Marvel’s Princess Chapter 736: LV-223


The next day, Bella slept until she woke up naturally.

Although her understanding of the boundaries between reality and dreams is becoming increasingly blurred, her sleep quality is indeed very good now.

“Did anything happen last night?” she asked while pouring milk for the two little guys.

The two children looked at each other, except that they secretly took the flying chess piece from Bella’s bag, there seemed to be nothing else going on! Fire alarms and tower cranes hitting buildings are trivial matters, not worth mentioning!

Bella also feels fine. Even in sleep, she has enough means to protect herself. The one similar to her situation is Odin. Don’t look at Odin falling into the state of Odin’s sleep. Standing next to him with a knife Try it around? He was stabbed to death by the eternal spear in minutes.

Bella was very happy to learn that nothing happened. This fully proved one thing. All those bad things were caused by her cheap daughter-in-law! As long as my wife is not here, the world will be peaceful for me!

She was eating breakfast and watching TV.

As she watched, Bella saw the figure of the big man Hobbes Sawyer on the TV. The big man was sternly complaining that there was something wrong with the food in the Pearl Tower, so much so that the four members of their family were hallucinating.

The TV station played a video of the Flying Tigers rushing into the building to rescue Zhao Longji and his party at midnight last night.

At that time, this group of people were hiding in a dark room and shivering. If there were no blood stains, magic circles, candles, suicide notes and other things at the scene, the Xiangjiang media even suspected that they were worshiping evil gods and then committed blood sacrifices and suicides.

Hallucination! I’m hallucinating! This is what Zhao Longji said at the press conference. Even he admitted that the Pearl Tower and the citizens around the Pearl Tower collectively experienced hallucinations. This hallucination must be caused by food.

Several experts on TV were talking about the causes and principles of this collective hallucination. Several scientists also showed a comparison of the data recorded at that time and the data done this morning. Several reports showed that the building had remained in place. There is no sign of instantaneous disappearance. Finally, experts also call on Xiangjiang citizens to watch next week’s “Into Science” column. Everyone must believe in science!

Even Keres and the killer Xia, who surrendered to the Hong Kong government, said there was a problem with the food and hoped that the government would urge an investigation into the matter.

“Is there something wrong with the food?” Bella scratched her head. Ordinary toxins could not affect the divine body at all. She was worried about her two children. The detoxification technique released one each. Afterwards, she was still worried, so she took the children to the maintenance department. Rand’s hospital took a closer look.

It was already noon when we came back. Bella had a meal with the big man Hobbs Sawyer and his family. Under the big man’s introduction, Bella and Zhao Longji got to know each other.

After playing in Xiangjiang for a long time in the afternoon, Bella was ready to take the children home in the evening.

“Xiaobei, why do you want to go back now?” Before getting on the plane, Yinglong asked her a question.

Bella subconsciously replied: “Of course…”

She was stunned for a moment. Playing on the weekend and going to work and school on Monday had formed a fixed pattern in her mind. Only when Yinglong asked her did she wake up.

She doesn’t have to go to work at all! She learned her doctorate in one go and she didn’t have to go to school! Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. are responsible for world security issues, Wilander is responsible for alien exploration, the old whip is helping Charlie’s campaign, and Gamora is still going around the universe with the mind scepter. Everything seems to be different. Need her.

She looked down at the two children, and the two little guys looked at her expectantly.

The two children combined are under six years old and do not need to go to school.

Sakura Dragon? Does Yinglong need to go to school or go to work?

“Then let’s play for two more days?”

“Play for two more days!”

This game lasted only half a month, and Yinglong’s original rhetoric of ‘returning to Kunlun in twenty years’ became ‘returning to Kunlun in five hundred years’!


Bella traveled around the world with her two children and Sakura, whose actual mental age was seven or eight years old. They did not return to the United States until early April.

In her spare time, she also turned a small part of her attention to extraterrestrial exploration missions.

Taking it all together, the Pioneer has made two round trips between Pandora and Earth. The first time it brought back all Pandora crystals, the second time it brought back a lot of miscellaneous things.

Rocks, branches, animal skins, bones, plants, and a brand new fruit.

The new fruit is about the size of a peach and is completely blue. Since it grows at the roots of those giant trees, it is more or less contaminated with Eva’s spiritual power.

The Na’vi people like to eat this fruit. After Bella’s research, she found that this fruit has an excellent effect in promoting sleep. Ordinary people will fall asleep in ten minutes after eating it. It is safe, healthy and has no side effects.

She named the fruit the Dream Fruit, planted it on a large scale in Wieland, and then sold it at a huge price.

The quality of sleep of modern people is really poor, and the secret lady in charge of sleep is very dissatisfied.

Nowadays, the richer people are, the less likely they are to sleep well. Just like the original cloned organs, the early sleep fruit was also sold to the rich.

Wilander gets money, the Secret Lady gets divine power, the rich get a high-quality and healthy sleep, and each of the three parties gets what they need.

The world situation is changing rapidly. Every country and every organization is actively preparing. Stark is researching armor with more functions. The five major countries are intensively training astronauts. Black Braised Egg has even put its own super The Hero Squadron plan is submitted to the World Security Council for review for the final time.

The Brotherhood has also not stopped its own development.

Following the traces of the Isu people is the common wish of the Knights and the Brotherhood, but they behave quite rationally. In comparison, 006, who joined the club later, is the most enthusiastic about finding the Isu people.

Seventy-five thousand years ago, Bella saw some Isu people leaving the earth in a spaceship. However, due to her own abilities in space, she could not understand what happened to the other party after they broke out of the solar system. Clear.

Without the space beacon, her current teleportation can only be limited to the solar system, which is more than one light-year and less than two light-years away.

006 presided over a more ambitious exploration plan, just to find these Isu people who had been away from home for many years.

The Isu people who left the earth died long ago, but their descendants must be somewhere in the universe.

What to do after you find it? Kill them? Or invite them back to Earth? No one knows.

But the first goal is to find it, and the rest will come later.

The Wieland telescope made comparisons and calculations based on many stone slabs left on the earth before, and finally discovered a satellite that was more suitable in terms of distance, size and environment.

This is a satellite of a larger planet located in the Zeta binary star system.

According to the agreement between Wieland and several major space powers, highly personal names such as Pandora and Patrick will no longer be used from now on, and will be represented by a unified number. The number of this satellite is LV-223.


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