Marvel’s Princess Chapter 959: Thanos


Titan itself is a semi-abandoned planet. The resources here were mined thousands of years ago. The planet was later destructively used by the Dark Order. The life of this planet is already very short. .

The battle between the two sides caused countless cosmic energy and fearful divine power to pour into the planet. The surface of the planet was covered with cracks, and the core of the star was hit hard again and again. The last bit of the planet’s life was passing quickly.

While they were fighting, Gamora rushed into the spaceship with Thanos, who was already semi-conscious. Gamora skillfully lit the fire and took off, trying to drive the spacecraft to escape from Titan.

“Don’t even think about escaping! It’s better to perish with this planet than to live in pain!” Stark saw his target running away and hurriedly chased him.


“Please, Tony, wake up!”

Thor and Pepper each took action and used a rather subtle coordination to stop him, but a pulse cannon still hit the spacecraft straight away.

Stark looked at the spacecraft that rushed out of the atmosphere, and said in an unusually calm voice: “I blew up their fuel tank. Even if they fly out of Titan, it will be difficult to survive for a month without fuel. The nearest convenience store here is thousands of light years away. Instead of saving them, your obstruction only increased their suffering. This is really a meaningless thing.”

Thor looked at him angrily: “You were annoying before, but now you are even more annoying! I will definitely wake you up! Miss Potts, cooperate with me!”

His roar woke up Little Pepper beside him. There was a cry in Little Pepper’s voice, but I have to say that this woman is quite resilient. In just two months, her mentality changed from a The urban white-collar worker becomes a superhero who is brave enough to sacrifice and able to shoulder his own responsibilities.

Little Pepper didn’t care whether others could see it or not. She nodded vigorously: “Okay, let’s go together!”

The last thing Thanos saw when he left Titan in a spaceship was that his home was shattered and his fortress was burned to powder by the Flame King’s cosmic fire.

He only felt that his body was getting colder and colder. He took off his helmet with some difficulty, then put the helmet at his feet, lay upright, and let Gamora suture his wounds.

“Where are we going, daughter?” he asked breathlessly.

Gamora lowered her head hard, she didn’t want Thanos to see the despair on her face.

Thanos’ injuries were too serious, and the fuel tank of the spacecraft was destroyed. There was no fuel, and the power system in the spacecraft was almost completely stagnant. Now the space inside the spacecraft was as cold as an ice cellar. Even a normal person like her couldn’t hold on. , not to mention the seriously injured Thanos.

She tried to keep her voice as steady as possible: “Ahem, go to Shi’a, Shi’a’s medical technology should be able to cure you.”

Thanos shook his head slowly: “We are all wanted criminals in Shia, and they will not treat me.”

Gamora never considered this question at all. She said smoothly: “Do you remember that I took away your spiritual scepter? I threw the scepter on a small planet at the edge of the universe. I will Use the scepter to control the doctors in Shia and let them save you. If one is not enough, there will be ten; if ten is not enough, there will be a hundred!”

She pointed at Thanos fiercely: “I will never allow you to die before I kill you!”

Thanos had a straight face, closed his eyes, and touched Gamora’s head with the last bit of his strength: “I hope so.”

Having killed so many people in his life, he has seen lives disappear countless times.

Gamora didn’t say it, but he knew very well that he was going to die.

Thanos is not an Asgardian. He has no urgent psychological need to die on the battlefield. It doesn’t matter where he dies. It doesn’t matter whether he dies as a whole body or not. He just feels that he still has something left. There are many things that have not been done, and there are still many ideas that have not been completed.

It’s a bit regretful, but that’s all.

He only felt that he was getting colder and colder, and vaguely, he seemed to hear Gamora’s cry, and then he didn’t know anything else

After experiencing a wonderful spiritual silence, when Thanos opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a strange place. He could not feel his body and did not know whether he was still in the spaceship. .

After waiting quietly for a while in a corridor with nothingness at both ends, someone called his name from the door in front of him. He opened the door and walked in.

A man he had never met asked him a lot of questions, including his name, gender, and age.

Thanos is not a reckless person, on the contrary, he is very cautious. He observes and answers each other’s questions carefully.

Not long after, at the man’s signal, he pushed open another door behind him, and it suddenly dawned on him that he came to a place called the Underworld Police Station.

“Thanos? A strange name. Very few people from the universe will be assigned to our branch. If you can come here, you must mean it to the big shot above. Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. Mr. Thanos, your life is very interesting. Controversy, some people think you did it right, some people think you did it wrong.”

A young woman was looking through the records. Thanos couldn’t see how strong this woman was. If his body was still there, he could beat her into pieces with one punch.

The young woman closed the document: “Specific work assignments, well, let’s go to the special service team. The world is getting more and more chaotic, and there are more and more people who are unwilling to die honestly. You go and work for two days first. If it doesn’t fit, change it.”

The young woman pointed at the wall casually, and a door suddenly appeared in front of Thanos.

“Your partner is inside, go find him yourself. If you need special weapons, please apply within three working days. If you have different opinions on the operation of the Underworld Police Station, you can submit a written explanation to the Complaints Department. If If you find malfeasance and corruption in the police station, you can report it to the inspection team next door in Eternal Life.”

The young woman said a lot of business-like words that Thanos didn’t understand completely in the end. He opened the third door he encountered today in confusion and saw his partner for the future.

“Hi! Wow, you are so tall and strong! My name is Wade Wilson! My previous partner was an old sycophant who has been promoted to the finance department. Do you like the accent sound? Why does your skin look like that? Is it purple? Are you from Earth? Do you like purple sweet potatoes?

Wade Wilson is a familiar person. When he sees Thanos covered in purple, he feels particularly friendly. This is something that his former partner Obadiah Stane did not possess.

He kept nagging along the way. Thanos was tired of this guy, but because he didn’t understand his current situation, he could only listen patiently.


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