Marvel’s Princess Chapter 742: The Knights who are learning magic


Although the Isu engineers are not as friendly as expected, 006 is an old comrade after all, with strong psychological adjustment ability. After the loss, he quickly focused on other work.

 The elders of the Brotherhood each take charge of their own affairs. Now that 006 has returned to the position of president, it can be said that Wieland and the Continental Hotel, two organizations controlled by the Brotherhood, one overt and one covert, have nothing for Bella to worry about.

 There are a lot of people, but if the management is in place and relying on the system, general level problems can be solved. Bella, the mentor, does not need to be too involved in daily affairs. On the contrary, Kama Taj is loosely organized, and some things come to her head from time to time. .

 After Bella answered several of Mordo’s questions about psychic powers, she listened intently to the reports from the London Temple Guardian and the New York Temple Guardian.

 ”Master, the intensity of the latest magic flood is too high, fifty-five times higher than the previous value. Even including our deal with hell…the value returned by this feedback is still wrong. There should be more people using magic.”

 “Yes, Master, the values ​​monitored by the New York Temple are far higher than in previous years. This performance is very abnormal.”

The guardians of the New York and London temples have discovered the presence of a large number of non-traditional magicians.

 It is certainly not only the Karma Taj family who use magic, but also the witch groups that have been passed down to this day since the Salem Witch Trials, the wizard groups that evolved later, Voodoo priests, some hermits from various places, and ancient jeeps Sai inheritors and monks, monks, a lot of random people, these people can do magic.

 Generally speaking, at least from the current perspective, there are many more accomplished women than men among spellcasters. Not to mention the Ancient One and Bella, the old witch Agatha, Scarlet Witch, Storm, and Mysterio These are all female mages, and they are all very powerful mages.

 Who are the male mages? Merlin can no longer be considered a mage. The only ones left are Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo, plus Mordo, and that’s it…

Although it has not reached the point of “cutting away forever”, male mages are always slightly worse than females when facing temptation. This has led to the fact that most of the world’s famous mages are currently female, and they will face more and more dangerous situations in the future. In the world, men’s decisiveness comes into play. They sell what they have. Their souls, hearts and wisdom are sold for a while. At that time, women seem a little forward-looking and hesitant.

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 The current environment is far from that point, and the emergence of large-scale mages is indeed abnormal.

Bella used the node magic accumulated in the New York Temple to constantly search the timeline and quickly found the answer.

 ”I really didn’t expect that they could do this… Okay, I know about this, and I will deal with it.” Bella did not let Kama Taj’s mage participate, Because it involves another organization under her, the Assassin Brotherhood.

 She observed on the timeline and found that many new mages came from one organization, the Knights Templar!

 The knights of the Knights now have to play magic with the Brotherhood, which is quite interesting.

 Back at the Brotherhood, Bella asked 006: “Mr. Eric, do you remember Dr. Ben Gates?”

 006 was deeply impressed by Ben Gates who stole the Declaration of Independence. This guy wasted a lot of money.

 “Remember, I heard that he was missing.”

Bella said: “His disappearance was the work of the Knights. The Knights used the Animus to read a large amount of magical knowledge from his memory, and this knowledge has now become the weapons of the Knights. ”

 006 has spent a lot of effort studying magic and various mythological knowledge, but he still did not associate any magical characters from Ben Gates’s ancestors.

 “Who are his ancestors?”

 ”His ancestors were highly accomplished in magic and even broke through the barriers between dimensions. Now he has returned from the world of the dead. His name is Balthazar and he is a student of Merlin.”

 Leave aside Merlin, who is known as the almighty guardian of the universe, that level is simply too high.

Merlin in Bella’s world is the old drunkard who cheated the Transformers into drinking. This Merlin has no magic power, but with the help of the energy staff obtained from the Red Knight spaceship and the support of King Arthur, he has collected a large number of magic equipment. and books, the apprentices he taught were even better than the others.

 The master is a liar, the eldest disciple is the elder of the demon sect, the second disciple is the leader of the martial arts alliance, and the third disciple is an immortal cultivator. Is this very similar to the plot in some novels? Yes, Merlin in Bella’s time and space is such a person, and his experiences are more novel than fiction.

 Now this disciple of Merlin, Balthazar used the Animus device of the Knights to awaken his self-consciousness from the cells, occupy the magpie’s nest, and occupy Ben Gates’ body.

Bella wanted to see more information, but the other party was also a famous master, and he was very sensitive to the timeline. She was worried about alerting the enemy, so she did not continue reading.

Bella sent people to gather information. Three days later, all the information from all parties was in her hands.

 ”They seemed to let the apprentices use a magic ring, and then rely on the ring to cast spells.” William Miles said the news returned by the spies.

 Bella carefully read the spy’s report and analyzed it based on her own knowledge.

 The factual situation can be described as a hero’s common understanding.

 Balthazar did not know about Karma Taj, but he taught the Templars to use magic in a similar way to Karma Taj, that is, first make a ring with a magic circuit, and then use the ring as a medium to cast spells.

 After reporting the news about the Knights, William Miles asked: “Mentor, do you want to meet Lucy? She is a spy I trained and sent to the Knights. I once thought she was very good. Loyal, but not sure now.”

 Bella shook her head: “Trust your own judgment, Mr. Miles, absolute loyalty does not exist. I only ask you one question, do you think the news Lucy is sending back now is true or false?”

Without Bella’s participation, the Brotherhood, under the leadership of these leaders, would definitely not develop as well as the Knights.

 The Knights can be said to be brave and enterprising. It doesn’t matter whether they are loyal or not, as long as they dare to do things and can do things, but what about the Brotherhood? Even in modern society, we still think about loyalty.

 The cohesion is indeed strong, but the development speed is several beats slower than that of the Knights.

 Without Bella’s help to find out, the Knights would have used magic to attack the Brotherhood, and the Brotherhood would have been destroyed again.

 “I believe it.”

 “That’s it, trust your subordinates, trust your own vision, and don’t doubt yourself.”

 The spy Lucy brought back some bad news, but also some good news.

 Bella asked: “Where is the main force of the Knights now?”

  William Miles smiled, feeling as if an old rival had landed on his doorstep: “Right in New York.”


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