Marvel’s Princess Chapter 737: Prometheus


  The diameter of the satellite LV-223 is 1,400 kilometers, which is only one-ninth of the earth. There are nitrogen, oxygen and more than 3% carbon dioxide in the satellite. From the observation results, most of the earth’s crust is made of magnesium silicate. , as for other things, we can’t see it yet.

 After 006 returned to Earth from Vanaheim, he has been busy heading to LV-223. The target is far away from the Earth. When converted into units here on Earth, the distance between the two planets is 327 Trillion kilometers, calculated as 1 light year is roughly 9 trillion kilometers, and it takes about 36 light years to travel.

 This distance is 9 times farther than Pandora, but now with the Pandora Crystal, Starscream’s technology, and the newly developed tachyon propulsion chamber installed on the spacecraft, the spacecraft’s speed has increased by almost 9 times compared with the previous trip to Pandora. times, in other words, in one month, Wieland’s latest spacecraft can span a distance of 36 light-years.

 The brand-new spacecraft is 130 meters long, 48 meters wide and 35 meters high. The spacecraft is aimed at scientific expeditions and has fewer weapons. It has three escape capsules and five exploration vehicles inside, and has 25 people on board.

 Considering the relationship between the Isu and humans, the planet cannot be named, but the spaceship belongs to the family, and no one can control how it is named. The spaceship was named Prometheus by the Brotherhood of Assassins who worshiped ancient Greek culture. !

 The captain of the spaceship is an old friend of 006, the blonde Meredith Vickers, who he met because he helped a female miner fight a lawsuit. This woman has a fierce spirit, whether she is studying or doing anything, she Everyone requires themselves to be the best.

 Mingming dropped out of high school because of having children and did not receive much higher education at all. However, she still relied on her unyielding determination to study a lot of books on astronomy, geography, medicine, climate, ecology, etc. by herself. He has trained his body to the level of a professional athlete.

 Vickers’s conditions are impeccable in all aspects, and with the relationship with 006, the captain’s position is confirmed.

 The chief scientist on board is also a close friend.

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 Elizabeth Xiao, as you can tell from this surname, she is also a relative of Xiao.

 This female scientist is considered an alternative in the Shaw family. Unlike Deke Shaw, Heidi Shaw, Owen Shaw, and Samn Shaw, this Elizabeth Shaw has not liked her cousins ​​since she was a child. When it comes to fighting and killing, she prefers to hide in a corner and read a book by herself.

Despite her unsociable personality, she was not bullied in school due to the fighting skills she had learned through her eyes and ears.

 Her academic performance is indeed good, and she has two doctorates in biology and astronomy.

 She is incomparable to a super academic like Bruce Banner, who has seven PhDs at every turn, but at the level of ordinary people, she is already a genius.

Fatty Wang returned to Earth from Pandora, and this time he volunteered to be the cook on the Prometheus. He still valued the high salary provided by Wilander, and was ready to continue fishing and supplement his salary.

 Fatty Wang was once reborn and became acquainted the second time. As a cook, he witnessed every bit of human space exploration with his own eyes! Now that he is experienced, he can pick up any alien and chat with him for five minutes.

The pilot of the spaceship, Lieutenant Colonel Panter Coster, a black man, actually came in through the back door. He was recommended by the black former president and Charlie, and Wieland accepted him after a thorough inspection.

 The rank of lieutenant colonel is already considered a high-ranking official in the active military. This person should not be held in a relatively low-level position like a driver. However, due to his reckless actions, lack of management ability, and offending his superiors, this person’s promotion path was difficult. Almost blocked, Wilander can only rely on space exploration to improve his qualifications.

 Only Captain Vickers and Chef Fatty Wang knew that the company boss, 006, had also quietly boarded the spacecraft. He wanted to see with his own eyes what the Creator of mankind looked like.

 The spaceship sailed for a month, and finally landed slowly on the surface of the planet after a raging sandstorm.

  Elizabeth Xiao stood at the bridge and muttered softly: “The mountains here are really high.”

 After a delay of about thirty-five seconds, the Earth side also saw the scene of LV-223 through signal transmission between several satellites, at least the scene thirty-five seconds ago.

 The process of Prometheus passing through the atmosphere of LV-223 was very smooth. The mountainous earth mentioned by Elizabeth Shaw was clearly visible from here. It was indeed high! A full 52,000 meters!

 LV-223 is extremely desolate, with mountains, lakes, deserts, and rocky ground. From time to time, ferocious and unusual silica dust storms can be seen.

 Several leaders of the Brotherhood are a little disappointed. This planet does not look like a civilization exists. The environment is harsh and the area is small. Not to mention animals, not even plants can be seen. This is worse than the planet everywhere. Plants are far from Pandora. Without special minerals, this planet has no development value.

 ”Don’t worry, do a search. Maybe the Isu people migrated to other planets after living here for a period of time. Maybe you can find clues.” Vickers, the captain, said.

 Prometheus closed the tachyon propulsion chamber, all four propulsion chambers, and switched to nuclear power operation. The spacecraft entered the flight mode in the atmospheric environment and searched from south to north along the direction of the river.

 “No communication signal.”

 “No thermal energy reaction.”

 “There are no traces of man-made structures in the desert.”

Just when everyone was getting more and more disappointed, Fatty Wang, who was a chef, part-time mage, driver, cleaner, security guard and psychological counselor, suddenly pointed to the right.

 ”Starboard direction! There is a man-made building in the valley over there, have you seen it?”

 Ordinary people don’t have farsightedness, so naturally they can’t see it, but the detector inside the spacecraft can.

 The spacecraft turned around and passed through the valley, arriving on a flat ground similar to an airport runway. At the end of everyone’s sight, there were three bunker-like buildings.

  There is no need to issue orders from the earth, the captain of the spacecraft, the blond woman Vickers, also issued the order to land.

 The surface temperature of LV-223 is 2.724 Kelvin, which is equivalent to minus 270 degrees Celsius, almost reaching absolute zero.

 Everyone must wear a full set of spacesuits to operate in this ultra-low temperature environment. Wieland’s spacesuits have developed rapidly in recent years. The original white and bloated spacesuits have long been abandoned. Now they are thermal insulation, radiation-proof, and resistant. Not to mention wear and tear, it also has certain comfort and fit characteristics.

 Everyone changed into their spacesuits, drove the exploration vehicle, and went to search the man-made buildings like bunkers.

 Elizabeth Xiao may have an aversion to firearms because of her family, but everyone except her still brought weapons.

 Those man-made buildings look small from the sky, but when we get to the ground, we find that they are not small at all.

 It is 800 meters high and the diameter of the exposed part exceeds 1,500 meters. The detector shows that the space below is larger and deeper.


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