Marvel’s Princess Chapter 940: Phoenix Power


But when Pennywise wanted to attack and wanted the earth to feel his pain.

He inadvertently looked at the ‘outside world’. With just such an action of ‘looking’, the whole world became countless times bigger in Pennywise’s eyes.

Of course, he also knew that it might be because he had become smaller.

He saw a larger pale white mist surrounding the underground cave. Bella holding the dream, Cyclops looking left and right, a somewhat impatient Storm and the unconscious old professor were all inside this pale white mist. Is it also a dream? Are you still in a dream?

There was a trance in front of my eyes, and time began to flow backwards.

In Pennywise’s eyes, Bella, Storm and Cyclops, who were a hundred times taller than the tallest giant, were holding dreams and talking about something. Judging from their positions, they seemed to be preparing to go to Charles There was a knock on the door at the professor’s old house.

“A dream within a dream? You arranged two levels of dreams? You didn’t even enter the old house?!”

Bella, who was taller than a giant, smiled and said nothing. Pennywise looked outside and found that the old house was also a dream. In fact, the three of them were still throwing snakes at the drain. From Pennywise From Si’s perspective, he seemed to see his own insignificant reflection in the snake’s eyes.

There is a layer of dreams within a layer of dreams. Which layer is true and which layer is false? He could no longer tell the difference. The last trace of his will was shattered and he completely dissipated.

“Hey, this idiot scared himself to death.” Bella crushed the dream in her hands and turned it into air along with the remains of Pennywise inside.

At this time, the three of them were in the underground cave under the old house. Next to the three of them was Professor Charles, but the old professor had already fallen asleep early.

“Your ability is so weird!” Storm looked through a layer of dreams, as if watching a short video, watching Pennywise and the air battle wits and courage, and finally played herself to death. It was hard to tell from the sidelines. She only had a rough estimate of Spider-Clown’s reality.

She didn’t know about the dream dimension, she only thought it was some kind of super power or magical ability of Bella.

Bella didn’t explain either. For ordinary people, Pennywise is indeed a strong enemy, even to the point of being invincible. By comparison, this guy is actually about the same as Stardust. It’s not difficult to defeat and it’s very easy to kill him. Disaster.

But as long as Bella is prepared, she, the master of dreams, can play with the opponent at her fingertips. Psycho? It doesn’t matter, her methods can cure mental illness! Haven’t you seen Pennywise’s last moments? How sober! She cured another patient.

Cyclops fought the old lady in the old house twice, which was considered a warm-up. Storm didn’t make a move at all. At this time, she felt that the underground cave was a little cold.

Bella put away the three death ray flames and prepared to go back and study them again. She looked at Professor Charles and Qin.

Although she was taken here as if she was kidnapped, Qin still interceded for the comatose Professor Charles: “The professor should have been reading the thoughts of Galactus, and his own thoughts were affected by the extreme consciousness of Galactus, so he had Some…well, these are extreme ideas, right?”

Finding that several people were looking at her, Bella had something on her mind and didn’t want to continue to struggle with this issue: “Well, the professor was really exhausted during that time, whether it was to awaken the silver glider’s self-awareness or to solve the problem. He has made great contributions to the Dark Phoenix, and it is understandable that he was backlashed by Galactus’ thoughts. Please stay with him and help him get out of the haze in his heart as soon as possible.”

The implication is that you X-Men are responsible for monitoring the old professor. If he does anything again, you will be responsible.

Several people returned to the surface.

Without the fear of Pennywise walking, without the telepathy of Professor Charles, the townspeople of Deli Town finally remembered Bella as a famous person. The mayor gathered around her and asked her, after knowing that they had patients here. , immediately called the doctor in the town to help.

Professor Charles never woke up. An old man at such an old age had a problem with his own thinking, and Pennywise took advantage of it and eroded his mind. The heart disease affected his body. At this time, his health was very bad. Qin He was so weak that a gust of wind could blow him over.

Bella returned to New York with a few people, and she also called Beast Hank. The two parties had different ideas, but they were not completely broken up. They would still come to help when help was needed. Beast Hank used a lot of equipment , which can be regarded as stabilizing the situation of the two of them.

Professor Charles’s situation is relatively easy to handle, but he just thinks too much and eats too much.

The old man was knocked unconscious by Bella with a dream. In the dream, the old professor was a poor man this time. Not to mention his parents were dead, he had a car and a house. He couldn’t even eat a full meal and went to the dock every day to carry his burdens. Big bag, after eating the last meal, he thought about the sweet things. When he returns to the real world, he will find the beauty of the real world.

His vital signs are all fine, his heartbeat is stable, and his blood pressure is within the normal range.

The body needs regular exercise, but the mind also needs exercise. If you always think that you are the best in the world, you should not do this.

Bella has always been very modest and has never considered herself to be very strong. Even so, she often has mental problems, let alone the old professor. It is normal for things to happen, but it is abnormal for them not to have problems.

Qin’s situation is more complicated. She was seriously injured, and then she was dragged out to play with the clown by Professor Charles. After a lot of back and forth, she is still alive now entirely because the Phoenix Force is feeding her life force. Whenever Phoenix abandons her as its host, her life will also end.

Beast Hank’s pile of equipment can only allow her to maintain the status quo, and restoration to the original state is absolutely impossible.

This is no longer a scientific issue, nor is it even a magic issue. It is a higher-level, more ambitious high-dimensional issue.

Seeing that the X-Men were helpless, Bella offered to help.

A few people took care of themselves. Bella snapped her fingers, and the room filled with various high-tech medical equipment turned into her tea room at Kama Taj.

The two of them sat cross-legged.

Bella put on a bright yellow robe: “Qin, I saw the Phoenix Force when we were fighting Galactus. If you want to solve your current problem, you must let me know something about this power. Can you Let me experience it carefully?”

Qin nodded, her voice a little hoarse: “I have very poor control now, you’d better…”

She wants you to stay away, for fear of hurting you.

Bella smiled: “I should be a little stronger than you think. Don’t worry, Dark Phoenix can do it, but you can’t kill me now. Let me see the essence of the Phoenix Power.”

Qin thought repeatedly, and finally raised a finger. Her face was covered with sweat, her teeth were clenched, and it took great perseverance to control the tip of her finger to rise into a red flame.


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