Marvel’s Princess Chapter 933: Derry Town


Bella does not have the ability to use the electromagnetic waves of mobile phones as a medium to transmit telepathy. This belongs to the category of ‘New Gods’. She can’t do it, just like she can’t get into a computer to defeat a digital life. She It’s impossible to follow the cable and hit someone.

Here on Earth, for gods like them, the boundary between science and theology is very clear. She cannot reach out in many fields involving modern science. She cannot control certain people through mobile phones. Now The sound coming from this mobile phone obviously can’t do it either.

There is no telepathy, but it is possible to give psychological suggestions through voice, tone and some special sound effects.

The room was quiet, and suddenly she heard such a sinister smile. Even though Bella dealt with monsters and monsters every day, she couldn’t help but a shiver ran down her back. This smile was too evil.

Violent, ferocious, manic, just a burst of laughter, she heard several negative emotions from it. The other party had already exerted his ability of psychological suggestion to the extreme, but it was a pity… he met a person like Cyclops. A guy who is addicted to games and can’t help himself is showing his charming eyes to a blind man.

Bella estimated that Cyclops had not listened carefully to the voice on the phone before today. He was probably just like those filial sons and grandsons in the past who went to the emperor, the queen, and the mother every morning to pay their respects. When doing errands, they just clicked Mao and it was done.

She looked at Cyclops with a little sympathy, but more of awe, the young man is lucky! To a certain extent, this is the fate of the protagonist. He talks to this demon on the phone three times a day in the morning, noon, and night. The other party has been persistently brainwashing him. The laser eyes go in and out of the left ear, and he does not take the phone call seriously at all. The reason why he is still alive and has not gone crazy is all because of the game!

What Bella can understand, Cyclops can also understand. His face is ugly. He always thought that he was very vigilant in the past, but he never expected to lose such an adult.

He talks to Professor Charles and Qin on the phone every day. He doesn’t know when the two lost contact, but in the past few days, the person who has been talking to him is definitely not him.

He felt very guilty thinking that the two people closest to him were in danger.

“I’m going to save Qin and the professor.” He said.

“I’ll go with you, let’s set off now.”

Bella also expressed her willingness to go with her. This damned town of Deli is in New York State and is too close. She wouldn’t be worried if she didn’t go and see it.

Ten minutes later, Cyclops called Storm and Bella, and the three of them came to the town of Deli in Delaware County, New York.

An ordinary town that looks extremely peaceful, with nothing unusual on the outside.

There are very few people in the town. Occasionally, you can see a few townspeople going to the store to buy some items. The roads in the town are extremely flat and clean. Outside the town are large woods. They look like Bella back then. The town of Forks was no different when I went to find Charlie.

“The professor lived here when he was a child. He said that the residents of this town are a bit xenophobic.” Cyclops tried hard to recall what Professor Charles once said, trying to find some clues from it.

“I still didn’t sense the presence of Professor and Qin here.” Bella looked around. To be honest, she didn’t see any problem here.

The dark clouds formed by the accumulation of negative energy, the bloodstained townspeople’s faces, and the horrifying monsters stumbling around were all absent. It seemed that Deli Town was just a common American town.

She and Storm looked at each other. This Kenyan tribal princess was also a mage with good perception, and the two exchanged glances.

“It’s so peaceful here,” Storm said.

The three people were teleported here. The teleportation point was the woods outside the town. At this time, the three people walked into the town and saw seven or eight townspeople along the way. However, these people just looked at the three people strangely and said nothing. No action was taken to attack, talk or ask.

This is very strange. Storm and Cyclops are unknown, but Bella is not. She is the daughter of the president, so she is very well-known. It is a bit exaggerated to say that everyone knows her, but it is not like seven or eight people in a row. Don’t you even know her?

She was a celebrity before the presidential election. Now there is a huge poster of her hanging in the Lakers Staples Arena. In order to reap praise, Americans like football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, and racing. She has placed advertisements for all sports events. Unless the residents of this town don’t watch football games or TV at all, there should be a few people who know her.

“These townspeople also have problems, but they are not too serious…Scott, call Professor Charles and ask where he is.” Bella was too lazy to think about the problems in the town. If she couldn’t defeat Galactus, how could she defeat such a small-town evil spirit? Go straight to Huanglong.

Cyclops is not a shy person. He thought this method was simple and direct, so he immediately took out his phone and dialed.

As soon as the call was made, an intermittent ringing sound rang not far away from the three of them.

The voice was dull and vague, and the three of them looked in the direction of the voice.

There is only a relatively wide road on their side. There are very common pine trees on the roadside and fences arranged by the townspeople in front of the houses.

It is March now, the trees are covered with branches and leaves, and the shade of the trees blocks the sun. The place where the three of them look is located in the darkest corner.

Bella is ready to go all the way into the dark. She is definitely not afraid of the dark. Let alone the shade of the trees, she is not afraid of it no matter how dark it is. Cyclops’ eyes can’t tell the difference between light and darkness. What are they looking at? They were all blood red, and Storm felt strong discomfort, but seeing the two of them remaining calm, she didn’t say anything.

“The ringing seems to be coming from there.” Storm pointed to the drainage outlet on the roadside. This kind of drainage outlet is very common. The United States is known as the land of tornadoes. Every year, 1,000 to 2,000 tornadoes land on average. There are 5 of them every day, and it often rains. There are such drainage outlets beside many roads. Some drain into sewers, and some drain directly into rivers and seas.

Bella and Cyclops listened carefully, and the ringtone did sound a bit like it was coming from underground.

“Could it be that the professor is down there?” Cyclops asked strangely. Actually, let alone Bella and Storm, he himself didn’t believe this.

The old professor is so good, why are you going into the sewers?

“Save me…”

“Scott…save me…”

“Please, come and help me…”

Just as the three of them looked towards the drain, a low and weak cry for help sounded in their ears.

Cyclops asked: “Did you hear anything? I heard the professor calling for help.”

Storm’s face was solemn: “What I heard was my parents and many other tribesmen calling for help.”


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