Marvel’s Princess Chapter 954: Titan is open


Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf looked at each other, and they only felt that what Stark said now seemed a bit familiar.

In fact, Thanos at this time has realized that there are too many lives in the universe and resources are being consumed in large quantities. However, his balance plan is only to eliminate half of the population on the planet. As a subordinate, the Dark Order does not approve of his idea. It doesn’t matter, he just uses the evil in the hearts of these evil people to kill people.

Defeat the resistance of a planet and then kill half of the people. This is what Thanos has done the most for the Dark Order in the past twenty years. Now the Dark Order has met its opponent. Now, they met a more ruthless…

The Star Eaters did not intend to kill half and let the other half go. They were prepared to kill them all, which is the so-called ‘I want them all’.

Ebony Maw has a gloomy personality. As a survivor of the rare race of Whisperers, he is able to live prosperously to this day not because of his personal fighting ability, but because of his instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

He knew that the messengers from Galactus had bad intentions, and he had actually begun to think about his retreat. There was no pressure on him to betray Thanos. This is not the case with Black Dwarf. This guy has the word “short” in his name, but he is actually not short at all. On the contrary, he is very tall.

He held a mechanical pickaxe and waved it twice vigorously, followed by a burst of laughter.

“Idiot! Get out of Titan! I advise you to go back where you came from!”

Stark glanced at him, weakling!

He asked Ebony Throat: “Looking at your appearance and dress, you seem to be a leader. Can that idiot next to you represent your opinion?”

Ebony Throat sneered sinisterly: “I can speak for myself, I don’t need others to represent me, and…you are indeed not welcome here!”

He raised his arms, and the surrounding rocks and steel were cut into finger-long pieces by his telekinesis. There were sharp cones on the head. When the ebony-throated wrist flipped, the raindrop-like cones hit him. Stark and Stardust.

“Huh? He’s a rare Whisperer. Let me deal with this rare race.” Stardust saw that Stark was a little eager to try, so she took Ebony Maw’s attack in advance.

Under the offensive of Belaga’s three gems, Stardust has always seemed a little weak. In fact, she is not weak. On the contrary, she is still the strongest among the four Star-Eating Messengers.

With just a wave of her arm, which was composed of countless cosmic particles, the pointed cones that were shooting straight away collectively changed their direction and were reflected towards the Ebony Throat at a faster speed than when they came.

Ebony Throat quickly used telekinesis to move several Vanguard Guards in front of him as human shields. He had to have a plan to escape. Turning around and running directly was the stupidest way. He wanted to see the legendary Star Swallower first. What’s the point?

His telekinesis is activated very quickly, almost at will.

There was no chanting, no casting materials, just a casual wave of his hand, and more than a dozen vanguard guards gathered in front of him.

These beasts with four arms, no eyes, and rely entirely on hearing to move have no pain nerves at all. While roaring fiercely, they were beaten into a sieve by countless sharp cones, but one of them still flew from the gap. came out and scratched the forehead of Ebony Throat.

“You!…” He was still yelling angrily, and he felt that he was suddenly spinning. Almost in an instant, he was in a state where his head was down and his feet were up. The sense of dislocation in space made him He was extremely uncomfortable, and the strong discomfort caused the telepathy he had gathered to disperse. His somewhat cloudy eyes stared at the floating stars.

There was anger in his eyes, but more of it was fear. He panicked. He should have run away before! No chance now!

Seeing Xingchen blocking Ebony Maw, it could even be said that this powerful Whisperer was toyed with applause. Stark in the distance let out a “hum”, and he could only deal with Black Dwarf.

Even after becoming the Iron Messenger, Stark is still a mechanic at heart. He does not have Captain America’s rich combat experience, nor does Bella have those strange supernatural means and powerful cards. All he has is meticulousness. And rigorous data calculation.

Wind speed, angle, weight, acceleration and other values ​​now do not require artificial intelligence Jarvis. He can complete this series of calculations by himself relying on the cosmic energy given to him by Galactus.

Physics is his magic, and mathematics is his magic.

Computing power has improved, and the process of transmitting data from artificial intelligence to the controller has been reduced. The efficiency has been greatly improved. When encountering any situation, the brain will make a judgment in an instant, which is reflected in the outside world, that is, he Every blow and every displacement has gone through a lot of calculations. Do you think he is on the first floor? In fact, he has a happy ending!

The silly black dwarf wields a pickaxe and chops. His mechanical battle ax is very powerful. It can chop, pick, smash, and instantly turn into a shield. It combines offense and defense. It’s a rare weapon, but mechanical things are too simple for Stark. If you get a magical artifact, it might have some effect. Now use machinery to deal with Stark?

There was no parry, no probing missiles like raindrops. Stark was wearing pure golden armor, and at an incredible angle, after Black Dwarf’s swing of the pickaxe missed, it cut into his right side, and his arm The armor deformed rapidly, and it took less than a second for the high-frequency vibrating particle knife to heat up and store energy until it started to vibrate.

His arm stabbed the black dwarf under the ribs, and then used the inertia of his body to drag it to the side.

Like cutting butter, the particle knife easily tore through the Black Dwarf’s solid armor and left a thirty centimeter long wound on the muscular body of the strong man. A huge wound on the spine could even be seen inside. .

“Ho ho!” Black Dwarf was severely injured with one move. He subconsciously wanted to cover the wound, but his injury was on his right rib, and he was still holding a pickaxe in his right hand. At the critical moment, he could only let go Pickaxe and axe, he used his right hand to cover the wound, and at the same time reached out with his left hand, trying to grab his weapon and continue fighting, but all this was also in Stark’s calculations.

While Black Dwarf’s right hand changed into his left hand, the armor on his arm deformed again, and an oval shield appeared on his wrist. Stark’s memory was vague. Vaguely, he remembered that there was a shield. It was used very well. At this time, I simulated that figure. From bottom to top, activate the leg thrusters at 50% power, and then slam the black dwarf’s chin with the shield.

The three-meter-tall giant was stunned for a while, his head raised high, and his left hand that was already holding the pickaxe couldn’t help but loosened by two points, while Stark jumped up and struck with the particle knife. The quasi-black dwarf lost all protective neck because it raised its head.

He waved his arm quickly, and the black dwarf’s huge and rather ugly head rose into the sky and flew more than two meters away.


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