Marvel’s Princess Chapter 955: Star Eater VS Dark Order


Black Dwarf’s head rolled on the ground for more than ten times before the headless body fell to the ground.

Stardust on the other side saw Stark defeat the enemy and lost interest in the game.

“I vote…”

Before the word “jiang” was spoken, Xingchen’s palm touched Wu Muhou’s chest, like a caress between lovers. The next second, the cells in Wu Muhou’s body began to explode. This is considered rare in the universe. The Whisperer’s cells were manipulated by Stardust and exploded into a **** mess from the inside out.

Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw of the Dark Order were killed one after another. The remaining vanguard guards were still rushing up one after another, but the strength gap between the two sides was so great that relying on numbers could no longer make up for the lack of combat power. These were The artificially debugged genetic monsters only knew how to rush forward. Stark, who was well prepared, raised his arms, and the laser rays on his wrists swept away a large area. Stardust even controlled the atoms in their bodies, allowing them to move forward in the queue. Exploding from the inside out.

“You! How dare you provoke me on my territory!” A large number of his men were killed, finally alerting Thanos who was meditating in a quiet room and thinking about the laws of the universe.

Wearing a full set of armor and holding a double-edged sword, Thanos rushed to the battlefield with the remaining Deathblade Generals, Dark Proxima Centauri and Superstar of the Dark Order.

“I know this guy is a relatively famous interstellar pirate in the universe recently, right?” Thanos, who became famous thousands of years ago, is now, in Stardust’s words, a minor character who is ‘more famous recently’ .

Stark has also gained a lot of knowledge in the past two months. He has heard about Thanos, but has never seen it. At this time, he made some calculations secretly.

“This guy doesn’t seem to be weak. You summon the master and I’ll go have a chat with him.” Stark took off his mask, revealing a face that looked a little pale after not seeing the sun for many days.

Xingchen scolded: “Don’t show off, I’ll call the Flame Emperor and the others.”

Since suffering a big loss on Earth, Xingchen’s character has become much more decisive. He calls people when he calls them, without any hesitation.

Several Galactus messengers have subtle sensing abilities between them. When one calls, the other will respond quickly.

Teleportation is not a very advanced skill for a life form as old as the universe like Stardust. She opened a channel on Titan, and Flame Emperor and Skywalker on the other side cooperated to teleport in less than ten breaths. At that time, the Flame Emperor, who was surrounded by raging flames, and Skywalker, who looked gentle and was known for his meticulous work, came to Titan.

The Flame Emperor is worthy of his nickname. Just standing there, this guy is equivalent to a miniature sun, and the scepter in his hand is surrounded by the fire of the universe that can burn forever. Among the messengers of Galactus , there has always been a saying that Stardust is first, Tyrant is at the bottom, and Yin Hua and Flame Emperor are tied for second.

Skywalker was the fifth of the four Star Swallowers before Stark joined, and his strength was relatively weaker.

He controls the cosmic energy in his body to form a pair of golden energy wings behind his back. If the Flame King is an enhanced version of the Human Torch, he is an enhanced version of Storm, with the ability to control the weather, create hurricanes, and create solar storms. .

He and Yanhuang were good friends before they became the Star Swallowers, and now they work together even more tacitly. One of them acts as a humanoid sun. As long as he exerts enough energy to accumulate energy, the other one can directly detonate the energy. Where is the point? No matter what, there is no enemy that cannot be solved by a solar storm. If one cannot be solved, then there will be another one!

“Is this the famous Titan? Steel Messenger really knows how to find a place.” The Flame Emperor was floating in the air, looking at the surrounding environment, without even looking at Thanos, who was wielding a sword below.

Stardust assigned him a task: “Fire Emperor, Steel Messenger has a lot of enemies to deal with. You go and help him. Skywalker, you cooperate with me in summoning the master.”



Skywalker has a golden horn that can send out hyperspace signals to summon Galactus. No matter where the opponent is in the universe, he will receive the signal from the horn. At this time, Skywalker blows the horn, and Stardust Then cooperate with the positioning work.

“Stop them!” Thanos shouted, and Proxima Centauri next to him raised the spear in his hand, ran two steps quickly, and then threw it at Skywalker.

Throwing at this level has no effect on Captain America or Black Widow, let alone Skywalker. The pale-faced and deep-eyed Galactus continued to blow his horn without even looking at the spear.

His good friend Yan Huang roared loudly, and the Star Devourer, whose energy was comparable to a star, stood in front of Skywalker at an extremely fast speed.

Before Proxima Midnight could control his spear, he grabbed the handle of the spear as fast as lightning. High-temperature energy surged out of his hand, completely destroying the metal structure inside the spear. This one was made by Thanos himself. The dark black spear that was built for his subordinates and had a tracking function turned into a flaming spear made entirely of flames in his hands.

“Give it back to you!” Before the Flame Emperor became the Star Devourer, he joined the Nova Legion and received training from dozens of top fighters in the universe. At this time, the flame spear was like a speeding weapon in his hands. The sharp arrow he threw was nearly twice as fast as Proxima Centauri’s before. The tail flame was still burning the air in the distance, and the spear head had already pierced Proxima Centauri’s chest.

Proxima Centauri, who was loyal to Thanos and had extraordinary martial arts skills in the Dark Order, was killed in battle.

Seeing his lover being killed instantly with one move, the Deathblade General was frightened to death. He was ruthless and cruel, and regarded life as child’s play, but that was how he treated others. He cherished his own life very much. Two words at this time. Don’t say anything, just turn around and run away.

He was much more decisive than Ebony Maw. While running, he commanded many vanguard guards: “Go! Go! Kill him! Kill him!”

A bunch of vanguard guards are biological weapons deployed through biotechnology, and their command is in the hands of the Deathblade General. These creatures have no fear, let alone retreat. They come in groups, and they are everywhere. Rush towards the Flame Emperor.

“Hahahaha, can you run away?” The Flame King waved the scepter in his hand, and the cosmic flames were swayed in all directions. Large areas of the vanguard were burned to pieces. The Deathblade General was not running around like a headless fly. Relying on the obstruction of a large number of cannon fodder, he tried to introduce the Flame Emperor into the building of the Dark Order, using the familiar terrain to offset the opponent’s advantage of being able to fly. When the time comes, he would be more confident in whether to fight back or escape.

The Flame Emperor went after General Deathblade, who was both powerful and extremely cunning. The two chased and escaped, and soon disappeared from the battlefield, and Stark faced Thanos!


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