Marvel’s Princess Chapter 728: Domestic Violence


 The two children packed the shopping cart when they saw any good things. They were deprived of the right to play games. Yinglong, who was in a cold war with Bella, also stuffed two packs of snacks into the cart.

 Suddenly there was a quarrel in the distance, the sound was very loud, and there seemed to be pushing and shoving, and then there was the sound of goods falling from the shelves.

 If someone fights, I won’t feel sleepy anymore!

 Bella, who was originally a little depressed, immediately loaded the two children into the shopping cart, pushed the cart and ran over to watch.

 She watched it with great interest, and it took only half a minute to figure out the whole story.

 A very typical American couple. The husband is called Peter and the wife is called Jessica. Just by looking at these popular names, you can tell that it is a common thing.

 Of course, for the person involved, it must be an extraordinary event. Not only is it extraordinary, it is a major event that will affect a lifetime.

 The cause of the matter is very simple. The wife secretly called her ex-boyfriend behind the shelf and cried to complain about her unsatisfactory period. Unexpectedly, her husband heard her, which later aroused her husband’s anger, and the two began to quarrel. , the sound became louder and louder, attracting onlookers from passers-by.

 The two had a very serious argument. It was obvious that the husband was furious. If this was not a public place, he would definitely beat his wife violently.

 ”What are you looking at? Get out! Get out!” Her husband Peter found a large circle of people watching around him and roared at everyone.

 Several housewives who were shopping left immediately, and Bella continued to watch the show as if nothing was wrong.

 The man’s eyes were red and he seemed to want to scold her, but he held back the words.

 Looking at Bella’s temperament and fearless look, you knew she was not an ordinary person. She really didn’t dare to mess with a small character like him. The husband strode out of the supermarket, leaving his wife squatting on the ground and crying.

 Bella had seen too many things like this. After the woman cried for a while, she handed over a few tissues.

 ”Your husband is full of anger. I think there is a high chance that he will attack you when he returns home. Go to a friend’s house to take shelter.”

 The woman wiped her tears and her voice choked up: “Thank you, Peter was not like this before… He has been under too much pressure recently.”

 Bella patted her shoulder: “No matter what he was like before, if he wants to hit you now, you must have the ability to resist. What is your name?”

 “Jessica Arndt.”

 ”Okay, Jessica, be strong. Compared to your long life, this is just a small ordeal.” Bella encouraged the other person.

  There are too many facts about domestic violence. It cannot be said that women are all persecuted. However, comprehensive comparison shows that the proportion of men’s violence against women is much greater than that of women’s violence against men. People like Samantha who hold a After all, the shotgun and ex-husband theory is in the minority. In most cases of domestic violence, women are the victims.

This kind of thing happens all over the world, throughout the timeline, and Bella can’t control it. She can only say that she meets one person and one person.

Hand the other person a pistol? Even though this is the United States, not many women know how to use a gun.

 She took out a stun device from her bag.

Bella was bullied at school many times before, and she kept a stun device in her bag for many years. This thing was really useful. After gaining psychic powers, she no longer used it, but out of habit, she always kept one in her bag.

 At this time, she took out the electric shock device and tried the effect. It was pretty good. She immediately handed it to the woman: “Take it, Jessica. If the man wants to hit you again, you can fight back.”

 Left the supermarket with the two children, walked out of the gate, and saw Xiao leaning on the car door.

 ”Are you really free, don’t you need to save the world? Are you concerned about such small things?” Xiao witnessed the whole process of her persuading Jessica Arndt, and he didn’t know how to complain.

 ”Don’t do evil because it’s small, don’t do good because it’s small.” Bella explained in English, and then looked at Jessica Arndt, who was still sad in the supermarket.

 ”Her husband will definitely beat her when he goes back today. If you have time, please help take care of her. I have to take my two children to see giant pandas.”

Little Katie and little Elsa waved to Xiao happily, and Xiao touched their little heads.

 “Okay, it’s just a small thing.”

Bella quickly boarded the plane to Xiangjiang.

 The Dassault Falcon 7X is her newly purchased private jet. It is a three-engine jet that cost her $35 million. The plane took off on Friday night and landed in Xiangjiang early on Saturday morning.

 Xiao’s phone call came quickly.

 “Your stun device is not used.”

 “There was no fight?”

 ”Hit, Jessica didn’t fight back, maybe she was frightened. The man named Peter really had a bad temper. When he got home, he started beating Jessica. Now Ms. Jessica, I can only call her this She, I seriously doubt she still wants the name Arndt… She had a fractured wrist, blunt force trauma to her head, and a slight sprain of her neck bone.”

 It sounded like the injury was serious, but Bella believed in Xiao’s ability: “What about now?”

 “Of course she is being treated in the hospital now. Her husband, let’s call him that, was injured by an unknown person and is now in the orthopedics department of another hospital.”

 There is no doubt that the unknown person Xiao talks about is herself.

 There was a hint of hesitation in Xiao’s tone: “It’s no problem to send her to the hospital, and the cost is no problem, but this Miss Jessica is currently suffering severe psychological and physical injuries. You won’t let me chat with her here to relieve her boredom, right? ? Sister can’t do this. I suggest you find someone else to come over quickly.”

 What Xiao is best at is beating people and racing cars! It is indeed difficult for her to be a close sister.

 Bella thought for a moment: “Don’t Jessica have an ex-boyfriend? You can try to contact this person and ask her ex-boyfriend to accompany her.”

 “This is a good idea.”

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Thirty minutes later, Xiao called again: “Ha, what do you think his boyfriend does? You can’t guess that he used to be a member of the Air Force Special Forces, but now he is the CIA! Or he is performing a secret mission I’m afraid not many people at Langley headquarters know where this person is, but I asked Gen to leave a message for him. He should be back home soon.”

Bella was a little surprised. From the description, she knew that Jessica’s ex-boyfriend was quite awesome! Those who can perform secret missions in the CIA are basically experts.

Compared with the FBI, which can pull out IDs from just anyone on the street, the CIA is much more serious, at least not as funny as the FBI. Old agents Brian and Ethan Hunt are both from the CIA. .

 Bella asked casually: “What is the name of this CIA?”

 Xiao answered more casually on the other side: “Called John or something.”

 There are people named John all over the street. This name really has no characteristics. It is probably a pseudonym. Bella will forget it after hearing it.

 “Okay, you can figure it out yourself.”


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