Marvel’s Princess Chapter 952: Lord Sky Hammer


Kul’s artifact war hammer will not improve the Hulk’s combat power, but directly solidify his strength to a relatively strong level. The Hulk cannot carefully distinguish the authenticity of it, and he will feel the power in his body. It suddenly rose to an extremely high level, which made him very excited.

 His height has become taller and his body has become stronger. These most intuitive manifestations are a great enhancement for his simple mind.

 ”Hoho! Good! Hulk! I like it!” He hit his chest hard to express his joy.

Kool looked on coldly, even he was frightened by the Hulk’s amazing potential.

 Originally, he wanted to completely turn this stupid guy into his subordinate, but the result of the divine power infusion was much worse than expected.

 Hulk is bare-chested. The difference from before is that his hands have a layer of fine and strong arm armor. The arm armor made of divine metal extends from the handle of the war hammer to the Hulk. On his shoulders, if he had more divine power, he might be able to go further, but the Hulk’s bucket was too big and too deep, which made Kuhl, who was watching, a little helpless. His own divine power had been accumulated little by little over thousands of years. But we can’t give it all to this stupid big guy.

 His peripheral vision has been peeking at Thor. The dormant Odin power in his silly nephew is Kull’s real target.

Kul is full of hatred for his brother, but he has to admit that Odin, who has received the divine power transmitted from the two **** kings, is far stronger than him. Now his brother follows the tradition and transmits the divine power to Thor. And fate miraculously brought Thor to him. If he didn’t make some plans, Kull would not spare him.

 ”Well, you are very energetic. You can definitely serve as my Skyhammer Lord.” Kuhl praised the Hulk.

 Hulk said angrily: “Hulk is powerful, very powerful! No need, outsiders can rescue Tony, Stark.”

Kool is also on the shelves now. It is true that Thor is easy to fool, but it is also true that he is stubborn.

His stupid nephew is bent on saving Tony Stark. Even if Kull doesn’t want to fight Galactus, he still has to go and fight in order to gain more trust.

 And you can’t fake it, you can’t cope with it, you have to go all out.

Thor has no brains, but he is extremely talented in fighting. He can tell whether he is using his full strength or not.

 In order not to destroy his great impression in the mind of his silly nephew, Kull really planned to fight the planet devourer to the death.

  He even planned a scene where he was seriously injured and dying, and then asked Thor to use the power of Odin in his body to save his own uncle. Considered several plans to deal with Galactus.

 The three people in front of him were basically delivering food. He had traveled across the universe and knew how powerful Galactus was. He also needed more Lord Sky Hammer.

 ”Brother Hulk.” Orochi Kull tried his best to deceive his silly nephew. Counting from the time he was born, he has never been so kind in his life.

 At this time, he said to the Hulk sincerely: “We need companions, and we need more companions with powerful strength. Recklessness is not justice, and divine power is not our only weapon. Only unity can defeat Planet Devourer.”

 These words made him almost vomit, but in order to gain Thor’s favor, he still had to say it bravely.

 ”Thor is my kindest nephew. As the commander-in-chief, he holds my war hammer. In addition to the Hulk brothers, I also need six Skyhammer Lords. Mr. Hawkeye, you still have justice here. Friends? It’s better to be a stronger hero who can bear my power.” Kull asked Hawkeye.

Just relying on Eagle Vision cannot see through the malice in the heart of the big snake Kull. Hawkeye immediately summoned the Avengers and the Fantastic Four for a meeting to see who Kull would choose to be his Lord Skyhammer.

Kool selected two people among the heroes, one was the stone man who was equally big and round, and the other was Pepper Little who was looking forward to rescuing Tony Stark.

 Both of them picked up his artifact war hammer and became Lord Skyhammer.

 ”There are still four people left. Let’s let them choose their own partners.” Kull waved his hand, and four artifact warhammers flew out of the Avengers Tower.

 Not long after, Lord Skyhammer holding the artifact war hammer arrived at the Avengers Tower.

 The first person to come made all the superheroes frown. The person who came was none other than the Absorbent Carl Creel, the mutant created by Loki when he invaded New York.

This guy was locked up by the government in a prison specially set up for people with super powers, and now he has escaped from prison.

 ”It’s all for justice. There must be a special meaning for God Hammer to choose him. We are not doing it for ourselves, but to use this power to help more people in need.”

 Orochi Kuhl’s rhetoric and the banner of rescuing Tony Stark finally suppressed the dissatisfaction of the superheroes.

 But the two Lords of Skyhammer who came to Avengers Tower later were also criminals.

 One is a super criminal who can turn objects he touches into stone, the French chemist Paul Pierre Vadour, codenamed Gray Gargoyle.

 The other one is the undersea people of Atlantis, who has launched several rebellions and is considered the biggest enemy of Namor, the sea king, formerly known as Attuma.

The reputation of these two people is worse than that of absorbing people. Among them, the Fantastic Four and Namor even defeated the sea monster. At this time, they looked at each other’s eyes a bit wrong. Fortunately, Pepper kept making peace, and Thor was also there. Help, finally they didn’t get into a fight.

 The last Lord Heavenly Hammer came the last. Others flew over directly, but this guy ran over. The one who came late was the red tank!

 Red Tank saw the shining golden artifact Warhammer on the road. He thought it could be sold for money, but who knew that he was then controlled by the warhammer and came to the Avengers Tower.

Kul frowned slightly, the red tank and the great demon Cytorak behind the red tank were not part of his plan.

 Orochi Kur’s character is extremely ruthless. There is no word “fear” in the dictionary, and he has no plans to go to the Crimson Universe. No matter how loud Cytorak’s reputation is, it can’t scare him. He is not afraid of the big demon, he just feels that Good things come hard, and a lot of variables are added to a very simple plan.

 However, the arrow is on the string at this time, so we can only take one step at a time.

 Thor, Hulk, Thing, Pepper, Absorber, Gray Gargoyle, Sea Devil and Red Tank, there are eight people in total, each of them has a sledgehammer. This is the rescue team organized by Cool. Team Stark.

 The opponent has four Star Swallowers, and there are eight Lords of Sky Hammer on our side! He felt he had a good chance of winning.


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