Marvel’s Princess Chapter 960: Thanos’ new job


Thanos is usually a very silent and quiet person. If not necessary, he can stay silent for ten days and a half. Instead of talking nonsense, he prefers to think, and Wade Wilson and him completely opposite.

Despite his original intention to understand the underworld police station and his current situation, Thanos was still annoyed by Wade Wilson’s nagging and almost went berserk.

This guy talks too much nonsense!

That is to say, his sword is not at hand, otherwise he will be hacked to death.

After Thanos closed his eyes and endured nearly two hours of trash talk harassment, they finally had to do something serious.

The Underworld Police Department has its own set of operating procedures. Wade Wilson does not understand the way of time, and it is impossible for Thanos to continue talking indefinitely. The procedures that should be followed must be followed.

The onboarding process is rather cumbersome and requires Wade, a veteran driver, to take Thanos around.

Halfway through, they also saw Wade’s former partner, Obadiah Staney. It has to be said that people who can succeed can succeed anywhere. Obadiah can turn Staney, who has a terrible personality, into a If you are good at coaxing, you can also lead the company to the top. Your personal ability is first-rate.

We all started at the same point and started working on the same day. Wade was still on duty on the front line. Obadiah relied on his outstanding abilities and has now worked his way into the finance department as the deputy team leader.

“Fake! Wade!” Obadiah, who has grown hair, angrily waved his fist at Wade.

“Fake! Obadiah!” Wade showed no sign of weakness. He jumped onto the desk aside and kicked Obadiah with a flying kick.

The two old partners each pulled out their pistols and started fighting in the police station, with a bunch of people around watching them fight.

Thanos: “”

After staying at the Underworld Police Station for a short time, Thanos had already analyzed a lot of information through observation of various aspects and Wade’s nagging.

First of all, I must be dead. He probably froze to death because he lost too much blood in the spaceship and the temperature was too low. This way of death was a bit uncomfortable, but it was not unacceptable.

The other one, he knows that this is a branch of the Earth branch of the Underworld Police Department. Titan, where Thanos was born, is in the orbit of Saturn. When he left the solar system thousands of years ago, he knew that there were many humans on the Earth. , in his impression, those people on earth are still very primitive, and may have only developed recently.

Thanos’ character is not one of those who work honestly. As long as he has mastered basic information and has certain means of resistance, he will immediately rebel. No one can instruct Thanos!

He looked at Wade Wilson next to him with extremely cold eyes, and he would be the first one to sacrifice this guy with his knife when the time comes!

Before he was about to go on a mission, Wade Wilson suddenly remembered that Thanos had not yet received a weapon. He asked: “What weapons are you good at using? Firearms? Grenades?”

Thanos spoke for the first time in a while: “Knife, a very heavy sword.”

Wade pretended to be thinking: “Knife? I thought about it, come with me!”

He led Thanos around the police station, then came to what seemed to be the logistics department, raised his foot, kicked open the door and walked inside.

A guy with the sun, moon and stars embroidered on his robe, with an octopus head and four smooth tentacles on his chin is sitting on a chair reading a comic book with gusto.

Just by looking at this guy’s milky white pupils and the tentacles on his chin, you can feel an evil aura. However, the way this guy reads comics seriously and laughs from time to time makes the evil aura disappear by 99%.

As soon as Wade Wilson entered the door, he raised his right hand in Thanos’ stunned expression. He clenched it into a fist and shouted: “Down with Lucifer!”

The guy who was reading also responded, also raising his fist and shouting: “Down with Brezhnev!”

Wade was very familiar with this guy in charge of logistics. The two said a lot of things like ‘shoot the train driver’ and ‘restore the reputation of the train driver’. The police department gave them the ability to master the language. Thanos can I understood their English, so I raised my ears and listened carefully, but after listening for a long time, I didn’t understand a word. I could understand the words, but when they were connected together, I didn’t understand what they meant at all.

It wasn’t until he walked out of the logistics department with a piece of armor and a two-meter-long sword that he spoke to Wade Wilson for the second time: “The evil guy just now is also from Earth?”

“You mean the octopus head?” Wade shook his head repeatedly: “How could that guy be from Earth? Although ordinary Earthlings are not as handsome as me, they should at least be 40 to 50 percent more imaginative than me. Look at that guy just now Is this guy like me?”

A curse word from the Titans came to his lips, and Thanos forcibly endured it.

Wade continued to talk at length: “Octopus Head is also a dead person. I heard that they fought with people in some dream, and then this ridiculous guy died in a daze! Octopus Head likes to read comics and tell jokes every day, but He has a bit of a backer, so you’d better not mess with him. I heard that the supervisor who was just transferred from the Eternal Department next door has some relationship with his master, so I gave him a logistics management position. I don’t know whether it is specific. Alas, this Relationships are needed everywhere!”

Wade complained a few words and accepted today’s mission. The two took the police station’s plane elevator to Asgard.

The gods of Asgard have gathered together, and now there are two generations of **** kings and **** queens walking around in the palace. No matter how weak their perception is, they are still **** kings. Two bright and living people appear in front of them. The gods are sure Problems will be discovered, and it will be impossible for police officers like them to use the bodies provided by the police station to perform tasks like they do on Earth.

Wade and Thanos came to Asgard in the soul state. In this state, their combat power is greatly reduced, but their concealment will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

There was a big war here before, and there were a large number of ghosts of dark elves who were unwilling to dissipate, and the task of the field police officers of the Underworld Police Department was to capture them back.

Wearing a black helmet and black armor, Algorim, who still retains some consciousness because his soul is contaminated with ether particles, is wandering in the wilderness of Asgard. If left alone, decades and decades will After a hundred years, this guy will probably become an extremely powerful evil spirit.

The two groups of police officers sent by the Underworld Police Department have not been able to fight this guy before. Wade Wilson and Thanos are the third group.

Thanos is indeed powerful!

He needed to vent the anger he had accumulated over the past half day, so he didn’t use Wade at all. He swung the two-meter-long sword, and in less than twenty rounds, he chopped Algorim’s soul into pieces.

Wade Wilson used sacks to pack the souls of the second master of the Dark Elf into categories according to the severity of the pollution, and then carried two sacks per person back for business.


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