Marvel’s Princess Chapter 735: No more playing, go to sleep!


 Sarah Sawyer, with her two children, knocked on the door with great force.

 Considering that this was an acquaintance after all, a companion who watched giant pandas together during the day, it was inappropriate to shut him out. Yinglong turned off the computer, shrank in size, and hid in Bella’s bag, while little Katie Come and open the door with little Elsa.

 ”Why are you alone? Where’s Bella? Something big happened outside! Big thing, really big thing! What?! Still sleeping? Go wake her up! Come on, come on!”

 The two little guys saw that Aunt Sarah was so anxious that they hurriedly ran into the house to call Bella.

 They were one on the left and one on the right, pushing Bella hard together.

 “Dad, wake up!”

 “Sister, don’t sleep, something happened!”



 Most of Bella’s consciousness was still telling jokes to the illithids in the dream dimension. At this time, the **** storm fell into the holy water river. The two horned demons passing by turned a blind eye. He suddenly got wise and shouted. The story of how after ‘Down with Lucifer’ he was fished out of the river by a panicked horned demon, and then handcuffed and taken away.

 She didn’t realize there was any danger on the earth, thinking it was just two little guys making trouble with her.

  She covered her face with the quilt, reached out her hand in a daze, and rubbed the top of little Aisha’s head twice: “What are you doing?”

 Yes, what should I say? Little Elsa turned around, wanting Sarah to speak.

 The big daughter-in-law subconsciously looked out the window and was stunned at the sight.

Bella only regained a small part of her consciousness, but even this small part of her consciousness was enough to break the illusory dream caused by Ludo.

 At this time, Sarah Sawyer looked out the window and found that she was back in Xiangjiang. She hurriedly opened the window and saw a modern steel city that had nothing to do with Neptune or the universe.

 She could see many reporters and citizens below the building, but the distance was too far and they all looked like small dots.

 ”Aunt Sarah?” Little Elsa trotted again and ran up to her, seeming to ask, why did you ask me to wake up my father?

 Sarah Sawyer is an active military doctor, not a housewife, but a knowledgeable person. At this time, she touched her head, and there was also a question mark on her forehead.

 What you saw before were all illusions? It seems that this is the only scientific explanation.

 As for why the collective hallucination occurred, it can only be attributed to something wrong with the food in the building!

  Realizing that she had made a big mistake, she felt that it was too embarrassing to wake Bella up now, so she forced a smile: “That… that, it’s okay, don’t wake her up, Let her continue to sleep.”

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 Little Elsa ran to Bella and said in a sweet voice: “Dad, please go back to sleep. It’s okay.”

Bella covered herself with the quilt and fell asleep again.

 Sarah Sawyer felt that she was really embarrassed and hurriedly left with her children. Yinglong turned on the computer again, and the two little guys continued to take out the chessboard and play their own flying chess.

 Little Katie held up the card and read: “Well, take five steps forward and encounter a lizard-man battleship?”


 Sarah Sawyer has just found Big Guy with her children. The family of four has not yet entered the elevator, and the world outside has changed again!

Cores Botha and Killer Xia have long given up their plan to kidnap Zhao Longji and extort 10 million, 100 million? What’s the point! If given a choice, they want to be good!

 When Sarah Sawyer asked little Elsa to wake up Bella, they had already ceased fire. They had reiterated several times that humans should not fight humans, and they agreed to talk to the outside world and survive together.

 They collected food, clothes, fire and wood just to persevere during the long journey through the universe. No one wanted to die as long as they were alive.

But Bella woke up briefly and allowed the Pearl Tower to return to the material world. The two sides immediately broke up with each other.

Cores Botha didn’t want to waste any time, not even a second. He led his men and fought hard with Zhao Longji’s bodyguards, just to grab the helicopter at the top of the building, and then leave this unfortunate place forever.

 Zhao Longji would not give up this escape route, and the two sides fought fiercely.

 But they had been fighting for less than five minutes when they found that the outside had turned into space again. Both sides stopped at the same time. There was no need to grab it. Whoever wanted it could take it. Now in this **** place, the helicopter has an egg!

 On the surface he is a billionaire, but secretly he is a director of the World Security Council. Zhao Longji is well-informed, but now he has no idea what happened.

 His bodyguard captain, assistant, big man Hobbs Sawyer, Cores Botha and killer Xia gathered together. Before they could come up with a countermeasure, they saw something blowing off the roof, and they said something The lizard man who speaks fluent English is driving an alien spaceship to kill us!

  Zhao Longji’s side has a large number of people, but the ammunition is getting less and less. The big man Hobbs has good strength, but most of his energy is spent on protecting his wife and children. He has not even 50% of his 100% strength. At this moment, a group of people fought and retreated. They were chased by lizardmen from the top two hundred floors of the building, and retreated all the way to the one hundredth floor.

 ”I hope we can still see the sun tomorrow.” Zhao Longji was also shot by the lizard man. Fortunately, the wound was vaporized on the spot, otherwise he would definitely die from excessive blood loss.

Cores Botha is the weakest in this small temporary team, with few ammunition, few manpower, and poor mental state. However, he has fought robots and chatted with illithids, so he has seen strong winds and waves. .

 At this time, he sneered: “Sun? At the current speed of the Pearl Tower, it will fly out of the solar system tomorrow! Your building is really good. You can tell the United Nations that there is no need for Wieland’s spaceship. How many times? Just build one building in one big country!”

 They blocked the entrance from top to bottom, and covered all the windows with thick cloth, making sure not to let any light be noticed by the lizardmen outside.

 Wait! All they can do now is wait! No one knew exactly what they were waiting for. A group of people each occupied a corner in a room of less than fifty square meters, waiting for that elusive hope.

 Sarah Sawyer completely forgot about the Bella family. She hugged her husband and children tightly and cherished every minute and second she had.

 In the presidential suite on the 90th floor, little Elsa yawned, and then looked at little Katie pitifully.

 “Sister-in-law, I’m sleepy again…”

 “Then go to bed and let’s play again next time.”

 “Yeah, okay.”

 The two put the flying chess piece back into Bella’s backpack. The originally quiet world suddenly became a little noisier. The two children didn’t know that the building had returned to its original position again.

 It was now midnight. Little Katie went to her room to sleep, while little Elsa lay in Bella’s arms. After a short time, she also fell asleep. Only Yinglong was left in the living room outside. Playing games with concentration!


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