Marvel’s Princess Chapter 747: Morgan Le Fay


In the Balkan Peninsula of Europe, there is a small country, Latvinia, that did not exist in Bella’s previous life.

Latvinia is very poor. There are no minerals in the country and there are no rich tourism resources. The only thing worthy of praise is that the land is relatively fertile. In today’s era, the people of Latvinia cannot make a fortune by farming, but they can’t. Won’t starve to death.

Wakanda is a false third-rate agricultural country, while Latvinia is the real third-rate agricultural country.

Victor von Doom returned from New York alone. With his skill and knowledge, he has now secretly controlled the country’s political power. However, due to physical reasons, he has been slow to come to the forefront.

When the Brotherhood and the Knights were fighting in New York, he was conducting experiments in his laboratory. He wanted to retrieve his magic and break the seal that Bella had placed on his soul.

This is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

The seal of the contemporary Supreme Mage is not so easy to break.

Ancient rituals, blood sacrifices, curses, Victor Von Doom tried every method he could find, but nothing worked.

He even wanted to sign a contract with the devil. In order to regain his power, he could trade his soul with him.

Being cautious by nature, he did not summon the Demon King directly, but instead started summoning the little devil.

The little devil didn’t take it seriously at first, but after seeing clearly the source of the seal on Victor von Doom’s soul, the little devil refused the deal with a look of fear. I can’t afford to offend you. I can’t afford to offend you. It’s better to hire someone else!

In the end, Victor von Doom had only one option left, and that was to find someone to help him unlock the seal.

In 2007, no one in the magic world dared to disobey Bella. Even if they were not the magicians of Karma Taj, they were not willing to offend a powerful person with a powerful backer because of a ‘little guy’ like Victor Von Doom. The contemporary Supreme Mage, whose efforts are out of proportion to his rewards, no one is willing to do this.

Victor von Doom searched for hope in the many classics left to him by his mother, and finally found a powerful magician who had been in contact with ancient gypsy witches, Morgan Le Fay!

He thought Morgan Le Fay could help him, and then he built a time machine and wanted to travel through time to the era of King Arthur.

The machine was ready, but then he found that he had no energy to start it. Electricity was useless, and nuclear energy was useless. What the time machine needed was another kind of energy, an energy that he had never been exposed to.

To create new elements, Stark needs the help of his father’s notes, and his father got inspiration from the Rubik’s Cube. It can be said to be the combination of the wisdom of two generations. Victor von Doom now wants to find And it is even more difficult to capture an energy that he has never seen before and that is difficult to explain with current technology.

If Mr. Fantastic were on Earth, he would still be able to find someone to discuss it. No matter how strange the energy is, it is still energy. If it is energy, it can be observed and utilized by scientific means. Unfortunately, Mr. Fantastic has gone to an alien planet and cannot find him. Friends help, he can only figure it out on his own.

While I was thinking about it that day, a strange energy fluctuation was suddenly detected over the Atlantic Ocean. It was the magic remnant left after Balthazar self-destructed and traveled through time. Victor von Doom was so happy that he sent himself The drone scanned and collected a small amount of energy, which was then used in the time machine, finally starting the machine three days later.

He was holding a silver brooch, which was a token passed down from his Gypsy ancestors. After thousands of years, there was no sign of corrosion on it. He had read a lot of magic books, and he thought the brooch would play a certain positioning role.

The facts are almost the same. He has been spinning irregularly in the early stage of entering the time channel. Later, the brooch became hotter and hotter, and he was pulled by a strange force to fly deeper into the channel.

His time machine was very crude and the energy it absorbed was extremely mixed. It can be said that Victor von Doom’s first time travel was very painful and difficult.

The whole figure seemed to have been stretched to the limit. He only felt that he was now several hundred meters long. Although his body was still at the entrance, the hand holding the brooch had been sucked to the other end of time.

Countless thoughts of unknown meaning were impacting his brain. When Victor von Doom fell from the turbulent time passage and his feet touched the ground again, he was covered in sweat and his muscles were constantly shaking. Twitching normally.

Closing his eyes and taking deep breaths, he still maintained his only arrogance, holding his head high and looking at the tall woman on the throne in the center of the hall.

The woman has long black hair and a bit of charm in her eyes. Her azure robe is slit almost from her neck to her navel. Her beautiful body curves are not covered up, and her right hand hangs down so naturally. On the armrest of the throne, the rose-colored nails glowed with an evil light. Even Victor von Doom, who had amazing willpower, was stunned by the woman’s appearance for several seconds.

The woman asked casually, holding the brooch in her left hand.

“Stranger, stranger from the future, I ask you, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”

The Gypsy witch ancestors have long written the answer to this question, and Victor von Doom has now repeated it: “It’s you, the sea princess of Avalon, the great magician, Morgan Le Fay. Ms. ”

Morgan Le Fay was very satisfied with this answer. She spoke again: “It’s a very standard answer. It’s nothing new. I’m tired of hearing it…Who did you come here with?” ! ”

She seems to behave wildly, but she is actually a very thoughtful person.

She took action to seal off her own time point, and only released Victor von Doom, who had low or no strength, just to ask about the situation.

Is there anyone else coming? Victor von Doom could only think of the strange energy appearing in the Atlantic Ocean.

“They are all my enemies. My soul is blocked by magic, so I came to find…”

Before Victor von Doom finished speaking, Morgan Le Fay raised a hand, and his voice stopped abruptly. He opened his mouth several times, but the sound could not come out no matter what.

The female mage sneered: “Who do you think I am? A hero who likes to help passers-by? What does your experience have to do with me? Go and stand aside. You can only speak when I call you.”

She behaved like a queen. Victor von Doom was also fully prepared for this time travel. He carefully studied Morgan Le Fay’s character and responded by… .Sell out your appearance! At this point, he has nothing else to sell!

At this time, he stood aside without being humble and watched Morgan Le Fay cast spells in a dazzling manner.

The time channel was opened again, and Balthazar, who had no body and could only use magic power to maintain his spiritual state, was pulled out.


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