected, the level when they appear for the second time is far lower than the level when they first appear.

The reason is because of insufficient energy.

The worst thing is like the Life Tribunal. He died several times in just a few years. Not to mention the first time, but the remaining times he was actually in a blood-skinned state, and the energy in his body was empty. How can this be said? What a fart!

Bella is not that strong, but she also has this tendency.

The recovery of divine power and spiritual energy is very slow.

When dealing with Pennywise, she used her dreams to make clever arrangements instead of fighting hard like before. One of the main reasons was her lack of divine power.

She didn’t want to waste too much divine power and psychic energy in unnecessary places. After all, she still had the mission of rescuing Stark and fighting against Galactus.

Bella didn’t know that this mission had been started by Thor. According to her estimation, it would take at least two months to prepare. When she returns to her full strength, Qin can also initially master the power of the Phoenix. At that time, It’s a good opportunity to fight Galactus.

Now that Malekith, a variable with two infinite gems, jumped out, she had to fight it whether she wanted to or not.

“Have you seen my power? Surrender, Goddess of the Night, and hand over the Cube. After I rule Asgard, I can marry you and make you the ruler of Asgard and the Nine Realms. Queen God, I am also a mage. I have seen the essence of your power. The Nine Stars Lianzhu, which covers the world in darkness, is of great help to you, even more than it is to me. Am I right? We are natural allies? , join hands with me, we can rule this world for ten thousand years, one million years…”

Malekith talked endlessly, intent on recruiting her.

Bella’s condition is not good. It will take some time for her to mobilize the power of the three gems while hiding in the black mist. At this time, she doesn’t mind talking nonsense with him.

She asked: “Why do you need the Cosmic Cube? Apart from space teleportation, there is nothing special about this thing.”

Malekis hesitated for a moment, probably because he felt that he had two artifacts passed down from ancient times in his hands, and he thought he was very confident, so he spoke loudly.

“Goddess, you should also be involved in reality, right? Once we want to correct the real world, we need to have the three most basic elements. I need to use power gems to sort out the rules, and I need the Cosmic Cube to sort out the space. Construction requires ether particles to fill reality. As long as I get these three artifacts, there is no need for war or soldiers. With just one idea, we can rule the world! ”

Bella immediately understood that the boundaries between the six infinity stones were actually very clear. The three stones of power, space and reality were all aimed at the physical level, while time, soul and heart were responsible for the illusory area.

If Bella now has the soul gem in her hand, then the power she can exert with the time gem and the mind gem will definitely be greater than the power of time plus mind plus space gem.

She didn’t think that the information she knew was not known to others. Something as strange as the Infinity Stones would definitely attract many people to study it for thousands of years. She even suspected that Odin had mastered all six of them. Infinity Stones, otherwise the right-hand version of the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin’s treasure house wouldn’t make sense.

You wouldn’t make a special magic glove to beat your son, right?

It’s no surprise that Malekith possesses some knowledge of the Infinity Stones.

“Alas” Bella sighed heavily.

“Goddess, do you think there is something wrong with my words?” Malekith asked strangely.

Bella shook her head slightly. Originally, she had no intention of collecting the Infinity Stones, but now the Infinity Stones automatically jumped in front of her. It would be a disaster if she didn’t accept them, right?

The infinite stones have a certain aggregation effect on each other. I originally thought it was a lie, but now it seems that it makes sense. Now that it was delivered to her, she was not polite!

“Thank you.” She thanked her very sincerely.

Malekis was confused. What are you thanking for? Then he suddenly discovered that a huge burst of energy suddenly erupted in the real world created by Watt Alheim using ether particles. This energy was so powerful that it exploded the real world he created in an instant.

Countless fragments of reality turned into pure energy and flew in all directions. Black mist and dreams not only completely occupied Watt Alheim, but also spread out in an instant, quickly covering several spatial dimensions near the Nine Realms.

Asgard, Watt Alheim, Vanaheim, Jotunheim, and even most areas of the earth are shrouded in darkness. The night goes all the way down. When it reaches the edge of the underworld, it is covered by a The woman with an extremely high-pitched voice shouted back.

“Go away! Do you want to start a war with me!”

Hela? Bella couldn’t help but look at the underworld a few more times, and a sharp gaze shot out from the depths of the underworld, looking into her eyes across several dimensions.

The two eyes collided at the barrier between dimensions.

Bella snorted, and there was a smell of death on the other side. It was indeed Hela.

She didn’t want to cause trouble, so she quickly looked away, and Hela obviously didn’t want to get involved in their battle. After resisting the erosion of the underworld by the night, she also took back her divine power.


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