Marvel’s Princess Chapter 934: Old house


They looked at Bella together, and Bella nodded: “I heard my teacher calling for help, and saw her bright yellow sleeves and one right hand.”

She said she was relaxed, but she was actually on high alert.

No matter what is below, this guy can give himself a very real illusion, which is already very powerful.

Bella herself is a master of illusions. She holds the Mind Stone and is the master of the dream dimension. It is almost impossible for her to fall into the trap, but it is a skill in itself to be able to see illusions.

Previously, she thought it was some kind of evil spirit, but now she thinks that the enemy’s level should be raised by two levels. The possibility of an evil **** is very high, or the kind of evil **** that absorbs negative emotions and **** herself into a psychopath.

Whether the specifics need to be further observed.

Everyone saw different visions, and this thing was even weirder than she expected.

They each squatted down and looked into the drain.

One hand, two hands, three hands, and countless hands poked out from the drain, seemingly asking them for help.

Cyclops looked at his wrist. He was wearing a watch that looked quite high-tech: “My adrenal glands are secreting cortisol. This is not normal.”

Bella also has a doctorate, so she understood immediately: “Are you afraid?”

Cyclops thought for a while and said: “Subjectively speaking, I have no fear. This is just a drain. At most, a few hands can come out of it. What else can it do? But objectively, it’s hard to say. ”

Bella looked at Storm.

“Haha, actually I’ve wanted to say it for a long time. This location is eerie. I can’t say I’m scared or not, but I feel a little bit…” She considered her words: “I feel a little uncomfortable.”

Bella squatted at the drain and thought for a while, then she threw a snake into it.

A hand holding an origami boat was entangled by the snake’s tail. The other person was stunned for a moment. This was different from what he expected, but he still took it back, and the lot of hands disappeared. Unlucky The snake hissed twice and then stopped moving.

“Wow! Awesome! Look at me!”

Bella stretched out her hand, and she wrapped the hornet’s nest on the tree trunk in the distance with her spiritual energy and threw it into the drain.

There was a bit of noise inside, but it soon calmed down.

She persevered and threw the grenade down. After waiting for a while, there was no response. She poured aqua regia, tons, tons, tons, and poured down two bottles, but still no response.

She opened the portal, connected to the Sahara Desert, and poured the sand there into the drainage outlet. She continued to heat the already high-temperature sand, but this time the other side was a little unable to bear it.

There was so much sand that it quickly overflowed from the drain.

“It’s really boring. Let me seal this place.” Bella stood up without asking for their opinions. She picked it up with her fingers, and the surrounding soil swarmed in, quickly blocking the drainage outlet.

Cyclops never hung up the phone until the ringtone and cry for help could no longer be heard. He put away the phone. After the three of them discussed it, they set off to visit Professor Charles’ old home.

It is said to be an old house, but it is actually a large villa. This is an old house built by the old professor’s father, the famous scientist Brian Xavier, in the middle of the last century. At that time, Charles Xavier was still a young man and was studying at Harvard. When he was in school, not long after the house was built, his father passed away and the house was under the name of Professor Xavier.

Professor Xavier did not bluntly say that he did not like the house here. He just left some staff to take care of the daily care and did not live here at all.

“Come here once in twenty-seven years. Well, this is not a regular visit, but why would he bring Qin here? There is a problem with the logic.”

Bella pointed out the most incredible part of the whole thing. She wanted to take Qin to treat psychological trauma. Of course she could, but the world is so big, where couldn’t she go? Going to a place you only visit once in twenty-seven years to heal your psychological trauma? Why don’t you go to the moon?

Cyclops and Storm also thought about this problem. If we reason based on this, we can draw a conclusion. I am afraid that the professor had a problem before, but they did not notice…

Seeing their reactions, Bella sighed secretly. This is the tragedy of telepaths. They are too sensitive to the outside world and will be affected by the slightest disturbance. Counting one by one, there are a lot of mental illnesses. In front of outsiders, she had to pretend that nothing was wrong and that she was fine. She was like this, and the old professor didn’t look much better.

“Come in or not? I feel like someone is watching me behind the door.” Cyclops still has a general air, and he can still maintain his composure at this time.

“Come in, we’re all here, who’s going to knock on the door?” Bella asked.

Cyclops knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened.

A gray-haired old lady with hunched back was lying slowly by the door looking at them.

“Who are you looking for?”

When she heard that they were coming to see the old professor and Qin, the old lady immediately smiled, moved out of the way, and motioned for them to come in.

Cyclops wore quartz glasses, so Bella couldn’t see his look, but she saw Storm’s look. Bella nodded, indicating that she knew what he was doing.

The old lady was not ordinary enthusiastic. One moment she would pour them water, the next she would show them Professor Charles’s old photos, and from time to time she would go to the kitchen to get busy, saying she was stewing meat.

She was busy and seemed to have a steady pace. In fact, all three of them could see that she was walking on her toes, jumping forward in a very weird posture. She walked to some wooden floors. When you point your toes on the floor, you can make a “chuck” sound.

In the huge house, the three of them were extremely quiet. They could hear an old lady who was almost eighty years old running around so busy. Her footsteps could be heard throughout the house.

When they were talking in a low voice, they could hear the footsteps in the corridor outside the wall stopping, as if someone was listening to them carefully. When they stopped talking, the footsteps would sound again.

“Shall I get rid of this guy?” Bella said pointedly, she didn’t want to continue playing this guessing game.

Storm had a different opinion. She pointed to the wall: “I seem to have found a new clue. What’s the name of the guy on the phone? Pennywise, right?”

They looked at the many photos hanging on the wall. Most of them were photos of old ladies, ranging from young to old. Among them, there was an old and yellowed photo that attracted the attention of the three of them.

It was a photo of an old-looking little girl and an adult dressed as a clown standing at the door of the circus. The misery on the little girl’s face was in stark contrast to the weird smile on the clown’s face.

The writing under the photo is a little blurry, but you can roughly make out the words ‘Me and my father, Pennywise’.


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